Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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I have been to 2 health facilities one here and one in Florida, I have not been to a teaching hospital, because I have seen top neurologists and because the tests show nothing they cannot advise me on a treatment, I need a good diagnostician one that doesn't need tests to know my problem...my migraines did not get worse after the bike accident, I got an additional headache not a migraine from hitting my head on the sidewalk, this lasted a year and then completely went away in 2019, I feel that the 2 sessions of Botox shots triggered something on the spot where I hit my head because now my severe pain is on that spot and on that side of my head, I am so sure that this is what happened, my Dr. gave me shots only 2 weeks apart and it must have been too early to get additional shots so it affected that area, like nerve endings, I have had this pain since last August it will be a year this august. I am hoping that someone will read my symptoms and have had a similar experience, I need help to get rid of this pain, I cannot take strong meds. because of all the meds I am now taking for high blood pressure, etc. I am limited to taking Tylenol, my Neurologist gave me a pill "Aventyl" 10 mg. I have been taking it for 3 weeks so far nothing, it is a pill for depression but they don't give it for depression but for pain, another neurologist said I could take 20, 30 40 up to 50 mg. of this pill, but my regular neurologist just prescribed 10mg. and even the 10 mg. give me terrible dry mouth which is a side effect.
so this is where I stand now, I am hoping that somehow I will get solution to this terrible pain.
I had my first botox injections 3 months ago and my migraines reduced to almost nothing. They are less severe but I do still need something to help with the pain when I get one. Unless you have great health insurance (I thought that mine was) it will cost a pretty penny. It costs me a little over $500 every 3-4 months with insurance.
You have to have at least 15 migraines a month and there are other criteria. I suggest that you keep a journal to keep track of your episodes.
I also second John's suggestion about seeking better help if you can't find a good neurologist.
Does this make sense?
None of them worked for me and I tried them ALL
What is "better help"?
I misspoke-Often teaching hospitals combine medical education, research, and patient care in a unique environment where the next generation of doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are trained. They foster an environment of discovery and the latest advances in medicine. And What are the advantages of a teaching hospital?
Teaching hospitals provide a host of other unique advantages to patients like improved quality of care, new cures, and treatment therapies, state-of-the-art technologies, shorter length of stay for major illnesses, superior outcomes, and survival rates, specialized surgeries, and experimental medical procedures.
I have participated in a few trials that have gone on to be very successful procedures for others. I'm very proud of this. I was one of the first 5 people ever treated with proton radiation for lung cancer at MGH in the USA. The doctor who was in charge of this has been my radiologist for all of my radion treatments and they have all been successful. Hospitals like Mayo and MGH (Mass General) are the type of hospitals that we are talking about.
Does this help?
Reading all this comments - I would go back to the source of your pain. The exact injury or source of the injury. Have you had any adjustments to you neck or spine - could it be out of place, causing your headaches? Have your had any massages, or chiropractic adjustments to your cervical spine? This may be a reason for your repeated headaches. Do you have allergies, sinus difficulties, or had headaches post COVID virus that never went away? The SARS virus attacks the brain and causes headaches, respiratory symptoms long-term and will get in the way of diagnoses and treatment plans. Check your calendar for the start of symptoms, what was done, if it helped, what did not work and chart out a diary for your migraine history to help yourself and your physicians figure out how to care for you. It is becoming more difficult these days to detect the COVID virus because it is now blending itself into and with the other viruses so that all of their symptoms are hard to find and treat. We must be detectives and monitor our bodies symptoms - what we are exposed to, what we eat, how we react to stimuli, what we do to protect ourselves and what means we use to inhibit our symptoms from getting out of control. It is a fighting battle I would agree, but one that can be managed in ways that decrease your migraines and still give you a life that is half way decent. Eloise
I am so sorry for you. How about ice? Something called an Icekap you can buy on the internet. Worth a shot.
Thank you so much for your suggestion, I have tried ice, this pain is not from an injury, I had the accident in 2018 and was told the headache would go away in a year and it did, it is when I got the Botox shots in August 2021 that the shot must have triggered a nerve ending or something like that and now I am experiencing severe pain especially when I cough.
May I ask why you got Botox when the headache had gone away?
I didn't get Botox for that headache, I got it for my Migraines, I have those since I am a child, and they were bad a few people who have migraines suggested I do the Botox so I did, it was not for the headache that I had from the bike accident that ended in 2019, I did the botox ast year in 2021 August. hope this explains it.