"The HUM", a persistent Low Frequency Noise

Posted by Soliloquized @soliloquized, Dec 28, 2019

As I sit, writing, my left ear is filled with the Classic Hum. Both my ears used to hear it, but after an ear infection in the right ear, leaving no measurable loss of hearing as determined by yearly workplace hearing tests, I no longer hear it in the right.

Certainly, others must hear it.

My wife, largely complete loss of hearing in one ear, high frequency Tinnitus in the other, and myself, excellent hearing as tested by yearly workplace physicals, started hearing the HUM on the same day, in the same location, over a decade ago. We hear it exactly the same in a number of places separated by hundreds of miles. We have experimented by asking if the other could hear the HUM, whether in certain parts of the structure we were in (home we rented in the Country, home we owned in the City) if it was louder, quieter, or audible at all, and had an extremely high degree of concurrence.

It appears to be a real world event, not Tinnitus, but IMHO, the American Medical Community is trying to pawn it off as Tinnitus. I've seen a few references to the National Institutes of Health claiming, on flimsy questionnaires sent out, that the HUM is, indeed, Tinnitus.

My wife heard it, simultaneous to me hearing it, for a decade, I still hear it, but if you mention this to doctors, they look at you like you have snakes coming out of your head. My ENT has been sick, so my appointment with him has been delayed, he's back to work but catching up. I see the ENT due to a cancerous thyroid he removed. But recently, my right ear has been acting up. It makes a spontaneous rumbling noise that I can voluntarily reproduce. But telling this to my family doctor, that I can voluntarily make this rumbling (not the HUM) and also mentioning the HUM, since I hear it in my left ear but the right ear is acting up, on both counts, I don't think he believes me, or understands. Yet, yesterday, I found an article that says that some people have voluntary control over a muscle attached to the Tympanic Membrane. That's my voluntarily induced rumbling (not HUM).

So, there are some forms of Tinnitus, "Pulsatile Tinnitus (PT) is a symptom that affects nearly five million Americans. The sensation of hearing a rhythmic noise, such as a heartbeat, swooshing or whooshing, from no external source, is, at best, a little unsettling; for many, the near constant sound exceeds annoyance and becomes completely debilitating" that can cause noises in your hearing, but decidedly is not the HUM. I'd be interested in reading what others have to say on these experiences, if you don't feel like outing yourself, you could always say a friend of yours.......

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hearing Loss Support Group.

Thank you. It is important to share true research into this widespread infrasound low frequency environmental stressor, if not for any other reason than helping people cope with situation


Hi @ctsteve, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to a resource with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.

- The Unexplained Noise 2 Percent of People Can Hear https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/593992/doom-vibrations/

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@ctsteve This is interesting indeed. As a person with hearing loss, I struggle to hear when these documentaries add unnecessary sound to their videos. Fortunately, captions were available. Thanks for sharing
Tony in Michigan


I have been experiencing the hum that likely millions of others are as well. In 2009 I took it on myself to research and try to get support from various agencies in the US Federal Govt. In particular FERC and those regulating the natural gas pipeline industry as my research concluded to be the source of my LF sound and vibrations in CT. To that I suggest interested parties watch a 29 minute short documentary posted by the Atlantic in “the hum” called The Hum, the unexplained noise 2% of people can hear”. Unfortunately as new member cant post link

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Thank you Steve for your great research. I started to notice the HUM about 15 years ago. I live in Watertown Wisconsin and was wondering if this was one of the areas that showed up on your map for being particularly prone to this. I have severe hearing loss also so the HUM is really noticeable for me. Thanks for your interest.


Hi Scott
I may have sent a partial response, fat fingers.
Yes Watertown fits the Gas Pipeline Syndrome model. One of the core team (Dale) moved from San Francisco back to Milwaukee and has been studying the LF conditions there.
I am including a screen shot from a mapping project of hum self reports on thehum.info site that will show how bad the number of people in your area is experiencing this.
All can be associated to the huge number of high pressure natural gas pipelines in WI. I also sent Dale a copy of your response


Most of my research and that of others with similar conviction is posted in the files section of a FB group dedicated to sharing facts about this type source called “The Real World Hum” or the website of the same name “therealworldhum.ca”
If anyone is interested


Interesting comments and first time I have read of others with "musical ears/hearing." I had read it was auditory hallucinations so musical ear feels better to me. Tinnitus started over 20 yrs ago but just the occasional ping, click on and off for years. Then over the past 3 years with quite a few antibiotics perhaps, I also started hearing a "mechanical noise" (round and round like a clothes dryer) we had a new heating furnace in basement under my bedroom , natural gas runs heat in winer and air cond. in summer; and I also got "flu" and dr. said eustachian tube disfunction, i.e. Pain, plus tmj has roared its ugly head again so daily pain, echo when talk: ENT wont put in ear tubes as my age (78) Also slight/moderate hearing loss. OK, so I presumed all was tinnitus when I heard noise esp. during night, woke me up. Havent slept a full night in over 2 years.. put You Tube relaxation tapes on most of night.... Husband can't hear it so it doesnt exist to him! Daughter said mum there is noise at night, traffic etc., which I realize, but this droning went on for hours at a time. Sooo. last September realized was waking me up around same time during night and I started to write down times and although not right on the dot, the noise is around 1 , 3, 5, then another sound on top around 6... so as someone else says here; neighbours with pool heaters on and off through night, hot tubs, as we all mostly use natural gas which has an intake pipe and an "exhaust pipe" usually on their roof and they can be very noisy: also trains a mile or so away but cant see them from here and trains station says they dont keep track (what?) as not passenger but freight!..... so here I am; like you, trying to find out is it my tinntus (as one night everyone's hydro off but I could still hear noise a bit so not fridges; is it a neighbour on shift work building something in garage? The night hyro off, we are 2 blocks from City's water treatment plant that runs 24/7 generator backup, we are 2 blocks from Trans Canada pipeline... it runs 24/7 and also runs under the ground and under a nearby lake!!! - vibrations? - 2 fridges downstairs I cant hear them running when standing next to them but if put my ear to side can hear when runing. Like others here, family think I am going mad and it is enough to make you go mad. Also relieved to know others hear voices - not menal health ones although I am depressed and anxious - and as said, people hear type of music from years ago, big band era; at Christmas time right ear, Oh Come All Ye Faithful right ear, and I thought neighbour playing carols but they were not home also same refrain over and over again for a few weeks.. eventaully I tried to stop worrying about it and almost hummed along with it an it went away; one night I woke up and it was as if a female singer with band was singing right next to me in bed and it actually was amazing quality, but scared me almost to death. That hasnt happened again but do hear men whistling a song. It is worse after being on speaker phone, watching TV with too much base, raising my voice. Sometimes when its all happening at once its to much to handle. But, what I have self diagnozed myself with is HYPER ACUSIS... and am hearing sounds louder than normal!!! I also feel vibrations with the mchanical noise - is there a water main runnng under our house? Honestly, so many people have the above WHY not more help/explanation for us. Its more than tinnitus, its more than hearing loss, its life changing! Not for sympathy, but I already have a list of other illnesses including glaucoma, hypothyroid, peripheral neuropathy, ibs/fecal incontinence, chronic sinus, migraines, , small stroke, and although some may be heridetary, I blame too many medications some unnecessary over the years esp. antibiotics! Sorry to be so lengthy but it is a lengthy, lifelong, scary situation we are in and, yes, drs. have no idea! With everything else i sometimes think death will be the only peace I will get. Sometimes noise in ear/s louder than someone speaking to me!
Wishing us all some help!!! 🌷 Anyone any more helpful ideas??? Thanks


Lacy. Why even if you suspect hypercusis should you be subjected to a sound force that is hurting you.
I would contact your MP’s and complain. We have a very committed person lije myself in Neves AB. If you do Face Book come join us. The Real World Hum. Unlike all the chat rooms of the this one is fact based. I feel for your duress. The conditions here in western CT have increased again


Interesting comments and first time I have read of others with "musical ears/hearing." I had read it was auditory hallucinations so musical ear feels better to me. Tinnitus started over 20 yrs ago but just the occasional ping, click on and off for years. Then over the past 3 years with quite a few antibiotics perhaps, I also started hearing a "mechanical noise" (round and round like a clothes dryer) we had a new heating furnace in basement under my bedroom , natural gas runs heat in winer and air cond. in summer; and I also got "flu" and dr. said eustachian tube disfunction, i.e. Pain, plus tmj has roared its ugly head again so daily pain, echo when talk: ENT wont put in ear tubes as my age (78) Also slight/moderate hearing loss. OK, so I presumed all was tinnitus when I heard noise esp. during night, woke me up. Havent slept a full night in over 2 years.. put You Tube relaxation tapes on most of night.... Husband can't hear it so it doesnt exist to him! Daughter said mum there is noise at night, traffic etc., which I realize, but this droning went on for hours at a time. Sooo. last September realized was waking me up around same time during night and I started to write down times and although not right on the dot, the noise is around 1 , 3, 5, then another sound on top around 6... so as someone else says here; neighbours with pool heaters on and off through night, hot tubs, as we all mostly use natural gas which has an intake pipe and an "exhaust pipe" usually on their roof and they can be very noisy: also trains a mile or so away but cant see them from here and trains station says they dont keep track (what?) as not passenger but freight!..... so here I am; like you, trying to find out is it my tinntus (as one night everyone's hydro off but I could still hear noise a bit so not fridges; is it a neighbour on shift work building something in garage? The night hyro off, we are 2 blocks from City's water treatment plant that runs 24/7 generator backup, we are 2 blocks from Trans Canada pipeline... it runs 24/7 and also runs under the ground and under a nearby lake!!! - vibrations? - 2 fridges downstairs I cant hear them running when standing next to them but if put my ear to side can hear when runing. Like others here, family think I am going mad and it is enough to make you go mad. Also relieved to know others hear voices - not menal health ones although I am depressed and anxious - and as said, people hear type of music from years ago, big band era; at Christmas time right ear, Oh Come All Ye Faithful right ear, and I thought neighbour playing carols but they were not home also same refrain over and over again for a few weeks.. eventaully I tried to stop worrying about it and almost hummed along with it an it went away; one night I woke up and it was as if a female singer with band was singing right next to me in bed and it actually was amazing quality, but scared me almost to death. That hasnt happened again but do hear men whistling a song. It is worse after being on speaker phone, watching TV with too much base, raising my voice. Sometimes when its all happening at once its to much to handle. But, what I have self diagnozed myself with is HYPER ACUSIS... and am hearing sounds louder than normal!!! I also feel vibrations with the mchanical noise - is there a water main runnng under our house? Honestly, so many people have the above WHY not more help/explanation for us. Its more than tinnitus, its more than hearing loss, its life changing! Not for sympathy, but I already have a list of other illnesses including glaucoma, hypothyroid, peripheral neuropathy, ibs/fecal incontinence, chronic sinus, migraines, , small stroke, and although some may be heridetary, I blame too many medications some unnecessary over the years esp. antibiotics! Sorry to be so lengthy but it is a lengthy, lifelong, scary situation we are in and, yes, drs. have no idea! With everything else i sometimes think death will be the only peace I will get. Sometimes noise in ear/s louder than someone speaking to me!
Wishing us all some help!!! 🌷 Anyone any more helpful ideas??? Thanks

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I have no idea what your problem is, but half way through reading it, my conclusion was that you may have hyperacusis. Then I saw, in the next paragraph or two that you mention it.

Hyperacusis and tinnitus are both mysteries to the medical community. They may be caused by over exposure to noise, over time or suddenly.

I have tinnitus, and have had it for decades. It sounds like crickets, but on occasion is a hum. I try to mentally turn it into something positive. Sometimes a song works. I always liked the sound of crickets at night at our family cabin when I was a kid, so those crickets don't bother me.

I also find that rhythmic breathing helps me when I'm stressed. Have you ever practiced any stress management and relaxation strategies?


I have no idea what your problem is, but half way through reading it, my conclusion was that you may have hyperacusis. Then I saw, in the next paragraph or two that you mention it.

Hyperacusis and tinnitus are both mysteries to the medical community. They may be caused by over exposure to noise, over time or suddenly.

I have tinnitus, and have had it for decades. It sounds like crickets, but on occasion is a hum. I try to mentally turn it into something positive. Sometimes a song works. I always liked the sound of crickets at night at our family cabin when I was a kid, so those crickets don't bother me.

I also find that rhythmic breathing helps me when I'm stressed. Have you ever practiced any stress management and relaxation strategies?

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Could the EMF from modern telecom 3G, 4G, 5G,...Smart Appliances, transformer sonic emissions from lighting, etc. and other radio waves now in our environment be a factor?

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