← Return to COVID vaccines and neuropathy


COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: 6 days ago | Replies (2172)

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As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness and tingling started. I saw my family doctor and a neurologist several times. I had an EMG, numerous blood tests and a neck MRI. Everything normal.The paraesthesias continued through March. Then in April, my doctor had the idea of putting me on 5 days of prednisone. It seemed to help a little. By May, I felt like I was on the mend with hardly any tingling and numbness. It was 98% better. BUT, a few days ago, I was working in the garden and I felt some tingling in one of my feet and it is now back full strength accompanied with leg pains and back pain. I don't know what to think. I am seeing my doctor again an a week. Throughout this all I have taken Alpha Lipoic Acid on the recommendation of the neurologist, glutamine, my usual vitamins. Also tried gabapentin for several days, which made things worse, so I stopped. Nothing has made the slightest difference.
I live in a small southern Colorado town and have considered traveling to Denver to see a neurologist at a large teaching hospital. I called and the first appointment is 6 months out! December. Maybe I would get an answer up there. My own thought is that I have some some kind of small fiber neuropathy that was triggered by the last vaccine and that may come and go. I would love to get an actual diagnosis however. I wish you the best and hopefully these symptoms will fade for both of us.

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Replies to "As you know, I had my 4th Pfizer shot Jan 28 and that night the numbness..."

Yikes, I am so sorry about your situation. I am also in Colorado, in the Denver area.

I wish I had known about these risks when I got my fourth COVID-19 vaccine, my first Moderna after 3 Pfizer in mid-may. I had no adverse reactions to the three Pfizer shots. Ever since the Moderna vaccine, I have been experiencing neuropathy in my feet, hands and all over my body -- for 7 weeks now 😢. The worst symptom is burning mouth syndrome -- it is driving me nuts. I am really worried that I will have neuropathy symptoms for the rest of my life. I had zero such problems until the fourth shot, my first moderna. I am very much regretting that decision. Is there any hope that this will just go away? Does anyone know?

Since yours started in January I was hoping it was better by now! That is interesting that Prednisone temporarily cleared it up so wonder if it is the immune system attacking the nerves. I am in Iowa and I do see an internal medicine Dr at a University teaching hospital though she has not referred me to a neurologist yet but I plan to ask about that. Please keep me updated if you are able to see a neurologist in Denver. And if I see one here I will post updates. Hopefully one of us will learn of something that will help!

Hi Selene,
I'm in Denver also. Please let me know how your dr visit goes. This is happening to me also and I didn't realize it may be because of the Covid vacinnes! I am a full time caregiver for my elderly mother 24/7, so this has become beyond words for me, let alone hindered caring for someone else felling this way!
I pray you find encouraging answers!