How long do Lupron side effects last after treatment concludes?

Posted by jbuuck @jonbuuck, May 10, 2021

I've been on Lupron for two years. The treatments have ended. How long do the side effects last? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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My Gleason was 3.3 in the beginning and now is 0.05.

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I think you meant to say your PSA was 3.3 in the beginning ?


Dear jbuuck, you raise a good question. I had cancer with a 4+4 Gleason score. Mayo doctors prescribed 3 lupron shots in 6 month intervals in addition to 20 proton beam treatments. My treatment began in November 2018. I was told the side effects of the Lupron could last for the same number of months after my treatment as I was on Lupron. So, that period ended in April of this year. I have to say that all of my side effects are gone. My libido has returned but I do have some ED. That could be result of age, I'm 77.
Along the way, in addition to exercise, I had an infusion (can't remember the name of drug) to strengthen bone density to counteract effect of lose of testosterone. I've been assured that testosterone will be restored and bone density will be restored. Almost everyone who takes Lupron will have bone density issues, which will increase potential of breaks.
I don't know if my experience will match yours. My brother is now going through treatment similar to mine and his reaction has been different then mine.

For me, the biggest take away is that you will return more normal life after the ADT but it takes some time.

Best of luck to you. You have a lot of brothers going through the same thing you are experiencing.


I think you meant to say your PSA was 3.3 in the beginning ?

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Why yes....that is what I meant. My Gl was 7, 4+3


My husband is on EliGuard which is supposed to be better for protecting bone density than other options?
Anyone know anything about it? Same routine of injections every 6 months.


A numbr of years ago, per Stanford Medical Center, I took Lupron shots for a couple of years prior to treatment via radiation (daily for two months). All went well eventually - except that at 80, I am still dealing - every morning - with moderate hot flashes, 4-5 early morning urinations and headaches; those are certainly endurable; most importantly for me, however,I have a number of hours of depression before late morning. (Relatively debilitating; seriously negative feelings about everything, dark moods, until it all breaks around 10AM.) Can't seem to kick them. (Both local radiatiologist and oncologist plus GP seem to accept them as par for the course.) Suggestions? THANKS! (Great site.)

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I’m seeing this well after the fact but I have a comment for anyone that might have the same problem. I am in month 7 of Lupron and month 3 of Erleada. I have noticed that anxiety and depression have increased. Having Tourette’s, sometimes my tics are very pronounced. I was reading some studies about Green Tea in the morning reducing anxiety the entire day and found it to be very helpful. When I have green tea right after I get up and before my coffee, breakfast, or whatever, my anxiety, depression, and tics are largely normal for the rest of the day.


I had lupron and Erleada for 12 months with RP mid way through and I have been off of the drugs since 12-15-22. I did have depression issues and low energy and a little rash. I now feel great ( still have hot flashes ) and I started to feel better about 2 weeks ago and feeling better each day. Good luck to you. This is a battle worth doing.


I’m seeing this well after the fact but I have a comment for anyone that might have the same problem. I am in month 7 of Lupron and month 3 of Erleada. I have noticed that anxiety and depression have increased. Having Tourette’s, sometimes my tics are very pronounced. I was reading some studies about Green Tea in the morning reducing anxiety the entire day and found it to be very helpful. When I have green tea right after I get up and before my coffee, breakfast, or whatever, my anxiety, depression, and tics are largely normal for the rest of the day.

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I am on Zolodex injections and now Xtandi or Enzalutamide I have tiredness only I feel positive even though med oncologist said Enza may only last 18 months I have my BP pill then Oatmeal then sake easy to swallow Enzalutamide 4 pills $33.75 CDN each OHIP paid along with a D3 dissolvable

I have green tea with breakfast and throughout the day Soothing I am anxious in the evening though Any thoughts. A tad depressed thinking what's after 18 months?


I am on Zolodex injections and now Xtandi or Enzalutamide I have tiredness only I feel positive even though med oncologist said Enza may only last 18 months I have my BP pill then Oatmeal then sake easy to swallow Enzalutamide 4 pills $33.75 CDN each OHIP paid along with a D3 dissolvable

I have green tea with breakfast and throughout the day Soothing I am anxious in the evening though Any thoughts. A tad depressed thinking what's after 18 months?

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There are so many options available for cancer treatment that if one doesn’t work or loses effectiveness, you can try another. Stay positive and do some research. Think of cancer as a chronic disease, not a death sentence.


Just curious. Does Hormone Therapy, kill any cancer cells ?


Just curious. Does Hormone Therapy, kill any cancer cells ?

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According to my radiation oncologist, hormone therapy does not kill cancer cells. By starving the cancer cells of testosterone, they shrivel and cannot reproduce. This makes them more susceptible to radiation, which damages the DNA irreparably.

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