Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?

Posted by erice10 @erice10, Nov 11, 2021

Since having Covid in Jan. of 2021, I have had constant numbness and joint stiffness in my feet. Is there a treatment or therapy to help with this? Is there a study researching this kind of problem in Covid long haulers? I had an ultrasound checking the blood circulation in my legs and everything was fine.

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This is unrelated too: After a senior Flu shot my breasts & nearby area became unbelievably lumpy. I thought I was dying too. Do any monthly breast exam before receiving the shot! The Breast doctor I saw afterward advised me to take vaccinations in the same arm.

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Not sure if this would pertain to you but even when MDs suggest I can get two vaccines together, I never have. This has always worked for me. There are preservatives in flu shots that are toxic. I believe PEG-80 is one that is in it. Toxins can sometimes interact in us and cause unusual things to happen. The conservative approach I've taken with myself and my kids is to have 1 vaccine at a time and after my immunity is achieved from the first vaccine, I get the second. Was told by myy MD that 30 days is a good amount of days to wait between vaccines as immunity is developed by then before adding another shot to the mix...


Not sure if this would pertain to you but even when MDs suggest I can get two vaccines together, I never have. This has always worked for me. There are preservatives in flu shots that are toxic. I believe PEG-80 is one that is in it. Toxins can sometimes interact in us and cause unusual things to happen. The conservative approach I've taken with myself and my kids is to have 1 vaccine at a time and after my immunity is achieved from the first vaccine, I get the second. Was told by myy MD that 30 days is a good amount of days to wait between vaccines as immunity is developed by then before adding another shot to the mix...

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Thank you for your insights. I do believe I observed receiving vaccination singularly precautions. My injection site had been sore for multiple days afterward (I remember now that I had been unable to sleep on that arm/side). So the underlying issue may have resulted from overall reduced immobility of that extremity related to discomfort. I had gone out of my way to receive this vaccination at a Specialty Pharmacy at a medical center. The Pharmacist had taken great care to review my history (was accessible to her online) and allergies beforehand. Additionally, I had skipped this vaccination the year prior and gotten very sick as a result, so my immune system may have sprung into complete overdrive in responding to it for all I know.


Thought some of you following this discussion may be interested in two recent articles listed on Neuropathy Commons -

Peripheral Neuropathy Evaluations of Patients With Prolonged Long COVID

Does nerve damage contribute to “long-COVID” symptoms?


Thanks - the study link was very informative. My primary care Dr made the diagnosis and am waiting for a neurology appointment. I have one booked but interested if you know any good specialists in San Diego


Thanks - the study link was very informative. My primary care Dr made the diagnosis and am waiting for a neurology appointment. I have one booked but interested if you know any good specialists in San Diego

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I don't know of any neurology specialists in the San Diego area but hopefully members with experience may be able to share with you. I guess if it were me, I would look into a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic. I've read about a Mayo Clinic affiliate in the San Diego area. Affiliates have access to Mayo Clinic resources which might be helpful. Here's a link with more info -


What I’ve learned nearly 2 years post COVID after the PRC Program at Mayo in Jacksonville Pain Rehab Center. Pain/Symptom Rehab center that Damage to the Central nervous system brain and spine will not repair over time but in the peripheral nervous system it can. I currently take Cymbalta and Gabapentin for Longhaulers andNeuropathy.


I don't have numbness, but there are times my feet feel really hot, like they're having a hot flash. I was positive 2 weeks ago. Vaxxed & 1 booster. Age 69. My symptoms were massive headache for several days, funny feeling in mouth ( like having eaten to many vinegar chips), cough with phlegm, very tired & sleepy, shortness of breath. Blurry vision loss of taste & smell, joint aches. O2 was high 80s low 90s. Lack of concentration. 2 weeks post, still have intermittent headache & blurry vision, less cough but still phlegmy, short of breath, like sometimes I can't catch my breath, less lethargic, still no taste or smell but no funny mouth feel. O2 mostly low 90s. Concentration better but not like pre covid. I sew a lot & have had difficulty with patterns I make frequently. Never had any fever. Have not seen my doctor, not sure if I need to or just give it more time. I am obese, take thyroid, depression, GERD & asthma meds. Asthma doesn't seem affected. The shortness of breath is different from asthma symptoms.


I don't have numbness, but there are times my feet feel really hot, like they're having a hot flash. I was positive 2 weeks ago. Vaxxed & 1 booster. Age 69. My symptoms were massive headache for several days, funny feeling in mouth ( like having eaten to many vinegar chips), cough with phlegm, very tired & sleepy, shortness of breath. Blurry vision loss of taste & smell, joint aches. O2 was high 80s low 90s. Lack of concentration. 2 weeks post, still have intermittent headache & blurry vision, less cough but still phlegmy, short of breath, like sometimes I can't catch my breath, less lethargic, still no taste or smell but no funny mouth feel. O2 mostly low 90s. Concentration better but not like pre covid. I sew a lot & have had difficulty with patterns I make frequently. Never had any fever. Have not seen my doctor, not sure if I need to or just give it more time. I am obese, take thyroid, depression, GERD & asthma meds. Asthma doesn't seem affected. The shortness of breath is different from asthma symptoms.

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Welcome @butterbeanme, If you haven't already reported your COVID symptoms, you might want to use the VAERs site to report an adverse event -

It sounds like it's still early in your COVID recovery. You might want to join the following discussion and see if others may have some suggestions that help:
-- Any tips to help recovery for a COVID Long-Hauler?:

Given that you mentioned you haven't seen a doctor yet and one of the symptoms is shortness of breath, you might want to give them a call just to be safe.


I had a mild case of covid in late January. Since that time, I have had heartburn, burping and general gut pain, no constipation. I had an endoscopy with scoping all the way through the stomach, showing no problems. I took 14 days of the antibiotic given for irritable bowel syndrome. I saw a little improvement. I was prescribed famotidine, Pepsidid, 40 mg twice a day and Gaviscon, one tablespoon after dinner with nothing to eat or drink after the Gaviscon. Half the nights, I can sleep. The other nights I am awakened with heartburn some time between 2 and 4 am. I sleep almost sitting up with a wedge pillow. I am very active and not overweight, never smoked, Mediterranean diet, no processed or fast food. Diet restricted by foods that cause problems: no soy, no sulfites or nitrites, no lactose dairy, limited nightshades, no walnuts. Tried liquid aloe, cold green tea.


Either the Covid or the vaccine is giving lots of pain daily for almost two years. My doctor prescribed me nerve pain medicine but it’s not helping much. I’m 25 years old and very active before this. Please let me know if anyone else is having issue or if there are any treatment for this.

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