Soy posible donante de riñon | I am a possible kidney donor
Estoy en examenes para donar un riñon a mi padre. Tengo mucha ilusión y deseo de verlo de nuevo sano y feliz pero por momentos me da miedo el procedimiento y las posibles consecuencias. Algún testimonio de donante por aquí?
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Hello, @luna69. I think that your fear is a healthy sign because it shows that you understand the seriousness of organ donation. I can add that from my own experience as a recipient, that I felt the same way as I waited for my transplant surgery. Your concerns and questions are an important part of your journey to organ donation. I'm happy that you have joined Connect so that you will be able to hear from others who can support you along the way. I wish you safe travels tomorrow as you begin your journey to Columbia and I wish you to have an informative evaluation. Be sure to ask questions and take notes while you are there. Keep in mind a most important fact: the evaluation is to be absolutely certain that you are healthy enough to have a successful surgery and recovery.
I would like to encourage you to scroll back to the posts that Colleen shared on Mar 4 about other members who have shared their experiences. I think that you will feel more confident as you read about their kidney donation stories.
I invite @danhoe, @mauraacro, @glengelmd1 to this discussion. What advice do you have to offer to Luna? Were you afraid? How did you overcome your greatest fears about donation?
@luna69 , Will you be visiting your dad?
Hola! Ya hice todos mis exámenes y hoy la nefróloga me dijo que soy apta para donar! Aparte de poner darle ese Riñon a mi papá estoy feliz que a mis 53 años mis órganos y estado de salud sea tan bueno. Ahora a esperar la autorización para la cirugía, espero todo siga fluyendo de la mejor manera. Gracias a este grupo y a sus testimonios que me han ayudado mucho.
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Congratulations to you and the recipient!
It will be a time of making arrangements and learning many new things for you. Knowing you have the opportunity to make such a big difference in someone's life is such a gift!
Gracias por tu mensaje, si, me llena de emoción estar en todo este proceso.
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@luna69, I am thrilled to hear that you will be able to donate a kidney to your dad. I can feel your excitement along with a little touch of anxiety and some fear at the prospect of surgery.
I saw your message while I was undergoing my 13th annual liver/kidney check-up. I am living a completely healthy life and I want you to tell your dad that if he follows the doctor's instructions, takes his medications as prescribes, gets routine labs, and makes it a priority to eat heathy diet and stay active that he will have a most enjoyable life.
Luna, Please know that I am thinking about you and have whispered a prayer for authorization and uneventful surgery and recovery for both of you.
Now that I'm back home and healthy - I'm going to be checking in everyday, so let me know if you have any questions.
Life can be good because of organ donors like you ❤
Me emociona mucho tu mensaje, gracias por tus deseos y oraciones. Como decía antes, haber llegado a este grupo ha sido maravilloso pues los testimonios me han servido de soporte y ánimo. Si que quisiera preguntarte, tener una alimentación sana para el receptor del órgano me parece normal, pero son las mismas restriccionea que antes de la cirugía? Mi papá está en diálisis y la dieta es muy restrictiva.
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@luna69, This is a good question. Your dad will get dietary directions from his kidney team. If he is as lucky as I was, he will be happy - with fewer restrictions and able to enjoy eating again. As far as I know, there are no restrictions for the donor, however due to some discomfort and bowel issues for a short while, you might want to delay heavy/rich foods.
Several years ago, when @mauraacro was in the process of donating a kidney, she was most gracious to share her experience as it occurred - a live account. I am sharing a link to her journey and suggest that you read her account at the beginning of this (long and popular) discussion. As always, on Connect, you can join in and ask questions.
Just click this link and you will be taken directly to:
Kidney transplant - The Journey from the Donor's Side
Have you heard anything about a surgery date?
Gracias! Ha sido genial leer de esta experiencia, cada que Leo un testimonio así quedo muy emocionada y me llena de valor. De la fecha aún no sabemos nada pero según creo la próxima semana ya nos dirán algo y sin duda estaré compartiendo mi experiencia aquí. Bendiciones
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Good morning,
From my husbands experience the only restrictions are around making sure the food is properly heated and not raw. One of his appointments will be with a nutritionist and they discuss no sushi, oysters, buffets and if you have a deli type sandwich the meat must be cooked first and pomegranate and certain oranges are out, they will give you the full list. Of course eating healthy is always important, he will be on prednisone which increases the appetite so watching his diet will always be important but in no way anything like his diet on dialysis which as I remember was really tough - and of course they want you both to drink at least 2 liters of water a day which actually after been fluid starved on dialysis took a little time to get used to.
Good luck
Sorry just seeing your earlier comments, congratulations on being approved I remember getting that call and it was like a weight had finally been lifted from my heart.
I was my husbands donor one year ago and was 57 at that time and the surgery was very easy for me. I made sure I was in good shape pre-surgery walking 4-5 miles 5 days a week to really make sure I had good strength and think it helped. The day of surgery waking up I was in a little discomfort so they gave me something and I went back to sleep, waking from that I felt fine. The nurse encouraged me to take a pain pill that night in hospital and I decided to take one the following night I got home just in case but didn't take anything after that, occasionally had a twinge in my abdomen but that was it. If you follow their instructions about not over-doing it or lifting anything over a certain weight you should be fine. The day of surgery I didn't eat and then about 10 pm was ravenous and they gave me some crackers - so I'd pack some snacks for yourself. The following morning I had a really light breakfast at the hospital and was good after that, made sure I ate some salads and drank plenty of fluids to keep my GI system going. I did buy an abdominal support as I found myself holding by tummy when I walked - no idea why but it help and wore it for about 2 weeks during the day. Also I would have some summer dresses that don't tie at the waist as you will have 3 incisions and although not painful at all I didn't wear anything that rubbed against the bigger scar for a couple of weeks.
Good luck and so pleased for you and your father - I always say this but truly ever day I am thankful I was able to donate as seeing my husband do so well is wonderful.