Well, I'm 73 but my mom is almost 96 and has severe dementia, otherwise healthy. My dad was 94 when he died. He had Alzheimer's, with all the typical ALZ syndromes. He also did not have other diseases that would kill him, such as heart disease, nor cancer, so it was a matter of ALZ progressing to brain areas that could kill him. I don't want to live that long, but I don't want to take something that could negatively affect my brain either.
@hopeful33250, I've only been taking it two weeks or less. I got a bottle of a supplement blend that contains 10 mg of melatonin. I've always been hesitant to take that much. I've read and heard that our bodies don't need more than 3 mg, usually less, because throughout our younger life that is what our bodies produced. I'm 73 and had been taking a variety of supplements before bed so I could relax and sleep through the night. I usually have taken Ashwagandha, l-theanine, Valeria or 5-htp. In the past I've also occasionally taken GABA. This new product with the 10 mg of melatonin works very well, but I'm still concerned about the long-term effect of taking that much melatonin. Dr. Michael Breus, the Sleep Doctor, says it is not necessary.
I'm 70 yrs old. I have MS and Parkinson's and anxiety issues. My doctor prescribes a small dose of doxepin to help me get to sleep and it works. I used to take Ambien and it worked well too - an extremely small dose. But my insurance recently informed me that they won't cover Ambien for someone my age because of danger of falling or sleepwalking. I tried melatonin years ago. Even the small dose of 1mg made me wake up very tired and foggy with a hangover feeling. I recently read that melatonin is not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases.
Hello @elg920 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that you are interested in knowing how much melatonin is too much. Is that the case? As you probably know, Mayo Connect is not able to offer medical advice as we are not medical professionals, but patients like yourself.
@elg920 I take melatonin and have experienced horrific nightmares when too much in my body. There are smaller dosages from 1-3 mg which my body tolerates better.
Each person is different with sleep what helps one does not help another . I have only been sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night for 40+ years and never get tired during the day , i am 77 and very fit and do not take meds ! Only supplements. 5 htp 150a day and 3 mg of melatonin.
They say less is more although that’s not true with everyone. I wouldn't take it long term.
The short time I took it I started with one half mg and worked up to 3mg then stopped since it wasn't effective and I didn't want to take more. I wouldn’t take 15 mg. I believe that 30 mg is considered dangerous. Too much can have the opposite effect. I stopped all sleeping aids and worked on my sleep habits which I believe reset my circadian rhythm and I slept much better. Just because a little is good doesn’t mean a whole lot more is better.
Yikes! I wouldn’t!
Try googling that question. You won’t find reassurance for your chosen dose.
My husband’s favorite doc advised him to take ONE HALF OF ONE mg sublingual melatonin under his tongue about an hour before bedtime. It worked. You can find it, in orange or mint flavors, at Whole Foods. Trader Joe’s also sells melatonin. It’s no good.
Also suggest reading through the comments of others here. Previously I wrote many helpful ideas on how to get Good Sleep.
Hope they help you.
@raye@elg920 My experience with this dosage of melatonin are horrific, vivid nightmares to the point I don’t want to sleep because these nightmares repeat.
Wishing you well, Marjou. Can only suggest keeping in contact with your PCP regarding what OTC medicines you take, and their dosage. The study of dreams and their personal symbolism in your life is always an interesting subject. Maybe ask yourself before you sleep for better understandings about what the nightmares are trying to tell you? Life is an interesting journey!
Wishing you well, Marjou. Can only suggest keeping in contact with your PCP regarding what OTC medicines you take, and their dosage. The study of dreams and their personal symbolism in your life is always an interesting subject. Maybe ask yourself before you sleep for better understandings about what the nightmares are trying to tell you? Life is an interesting journey!
I read above comments and one thing is for sure - every organism is different and its reaction is difficult to predict.
I used to take 6mg (doctor's recommendation) without any side effect. But it doesn`t mean anything. Someone else may take 3mg and experience nightmares...
Just chiming in here. Melatonin comezs with a warning that persons with autoimmune disorders should not take it.
I'm 70 yrs old. I have MS and Parkinson's and anxiety issues. My doctor prescribes a small dose of doxepin to help me get to sleep and it works. I used to take Ambien and it worked well too - an extremely small dose. But my insurance recently informed me that they won't cover Ambien for someone my age because of danger of falling or sleepwalking. I tried melatonin years ago. Even the small dose of 1mg made me wake up very tired and foggy with a hangover feeling. I recently read that melatonin is not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases.
@elg920 I take melatonin and have experienced horrific nightmares when too much in my body. There are smaller dosages from 1-3 mg which my body tolerates better.
Each person is different with sleep what helps one does not help another . I have only been sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night for 40+ years and never get tired during the day , i am 77 and very fit and do not take meds ! Only supplements. 5 htp 150a day and 3 mg of melatonin.
They say less is more although that’s not true with everyone. I wouldn't take it long term.
The short time I took it I started with one half mg and worked up to 3mg then stopped since it wasn't effective and I didn't want to take more. I wouldn’t take 15 mg. I believe that 30 mg is considered dangerous. Too much can have the opposite effect. I stopped all sleeping aids and worked on my sleep habits which I believe reset my circadian rhythm and I slept much better. Just because a little is good doesn’t mean a whole lot more is better.
Yikes! I wouldn’t!
Try googling that question. You won’t find reassurance for your chosen dose.
My husband’s favorite doc advised him to take ONE HALF OF ONE mg sublingual melatonin under his tongue about an hour before bedtime. It worked. You can find it, in orange or mint flavors, at Whole Foods. Trader Joe’s also sells melatonin. It’s no good.
Also suggest reading through the comments of others here. Previously I wrote many helpful ideas on how to get Good Sleep.
Hope they help you.
@raye @elg920 My experience with this dosage of melatonin are horrific, vivid nightmares to the point I don’t want to sleep because these nightmares repeat.
Wishing you well, Marjou. Can only suggest keeping in contact with your PCP regarding what OTC medicines you take, and their dosage. The study of dreams and their personal symbolism in your life is always an interesting subject. Maybe ask yourself before you sleep for better understandings about what the nightmares are trying to tell you? Life is an interesting journey!
Upon re-reading your previous posts, I'm thinking there may have been misunderstanding.
I read above comments and one thing is for sure - every organism is different and its reaction is difficult to predict.
I used to take 6mg (doctor's recommendation) without any side effect. But it doesn`t mean anything. Someone else may take 3mg and experience nightmares...