Low back pain & neuropathy issues

Posted by timmckinney @timmckinney, Feb 6, 2018

68 years old and lower back+neuropathy issues make staying active hell. Used to be avid jogger and now cannot be on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes. No meds help. Very depressing.

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Physical Therapist gave me help for Lower Back pain, and there seem to be many causes for that, so treatments can make a dent in the overall pain.

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I have been unable to find help from my PT, but I still do all the recommended exercises.


Totally understand. My pain management /rehab doctor is retiring and I use behavioral--mediation---tapping, i.e., chiropractic, botox for cervical dystonia, TENS, Voltaren gels, Teracin pain patch 0ne a day, daily exercises from PT and chiropractor, then Topamax an anti-seizure, as needed Prednisone for anti-inflammation, Valium for muscle spasms low dosage, and Morphine that I use 1-3/day depending upon how/what I am doing/feeling. There basically no doctors here anymore only to do procedures of which I have been through the gammat with nothing but more pain and getting hospitalized for a week due to injecting near my spinal cord, nicking my cord leaking spinal fluid. No more will I get those procedures that did nothing but hurt and NO pumps or stimulators. I have arachnoiditis already. My cervical and lumbar fusions have enough problems going on and the myofascial pain syndrome plus fibromyalgia. The doctors don't like narcotics even though it helps but they'll push high dosage anti-seizure meds like neurontin of which I have seen so many side effects and people feeling horrible on. Three times I had to get off on when my dosage increased so NO MORE! Has has many as morphine but no reversal agent that I know of.I have met and corresponded to many like me and who you read about, we are the ones suffering due to abusers. We have been responsible, never asked for out meds early, never needed an increase and use all the modalities listed above! Doesn't matter we are all grouped in and try to make us feel even worse than we already do.

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I'm so sorry for all you're going through. I had a PCP who just kept giving me more & more Percocet until I was taking 10 a day along with Topamax, Effexor, Gabapentin, Ativan, etc. I got to the point I was in pain, tired, depressed, and my teeth were falling out.
I ended up going to a new PCP who sent me to a wonderful pain management doc who won't stop at anything to help me. I know I will be in pain for the rest of my life and have been for over 20 years, but she's trying everything she can for now.
I've had 3 surgeries, not counting the one to implant my nerve stimulator. I'm still depressed, but not as much and my daily headaches are gone just not my migraines. I AM off all opioids and am on a compounded pain cream and marijuana plus a muscle relaxer and Topamax for my migraines and Effexor for the neuropathy. I still get a ton of injections, but I'm not completely wheelchair-bound yet.


I have been unable to find help from my PT, but I still do all the recommended exercises.

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