Falling for no apparent reason: Any ideas?

Posted by callalily74 @callalily74, Aug 11, 2016

I'm 75, active, female, and constantly falling for seemingly no reason. I just fall! Three times already this week. In one fall, I split my ear and required 8 stitches. No dizziness, etc.

I need falling prevention classes in Seacoast NH. I am getting very worried that one of these falls will result in serious injury. Perhaps I need some kind of testing. Tomorrow, I'm going to an ENT doctor who was referred to me by a doctor at the Urgent Care Clinic who said my ear was infected. The ENT receptionist said maybe he'll refer me to an audiologist or optometrist to do balance, inner ear testing, etc. Does that sound about right to anybody who knows what I'm talking about. Remember, no lightheadedness or dizziness, etc. I take several medications for depression, anxiety, cholesterol, etc, but my mind does not feel foggy or cloudy.

Please help me find an appropriate doctor specializing in this issue. Or a suitable class or program. I am getting scared now. It happens too much. I only was really hurt once so far when I split my ear when I fell, but I know it can happen any time now and maybe disable me, or worse.

Please help me. I'll be here to see any posts all day today and am free to answer any questions you may have.

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I fall for no apparent reason, just broke my wrist, if I'm holding onto something it doesn't happen. Any ideas? Dennis

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In the past 4 years I have only twice had a similar fall backwards. Each time I knew I was going down so was able to catch hold of furniture and keep my head up. As it happened indoors nothing hurt and I got up and carried on as usual. My fear is falling like this out of doors!
Investigating, I understand this is called a Drop Attack and one reason could be a sudden drop in blood pressure. However a neurologist would explain fully.


In the past 4 years I have only twice had a similar fall backwards. Each time I knew I was going down so was able to catch hold of furniture and keep my head up. As it happened indoors nothing hurt and I got up and carried on as usual. My fear is falling like this out of doors!
Investigating, I understand this is called a Drop Attack and one reason could be a sudden drop in blood pressure. However a neurologist would explain fully.

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Recently I was taking my husband to a hospital for tests that I had not been to before. We walked from the parking area and began an ascent to the hospital. That change going from the flat surface to an ascending one triggered my balance and I knew I was going to fall. Unfortunately, there were no handrails I could hold on to, and I fell backwards and hit my head. Three of the staff came out and picked me up and put me in a wheelchair. I was given a brain scan and it was normal. One of the staff looked at the bump but I didn’t need stitches. Then they put me in a bed where I rested for several hours. If there had been handrails, I think I would not have fallen.


I fall for no apparent reason, just broke my wrist, if I'm holding onto something it doesn't happen. Any ideas? Dennis

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There are some neat folding canes that you can carry with you when you believe there could be the chance you might fall. I fell because there were no handrails in front of a hospital and if I had this cane, I don’t think I would have fallen backwards and hit my head. Thankfully no damage done - just a little blood. I am now carrying this cane with me wherever I go.


never thought of that. Thanks Dennis


Hi @callalily74. Welcome to the Just Want to Talk group. Have you read these fall prevention tips from Mayo Clinic? http://mayocl.in/1ESOV4Q These might offer some additional insight, as well as share extra steps you can take to prevent falling. Because you don't want to keep cutting and bruising, or worse - breaking bones.

I'm tagging @dogmamat, @oceanfun1 and @trainwreck54 as I feel they'll be able to provide recommendations and advice. While I'm not a medical professional, I'm curious to know if some physical therapy or exercising would help to strengthen you. Have you been keeping active thus far?

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I'm a 66 yo female who has been falling especially backwards too frequently. If you find help on the same Seacoast we are in, please let me know. Thank you!


I'm a 66 yo female who has been falling especially backwards too frequently. If you find help on the same Seacoast we are in, please let me know. Thank you!

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Hi @deblou, I'm not sure @alysebrunella is still following Connect and may not have seen your reply. Here's an article on falling backwards that you may find interesting if not helpful.

-- What Is Backward Disequilibrium and How Do I Treat it?: https://journals.lww.com/jnpt/Fulltext/2015/04000/What_Is_Backward_Disequilibrium_and_How_Do_I_Treat.7.aspx

Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms?


Hi @deblou, I'm not sure @alysebrunella is still following Connect and may not have seen your reply. Here's an article on falling backwards that you may find interesting if not helpful.

-- What Is Backward Disequilibrium and How Do I Treat it?: https://journals.lww.com/jnpt/Fulltext/2015/04000/What_Is_Backward_Disequilibrium_and_How_Do_I_Treat.7.aspx

Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms?

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Hi John, thank you so much for updating me. I will click on this info. Just got out of ER all day as my adult daughter called 911 to bring me to hospital. While I was very upset with her, I guess it was a blessing in disguise because the CT scan of brain isn't completely normal and I will be getting a consult with a neurologist.!


I have fallen backwards twice both with a four year gap. I was told it was called
'"Drop Attack and explained by Mayo Clinic.


Has anyone mentioned you may have Atonic seizures? Some people with Epilepsy have them, also known as akinetic seizures or drop attacks.
I assume you retain consciousness during these episodes. I have Epilepsy but never had this type of seizures. I fall often enough without those.
You might ask to have an EEG. Have had a MRI or CT brain scan?
Take care,


Obtain a walker for around the house and a cane for when you are elsewhere to help avoid falls until you get this issue solved. It really is good prevention. Ask for a referral to PT to strengthen your legs and improve balance. With Medicare, you can continue as long as you need.

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