Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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Do you have plans with your mother for Mother's Day? It's a blessing that you two live so close to one another and can get together often.

How are you feeling these days? I'm wondering if your energy is coming back with the good weather?

Since my appointments at Mayo Clinic two weeks ago I find myself thinking less about another recurrence with each day. I'm hoping that I can live in each day without that constant fear of what lurks ahead. Fear of the unknown. Those thoughts and feelings when they come are so paralyzing for me.

Emotional support is everything to me. My support group is here on Mayo Clinic Connect.

It's Friday. At this time of year bird migration is in full swing. I'll go for a walk with my binoculars after work and see what's moving through.

I hope you have a good end of the week, my friend.

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@naturegirl5 ,
Happy Friday!
I will be taking my mom on some errands tomorrow. She loves to ride along and has a list of things that I will pickup for her. I will treat her to lunch and some flowers.
Yes, my energy seems to be getting better. I am more active now since the weather has been nicer. I will head out early in the morning to purchase most if not all of my flowers. They seem to get picked over quickly . We are still a good month away from the chance of frost here, but if I wait I am never happy with what is available. It works out ok because my garage has plenty of room and protects them until I can plant them safely. If you can't tell it is a favorite activity of mine.
I am so grateful for the support I find here. ❤
I will be taking a close family member to have cancer surgery this coming week. He was diagnosed about a month after I was. My heart aches for him as he begins this journey
I hope you were able to fit that walk in and were able to see lots of different birds. I enjoy watching many varieties from my dining room.
I am so happy that you think and worry less about reoccurance.
Take care and I hope you have a great weekend.


@rose53 Hello, Rose. I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. You started this discussion and look how much it has supported and helped other women!

Spring arrived earlier for you in the South - I'm way up North so we are just experiencing Spring. How are you feeling?

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I have been feeling energetic due to nice weather. I have been keeping busy doing what I can as much as I can. I have started Yoga and some Zumba.. I can't help thinking though of and on that I could loose all this blessings because of my disease. I don't know why I have those thoughts. My appointment for follow up is coming, which is even more frequent thoughts like that. I am feeling more anxious. I suppose that's why I keep pressing on to be busy. Thank you for thinking of me.. I pray your in good spirit and well.


I have been feeling energetic due to nice weather. I have been keeping busy doing what I can as much as I can. I have started Yoga and some Zumba.. I can't help thinking though of and on that I could loose all this blessings because of my disease. I don't know why I have those thoughts. My appointment for follow up is coming, which is even more frequent thoughts like that. I am feeling more anxious. I suppose that's why I keep pressing on to be busy. Thank you for thinking of me.. I pray your in good spirit and well.

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@rose53. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Nice weather? I think you must have sent some our way up North. Today has been warm and sunny and the prediction is the same for tomorrow. The warm sun gives me energy too.

Doing Zumba and Yoga? That's a great balance of the energetic with the meditation and stretching in Yoga. I've never done Zumba but often thought that would be fun.

I know what you mean about the constant looking over your shoulder. Those thoughts come to me too. Every day. I just let them be there and go on with whatever I'm doing and then they go away. But they do come back. Some days those thoughts help me to appreciate the present moment and some days not so much. Do you experience that?

I was really anxious before my follow-up two weeks ago. I kept telling myself it's normal to be anxious in that situation. When is your follow-up appointment? I'd like to send you positive energy and keep you in my thoughts on the day of your appointment. Will you return to Mayo for your follow-up?


@naturegirl5 ,
Happy Friday!
I will be taking my mom on some errands tomorrow. She loves to ride along and has a list of things that I will pickup for her. I will treat her to lunch and some flowers.
Yes, my energy seems to be getting better. I am more active now since the weather has been nicer. I will head out early in the morning to purchase most if not all of my flowers. They seem to get picked over quickly . We are still a good month away from the chance of frost here, but if I wait I am never happy with what is available. It works out ok because my garage has plenty of room and protects them until I can plant them safely. If you can't tell it is a favorite activity of mine.
I am so grateful for the support I find here. ❤
I will be taking a close family member to have cancer surgery this coming week. He was diagnosed about a month after I was. My heart aches for him as he begins this journey
I hope you were able to fit that walk in and were able to see lots of different birds. I enjoy watching many varieties from my dining room.
I am so happy that you think and worry less about reoccurance.
Take care and I hope you have a great weekend.

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How wonderful that you can take your mom along on the errands and then treat her to lunch. And flowers. That's such a lovely gift. I think of my mother every day (she died 26 years ago) and especially this time of year. We were very close.

I'm sorry to know that you have a family member who needs cancer surgery. Yes, we know all too well what the journey is like, don't we? And to see someone we love go on that same road is heartbreaking. It's such a blessing that you can be present for him both physically and emotionally.

I spent a few hours outside today in my yard. I raked out a smaller perennial garden and also some surrounding grass. I find that so satisfying. I stopped often to listen for birds and to look for them. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary today in my yard however I did do some birding this morning. I saw a pair of Bufflehead ducks which are among my favorites.

I hope you had a lovely time with your mother and have a good rest of the weekend.


How wonderful that you can take your mom along on the errands and then treat her to lunch. And flowers. That's such a lovely gift. I think of my mother every day (she died 26 years ago) and especially this time of year. We were very close.

I'm sorry to know that you have a family member who needs cancer surgery. Yes, we know all too well what the journey is like, don't we? And to see someone we love go on that same road is heartbreaking. It's such a blessing that you can be present for him both physically and emotionally.

I spent a few hours outside today in my yard. I raked out a smaller perennial garden and also some surrounding grass. I find that so satisfying. I stopped often to listen for birds and to look for them. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary today in my yard however I did do some birding this morning. I saw a pair of Bufflehead ducks which are among my favorites.

I hope you had a lovely time with your mother and have a good rest of the weekend.

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@naturegirl5 ,
It is nice to spend time with her. She doesn't get out unless I take her, so she always looks forward to it. We lost my dad over twenty years ago, so I understand you missing your mom.
Yes, my uncle has always been helpful to me, so I am happy to return the favor. We are praying that his cancer is much less serious than his team of doctors believe it to be.
I am so glad you were able to soak up some sunshine and enjoy the birds and nature. That is my favorite thing to do. I purchased tons of flowers and will begin planting my bigger pots in the coming days. I am pretty excited about that!
I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!


I'm "enjoying" an unexpected day at home today. I place unexpected in quotes because I woke up early this morning with nausea and vomiting due, I believe, to a pre-prepared packaged food I often get at my local food co-op. I've had the brand of food many times in the past and never had a reaction. With the recurrent endometrial cancer last fall, radiation therapy in December and then I had COVID a few weeks ago (that's another story altogether) I feel like my immune system has really been assaulted.

I'm in a community chorus and the week before we were scheduled for our Spring performance there was an outbreak of COVID in the choir. I've been vaccinated and boosted but I got it. Wouldn't you know that although not required I had been wearing a mask during every choir practice with the exception of the one choir practice when the exposure occurred. I don't know how many of us got sick but I do know that one of my friends who was masked also got COVID. The performance was cancelled, then rescheduled for this coming weekend. I'm not signing as my voice is still affected. COVID keeps rearing its head and upending all sorts of plans. I keep reminding myself that it's best to stay flexible during these uncertain times. The cancer recurrence has certainly tried my resilience as I've try to keep myself in the present.

I did sit outside this morning and looked for birds. It's definitely spring migration so I saw warblers in their gorgeous spring colors and heard birds I don't hear at other times of the year.

I hope you are staying well. Did you take your uncle for his cancer surgery this week? And you have a garage full of flowers to tend to this weekend too, don't you? Spring has arrived to us in the north!


I'm "enjoying" an unexpected day at home today. I place unexpected in quotes because I woke up early this morning with nausea and vomiting due, I believe, to a pre-prepared packaged food I often get at my local food co-op. I've had the brand of food many times in the past and never had a reaction. With the recurrent endometrial cancer last fall, radiation therapy in December and then I had COVID a few weeks ago (that's another story altogether) I feel like my immune system has really been assaulted.

I'm in a community chorus and the week before we were scheduled for our Spring performance there was an outbreak of COVID in the choir. I've been vaccinated and boosted but I got it. Wouldn't you know that although not required I had been wearing a mask during every choir practice with the exception of the one choir practice when the exposure occurred. I don't know how many of us got sick but I do know that one of my friends who was masked also got COVID. The performance was cancelled, then rescheduled for this coming weekend. I'm not signing as my voice is still affected. COVID keeps rearing its head and upending all sorts of plans. I keep reminding myself that it's best to stay flexible during these uncertain times. The cancer recurrence has certainly tried my resilience as I've try to keep myself in the present.

I did sit outside this morning and looked for birds. It's definitely spring migration so I saw warblers in their gorgeous spring colors and heard birds I don't hear at other times of the year.

I hope you are staying well. Did you take your uncle for his cancer surgery this week? And you have a garage full of flowers to tend to this weekend too, don't you? Spring has arrived to us in the north!

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@naturegirl53 ,

Oh my goodness. When it rains it pours doesn't it? I am so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling the best. This too shall pass and for your sake I hope soon.
It has been really nice here this week. I have enjoyed several small projects outside. It is currently 77 and sunny so I am a happy gal.
I have still been feeding the birds at my house and I have seen several that I don't remember ever seeing before. I have no idea what they are. I have seen many Orioles and they seem to be a bit more aggressive than most other birds.
I did take my uncle and that was a very long and tiring day. Praise the Lord his surgery went well. Now he is awaiting the pathology reports. He has malignant melanoma and the surgery involved 4 separate incisions in different areas of his body. The largest was about 9 inches. I just can't imagine how sore he must be.
I hope you have a great weekend and get lots of rest my friend!


@naturegirl53 ,

Oh my goodness. When it rains it pours doesn't it? I am so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling the best. This too shall pass and for your sake I hope soon.
It has been really nice here this week. I have enjoyed several small projects outside. It is currently 77 and sunny so I am a happy gal.
I have still been feeding the birds at my house and I have seen several that I don't remember ever seeing before. I have no idea what they are. I have seen many Orioles and they seem to be a bit more aggressive than most other birds.
I did take my uncle and that was a very long and tiring day. Praise the Lord his surgery went well. Now he is awaiting the pathology reports. He has malignant melanoma and the surgery involved 4 separate incisions in different areas of his body. The largest was about 9 inches. I just can't imagine how sore he must be.
I hope you have a great weekend and get lots of rest my friend!

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@cmb2022 Goodness it's been awhile since I've written to you. I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. And how is your uncle after his surgery? Have you seen his pathologist report?

Last week was a bit of a blur. I have a small cyst-like thing in my eye and I had been trying to get into to see a local ophthalmologist for two months. I decided to make an appointment with the practice in Green Bay where I'd been seen before but that's a 3 hour drive one way. So, I called last Tuesday and got an appointment for early morning on Friday. I'm so glad I did that as the exam was very thorough and reassuring. It is a type of cyst, not cancer (as I feared, of course) and I came home with instructions to keep my eyes moisturized. Dry eyes is yet another consequence of aging. Unfortunately, with so few ophthalmologists where I live I will now be going to Green Bay for my eye care. Sigh.

How are you feeling, my friend? I'm thinking you have your follow-up appointment soon, right? As you know I was very anxious before my follow up appointment in April wondering what they would find next. And they found nothing new which allowed me to relax just a bit. These follow up appointments are now part of my life and I'm still adjusting to that.

I hope you've had a good weekend and lots of time outside doing what you love.


@cmb2022 Goodness it's been awhile since I've written to you. I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. And how is your uncle after his surgery? Have you seen his pathologist report?

Last week was a bit of a blur. I have a small cyst-like thing in my eye and I had been trying to get into to see a local ophthalmologist for two months. I decided to make an appointment with the practice in Green Bay where I'd been seen before but that's a 3 hour drive one way. So, I called last Tuesday and got an appointment for early morning on Friday. I'm so glad I did that as the exam was very thorough and reassuring. It is a type of cyst, not cancer (as I feared, of course) and I came home with instructions to keep my eyes moisturized. Dry eyes is yet another consequence of aging. Unfortunately, with so few ophthalmologists where I live I will now be going to Green Bay for my eye care. Sigh.

How are you feeling, my friend? I'm thinking you have your follow-up appointment soon, right? As you know I was very anxious before my follow up appointment in April wondering what they would find next. And they found nothing new which allowed me to relax just a bit. These follow up appointments are now part of my life and I'm still adjusting to that.

I hope you've had a good weekend and lots of time outside doing what you love.

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@naturegirl53, I was thinking about you too and meant to write earlier but was busy with one thing and then another. I spent a couple hours today reading and enjoyed that so much.
Oh my! I am sorry, but am so glad you were able to get your cyst taken care of. I travel about an hour an a half for eye care and a little over an hour to my oncologist.
My uncle is doing well and he hasn't received any news on the pathology yet. He has an appointment with a doctor on Friday but it isn't his surgeon so he isn't sure if he will get any reports then or if that will just be for removal of his stitches and a wound check or what. They haven't been very clear at all. I have been doing his yard work and his yard is much larger than mine so I have been really busy with that.
My appointment is June 10th. I am anxious and apprehensive for it. I have been feeling well, but seem to be more moody. I am not sure if that is from my anxiousness or if my hormone replacement may need some tweaking. My Dr said I was on a very tiny dose and it may need adjusted but wanted me to give it 3 months to stabilize.
I spent lots of time outside yesterday and it was super nice. The temperature was a bit hot (around 90), but I loved it for the most part. I have all of my flowers planted and even planted some tomatoes and peppers early yesterday morning
I wish you a wonderful week and appreciate you checking in. Take care of your eye!


@naturegirl53, I was thinking about you too and meant to write earlier but was busy with one thing and then another. I spent a couple hours today reading and enjoyed that so much.
Oh my! I am sorry, but am so glad you were able to get your cyst taken care of. I travel about an hour an a half for eye care and a little over an hour to my oncologist.
My uncle is doing well and he hasn't received any news on the pathology yet. He has an appointment with a doctor on Friday but it isn't his surgeon so he isn't sure if he will get any reports then or if that will just be for removal of his stitches and a wound check or what. They haven't been very clear at all. I have been doing his yard work and his yard is much larger than mine so I have been really busy with that.
My appointment is June 10th. I am anxious and apprehensive for it. I have been feeling well, but seem to be more moody. I am not sure if that is from my anxiousness or if my hormone replacement may need some tweaking. My Dr said I was on a very tiny dose and it may need adjusted but wanted me to give it 3 months to stabilize.
I spent lots of time outside yesterday and it was super nice. The temperature was a bit hot (around 90), but I loved it for the most part. I have all of my flowers planted and even planted some tomatoes and peppers early yesterday morning
I wish you a wonderful week and appreciate you checking in. Take care of your eye!

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I had my first 3 month checkup this past week. I must say it was an extremely stressful week and I was very nervous to go to the appointment in the first place and in the end I didn't even get to see my oncologist. Apparently there was some sort of issues throughout the day and he was running pretty late, so an assistant came in and talked to me for a moment and did a quick exam. I asked about my menopausal symptoms as they are quite intense at times and she told me that I could try to take an extra pill that he prescribed for a couple days and that they aren't meant to take all symptoms away and to pretty much live with it. I am pretty disheartened at this point. I didn't expect the HRT to take everything away, but I would love to feel a little more like my old self.

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