Anxiety waves in sleep

Posted by esikora @esikora, Apr 19, 2022

For over a year, I've had waves of creepy anxiety starting around 5 am. Starts with weird uncomfortable dreams, then progresses to awful adrenaline-like rushes. Now I'm starting to experience this during the night, every few hours. I can fight my anxiety fairly well during the day, but at night I feel helpless and scared.
Has anyone had similar symptoms? Did anything help?These feelings are not like worry; more like deep sickening fear...
Thanks for listening.

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This has been happening to me for the past 2 years. I am now taking 25mg of Trazadone at night and it has helped for the 1st 2-3 hrs of sleep. Anxiety thoughts and dreams start around 3- 4 am and continue through until I get up. I accidentally took a whole 50mg tablet last night and this morning I woke up a little groggy and I noticed that I had slept most all night and when the pre-dawn anxiety started to arrive, I was lucid enough to realize that it was anxiety and was able to rationalize in the dream state what was happening and I was able to relax and stay easy in the moments.
I am highly sensitive to drugs. The littlest dose goes a long way with me. I manage anxiety and panic attacks during the day with very small doses of .5mg lorazepam as needed. I don't take the lorazepam every day. Some days I can manage panic and anxiety with breathing and other refocusing tools. It just depends on what triggers a panic anxiety episode.

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For a minute I thought I wrote this. I get the same panic attack at 3 AM. Wake up really scared of something I can't define. I live alone with an old dog (canine, not man). I take 1 mg of ativan (lorazepam) and magnesium at 8:30 PM and get right to sleep. At 3 AM at the anxiety wake up, I take .5 ativan and start reciting the Rosary or measured breathing to calm myself. It is very troubling indeed to know this syndrome has a life of its own. I am also highly sensitive to medications and today cancelled the rheumatologist's order for generic Lyrica because the side effects will compound other issues I have. Just amazing how your comments sounded like I might have written them except for the trazadone which I have never taken. M.E.


Both my mother and I have anxiety worsen by taking lorazepam.


Both my mother and I have anxiety worsen by taking lorazepam.

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Sorry to hear that. I hope you find better answers.
I take Klonopin it knocks me out for sleep but side effects including anxiety are awful. I’ll keep you and your Mom in my thoughts.


For a minute I thought I wrote this. I get the same panic attack at 3 AM. Wake up really scared of something I can't define. I live alone with an old dog (canine, not man). I take 1 mg of ativan (lorazepam) and magnesium at 8:30 PM and get right to sleep. At 3 AM at the anxiety wake up, I take .5 ativan and start reciting the Rosary or measured breathing to calm myself. It is very troubling indeed to know this syndrome has a life of its own. I am also highly sensitive to medications and today cancelled the rheumatologist's order for generic Lyrica because the side effects will compound other issues I have. Just amazing how your comments sounded like I might have written them except for the trazadone which I have never taken. M.E.

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I’m sorry about what’s happening to you. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.


I’m sorry about what’s happening to you. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

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Thank you. Kind thoughts always good for morale! Kind thoughts being sent your way from me.


I’m sorry about what’s happening to you. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

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Can you tell me your experience with Ativan? Do you use it for sleep at all?


Thank you. Kind thoughts always good for morale! Kind thoughts being sent your way from me.

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Your very welcome.


Had happening for 2 years and was getting worse. Last week I happened to find a podcast on Spotify called Sleep Cove. He has a series of sleep hypnosis 20-25 min sessions. I listen to them all night long. They continuous play for hours. I’m not waking up so anxious the last few nights I’ve been doing this.


I’m so sorry to hear of what you’re going through. It’s awful. I experienced the anxiety you are describing for almost three years. It took many different medication trials, group therapy, an amazing psychiatrist and electroconvulsive therapy to pull me out of the depression/anxiety. Hopefully you can get results much sooner from therapy or medication!!! I take Trazedone and Seroquel at night but everyone is differen


I’m so sorry to hear of what you’re going through. It’s awful. I experienced the anxiety you are describing for almost three years. It took many different medication trials, group therapy, an amazing psychiatrist and electroconvulsive therapy to pull me out of the depression/anxiety. Hopefully you can get results much sooner from therapy or medication!!! I take Trazedone and Seroquel at night but everyone is differen

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I accidentally sent before completing my sentence. 🙄
I was going to end by saying I hope you are seeing a therapist or psychiatrist or both or going to group therapy and that you will get the help you need. Know that you are not alone and take comfort that you can make your way out of this!

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