Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)?

Posted by healthlady22 @healthlady22, Feb 5, 2019

Has anybody successfully managed to successfully wean off of Lorazepam?
If so how was it done?
And if it was by way of switching to other drugs, were you then able to taper off of those entirely under a doctor's guidance?
My husband has been on Lorazepam for 16 years
He did well for 14 years, but dragged his feet about trying to withdraw while he was feeling better.
In May he had a relapse of anxiety, and insomnia, with brain fog, heart palpitations, and more.
Currently he's doing better, thinking better, but still feels like crap a large part of the time, can't sleep without the drug, can't nap.and still struggles with anxiety.
At this point, I believe it's the drug that is actually causing the problem. Currently he's doing 1 mg at bedtime and 3/4 mg when he wakes up at 2:30 am.
I know it takes 2 years for the brains GABA receptors to normalize after taking Benzodiazepines.
Also know it's really hard to withdraw, has to be done extremely slowly, and the side effects are exactly the same as the symptoms it is meant to help.
My goal is to eventually wean him off of all drugs as functional health tests show they block his nutritional absorption and may be damaging his intestinal lining. I would like to be able to repair his health using nutrition, supplements, and neurotransmitter amino acids.
All feedback is welcomed!

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I am in the process of trying to taper off very slowly. Right now on .5 mg only at night to help with sleep but now cut that in half. Feel that this med has made my anxiety worsen so want to get off of it but have been on it for years.

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I'll have to think about stopping Ativan. I take about 0.50 to 0.75, three to four times a month. It reduces anxiety but leaves me groggy and somewhat foggy. Been taking it for about 6 years. But as I said presently as mentioned above 3-4 times a month but prior to approximately a year ago about 2-3 times a month. I wish you success and blessings. Anxiety is a drag a sometimes-terrible foe.
Don't know if you would be interested but I just joined a mental health support group in a local church in Chapel hill N.C. The name of the group is the sanctuary course it's held at Saint Thomas more church on Thursdays from 7 to 8:30. You can access information at their website (stmchapelhill.org) and investigate if the program extends to Catholic churches near to where you live.
Blessings hope you can achieve your goal.


I'll have to think about stopping Ativan. I take about 0.50 to 0.75, three to four times a month. It reduces anxiety but leaves me groggy and somewhat foggy. Been taking it for about 6 years. But as I said presently as mentioned above 3-4 times a month but prior to approximately a year ago about 2-3 times a month. I wish you success and blessings. Anxiety is a drag a sometimes-terrible foe.
Don't know if you would be interested but I just joined a mental health support group in a local church in Chapel hill N.C. The name of the group is the sanctuary course it's held at Saint Thomas more church on Thursdays from 7 to 8:30. You can access information at their website (stmchapelhill.org) and investigate if the program extends to Catholic churches near to where you live.
Blessings hope you can achieve your goal.

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I’ve been taking Ativan for years start 1mg then two for anxiety and sleep. I start forgetting and saying things over again can’t think. I look at the side effect and it include memory and forgetful so I tried to stop taking it but the problem is I’m not sleeping. It’s been 4 days without sleep and I don’t know what to take so I can sleep. Is anyone have this problem? Cila


I’ve been taking Ativan for years start 1mg then two for anxiety and sleep. I start forgetting and saying things over again can’t think. I look at the side effect and it include memory and forgetful so I tried to stop taking it but the problem is I’m not sleeping. It’s been 4 days without sleep and I don’t know what to take so I can sleep. Is anyone have this problem? Cila

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Anxiety is a sure sleep stopper. perhaps you can find a meditation class to help with anxiety?
For help with sleep, you can try 5 HTP supplement, Tryptophan or Melatonin. Check with your doctor first. However, please don't take these supplements while taking Ativan or mix the supplements up. I take them now and then and they are somewhat effective. Wish you success. Blessings


I just started on Ativan yesterday. A very low dosage. I am also on Prozac which I have been for a few years. And my doctor just changed my sleeping pills from Lunesta to Ambien.
Some of the things that has helped me battle through this is box breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and taking one day at a time. As much as I want to plan for the future, I do not know how I will feel from day to day. So, I give myself the grace and be kind to myself.
I struggled with anxiety before my diagnosis but when I was diagnosed with cancer last December and then diagnosed with stage 4 my anxiety transitioned.


I just started on Ativan yesterday. A very low dosage. I am also on Prozac which I have been for a few years. And my doctor just changed my sleeping pills from Lunesta to Ambien.
Some of the things that has helped me battle through this is box breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and taking one day at a time. As much as I want to plan for the future, I do not know how I will feel from day to day. So, I give myself the grace and be kind to myself.
I struggled with anxiety before my diagnosis but when I was diagnosed with cancer last December and then diagnosed with stage 4 my anxiety transitioned.

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Such helpful suggestions, @wifemom3. What kind of cancer do you have? Can you explain box breathing for people who may not be familiar with it?


sure. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on January 19, 2022.
Box breathing:
How to do box breathing.
Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs.
Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head. Be conscious of how the air fills your lungs and stomach.
Hold your breath for a count of four.
Exhale for another count of four.
Hold your breath again for a count of four.
Repeat for three to four rounds.


Psych put me on ambien 5 and Ativan .25 three x/day 7 weeks ago.
Never talked to me about how long, side effects, etc 🥺
My depression and anxiety are thru the roof worrying about it.
Now I’m reading very scary things about Benzo’s!
Please help
I’m also on Primidone a barbiturate for essential tremor and see that they should not have been added to it.
Hoping to get off Primidone after the Ativan and ambien taper.
Please help


Psych put me on ambien 5 and Ativan .25 three x/day 7 weeks ago.
Never talked to me about how long, side effects, etc 🥺
My depression and anxiety are thru the roof worrying about it.
Now I’m reading very scary things about Benzo’s!
Please help
I’m also on Primidone a barbiturate for essential tremor and see that they should not have been added to it.
Hoping to get off Primidone after the Ativan and ambien taper.
Please help

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@rosa66, it sounds like you've got a lot of changes happening at one. I encourage you to work with your doctor to find the right combination that works for your anxiety and depression and doesn't make things worse worrying about side effects.

You'll notice that I moved your question to this existing discussion so you can connect with others:
- Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tapering-off-of-lorazepam-ativan/

One thing at a time. One step at a time.


@rosa66, it sounds like you've got a lot of changes happening at one. I encourage you to work with your doctor to find the right combination that works for your anxiety and depression and doesn't make things worse worrying about side effects.

You'll notice that I moved your question to this existing discussion so you can connect with others:
- Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tapering-off-of-lorazepam-ativan/

One thing at a time. One step at a time.

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Thank you


Is his insomnia every night?

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