What is the best way to taper off Klonopin?

Posted by kittymama @kittymama, Apr 7, 2019

Can anyone tell me the best way to taper off Klonopin? I feel it does nothing for my anxiety

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My dose was .05 mg twice daily. I’m now taking one and half of second pill. It has not been 90 days yet but it’s not a deadline, it was a suggestion by my doctor.
If I’m comfortable then take away another half after 90 days which would leave me with one pill. I would try 90 days on one-0.5 mg if I’m ready for 90 days then we will discuss my going to half that last pill. It’s sad this drug is so habit forming. I had no idea but I want off it. So far I’m doing fine. Hope this helps…Joanne

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Don't be surprised if the lower your dose gets the more susceptible you may be to withdrawal effects especially since it appears that your cutting by the same milligram amount.
Good luck,


Thanks, maybe and maybe my doctor will change it up. I’m just trying to get through my first 90 days staying super positive. I’m not sure if this first lower dose will work at 90 days. This is one nasty drug. If you do it be in the mindset that their is no time frame. What works will work. I’m taking my time and will see where I’m at in 90 days. Find a way to ask for help along with your journey. I’m spiritual so that helps me. I have a very supportive husband. Listen, if standing on my head will help, I’m in. Happy Wednesday


I am about to take the plunge off clonazepam myself and have taken comfort from reading all your stories and advice. I’ve been on .5 mg 2x/day for six years. I am experiencing a lot of tolerance withdrawal symptoms, which makes me very nervous about titrating down. Also my doctor doesn’t believe me, and seems to think my cheese has slid off my cracker. Any thoughts? Reassurance and advice most welcome. All best, everyone.

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We don’t think you’re cheese has slid off your cracker. We all are or have been where you are, we know exactly how you’re feeling. Your doctor is not familiar with benzo withdrawal. Most aren’t and most don’t care.


We don’t think you’re cheese has slid off your cracker. We all are or have been where you are, we know exactly how you’re feeling. Your doctor is not familiar with benzo withdrawal. Most aren’t and most don’t care.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence/cheese-cracker adherence. I needed that! Looking forward to starting my exponential taper soon (I’ll reduce by 5% of the current dose every two weeks). I am already having withdrawal symptoms — and likely have had for the past several years, having reached tolerance ages ago — but I’m still nauseous optimistic that I can get off this drug with my cheese still affixed to mr cracker. Not every withdrawal can be horrible. (Right??!)


Thanks for the vote of confidence/cheese-cracker adherence. I needed that! Looking forward to starting my exponential taper soon (I’ll reduce by 5% of the current dose every two weeks). I am already having withdrawal symptoms — and likely have had for the past several years, having reached tolerance ages ago — but I’m still nauseous optimistic that I can get off this drug with my cheese still affixed to mr cracker. Not every withdrawal can be horrible. (Right??!)

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*Nauseously optimistic


Thanks for the vote of confidence/cheese-cracker adherence. I needed that! Looking forward to starting my exponential taper soon (I’ll reduce by 5% of the current dose every two weeks). I am already having withdrawal symptoms — and likely have had for the past several years, having reached tolerance ages ago — but I’m still nauseous optimistic that I can get off this drug with my cheese still affixed to mr cracker. Not every withdrawal can be horrible. (Right??!)

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Hi janeee,
If your still having withdrawal symptoms you may want to either increase your dose to stop the symptoms or increase from 2 weeks to 3-4 weeks.


Hi janeee,
If your still having withdrawal symptoms you may want to either increase your dose to stop the symptoms or increase from 2 weeks to 3-4 weeks.

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Thanks, Jake. I’ve been wondering about that. I already feel awful and I haven’t even started tapering (doesn’t feel like an auspicious beginning). Also wondering about whether or not to switch to Diazepam. It’s recommended in the Ashton manual — a resource I respect — but I don’t know how Diazepam will make me feel, having never taken it before. What fun! (Nauseous)


Thanks for the vote of confidence/cheese-cracker adherence. I needed that! Looking forward to starting my exponential taper soon (I’ll reduce by 5% of the current dose every two weeks). I am already having withdrawal symptoms — and likely have had for the past several years, having reached tolerance ages ago — but I’m still nauseous optimistic that I can get off this drug with my cheese still affixed to mr cracker. Not every withdrawal can be horrible. (Right??!)

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Right! Just taper very slowly. Don’t try to rush things!


I was on an enormous dose almost the maximum dose for seizures. It took me over 2 years which was quick considering my dose but I don't usually have problems getting off drugs.
I'm concerned about @mothermary1 tapering by 25% as the dose lowers.
But people are different so who knows.
Good luck to all,


I was on an enormous dose almost the maximum dose for seizures. It took me over 2 years which was quick considering my dose but I don't usually have problems getting off drugs.
I'm concerned about @mothermary1 tapering by 25% as the dose lowers.
But people are different so who knows.
Good luck to all,

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Thanks for that detail, Jake. I have a pressing problem I am looking for feedback about from anyone who feels so inclined: last night I had a huge raft of symptoms (I still haven't started my taper), including muscle spasms, suicidal ideation, jerking of my shoulders, arms, and legs, anxiety, and insomnia. I started to wonder if a.) I have a bad/weak batch of klonopin, thereby producing stronger withdrawal, or b.) if I am having a paradoxical reaction to the klonopin, or c.) I'm not taking enough klonopin. My psychiatrist said he had never heard of those symptoms being from either withdrawal nor paradoxical reaction (oy vey), and that I am in a tailspin (he wants to replace the klonopin asap with an anti-psychotic). Any suggestions?
Many thanks, all!

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