Anyone feel ill traveling to high altitudes?

Posted by peggyn @peggyn, Oct 28, 2019

We live at a low altitude in Texas, 300. We went to Colorado and were at 6,000-8!000. After a few days I felt awful and could not take a deep breath. I could hardly breath and everyone said drink lots of water that it would get better. I even purchased a can of oxygen and did not do hardly anything. Walking was out of the question. We were there 2 weeks. We are home now and I still don’t think I,m breathing real good. Is this normal and will it get better? I wish I would have gone to the dr. There, but everyone seem to say it was normal for some people. Help

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Have lived at high altitude for 43 years. Started having trouble 7 years ago. Shortness of breath. Headaches. Lethargy. Has now become chronic as in all the time. Foggy brain. Constant fight flight symptoms. Seeking ideas and solutions. Not sure which group would be most informative.

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Hi @nitalisa, I wanted to introduce you to @peggyn who has had issues with high altitudes. You will see that I moved your post to one that she started so you could connect with her.
Have you consulted with a physician about your symptoms?


Hi @nitalisa, I wanted to introduce you to @peggyn who has had issues with high altitudes. You will see that I moved your post to one that she started so you could connect with her.
Have you consulted with a physician about your symptoms?

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I'm in excellent health. The only issue is that I don't acclimate after coming back from lower attitudes any more. I'm highly sensitive to most all drugs when I am at altitude. Just now becoming aware of the situation. Just wondering if there were others that this was happening to after long time living at high altitude. Any studies that might help me with this new awareness. Thanks.


Have you tried Oxygen rehab? I had problems in Yellowstone but not at sea level in NY. Oxygen helped me get around in altitude over 2 000 feet

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