Elevated amylase and lipase but pancreas appears normal. Thoughts?

Posted by thefam2016 @thefam2016, Oct 27, 2019

So this tuesday 10/22/19 i took my mom to have routine blood work done and they had order a amylase and lipase which amylase came back at 114 and lipase came back at 76, went for a ct with contrast on friday came back with a large hital hernia and that the pancreas appears normal. Mom has bad increase in generilized fatigue weight loss nausea vomiting night swaets and her brother recently passed away from pancratic cancer i am afaird to just let the pancreas appearing normal to just go like that i am concerned thay it might just be on the beginning stages of something underlining going on. What should i do from here does any one have recommendation in testing i should request to have done. Please any one that can give me some advice i would be greatful
Sincerely a very concerned daughter

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The normal lipase level for an adult over 60 years of age is 24-151. That coupled with a normal appearing scan might indicate that exploring other options for the cause of her symptoms might be in order. I would definitely seek a second opinion. Hope you find out soon!


I’ve been having elevated lipase in the 3-400 range had a normal appearing pancreas on MRCP, normal liver with simple cysts, never drink or take medications. On endoscopy they found chronic gastritis and h pylori infection. I thought my lipase would go back to normal after h pylori treatment but it was 444 just last week. Any comments?

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@chrioli, has your lipase returned to normal since you last posted? When did you finish treatment for H. Pylori?


I finished h pylori eradication about 3 weeks ago. My lipase was rechecked 1 1/2 weeks ago and was still elevated at 414


Also I continue to not feel well with nausea, weakness/fatigue and weight loss though I’m eating a bland diet every 4 hours. Also lots of gurgling and belching still

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