What are the signs of mental abuse?

Posted by missysue @missysue, Jan 7, 2012

signs of mental abuse

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My husband manipulates me,verbally abuses me to the point that I would kill myself just to put an end to it except I have three children and I just can't do it to them. People say,"Just leave!" but it is more complicated than that. I have spent many nights crying. He has never physically hurt me, but sometimes I think it would be less painful than being treatedthis way. to me, there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between verbal and emotional abuse. The things he says(often out of the blue, when I think everything is fine) are so hurtful they cause me to feel so sad and isolated, I feel like I don't even have a husband. I know I'm not the only one who lives like this, but men like this don't let their wives have friends so it's hard to find support.

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well, things the same, why can't a bigger person step in, where are they?


I am currently separated from my husband because of the abuse I have take from him and it is not easy!My lack of self steam is playing a big part I am sure , not knowing who to turn to because most people I talk to have never been in my shoes and don't understand how it happens! We become isolated and fear to make a move at anything even though we are quiet capable of moving on we remain stuck that is one reason I am here , I know I am not the only woman who has ever gone though this but it sure helps to know someone believes in you! I praise all the women here and hope to be here for you as I know you will be for me!

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Hi all,

I agree with the author of this post. I'm a male and I would never commit abuse on women, because I've seen it and I did'nt like what I seen.

Stay strong and never and never accept abuse.

Improving health and the environment - http://hygienicservices.com


My husband manipulates me,verbally abuses me to the point that I would kill myself just to put an end to it except I have three children and I just can't do it to them. People say,"Just leave!" but it is more complicated than that. I have spent many nights crying. He has never physically hurt me, but sometimes I think it would be less painful than being treatedthis way. to me, there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between verbal and emotional abuse. The things he says(often out of the blue, when I think everything is fine) are so hurtful they cause me to feel so sad and isolated, I feel like I don't even have a husband. I know I'm not the only one who lives like this, but men like this don't let their wives have friends so it's hard to find support.

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Anonymous..my daughter is going through the same situation. Please check out "Focus on the Family"...there is good ad mentally.vice on what to do. I wish my daughter had left the abuser when the kids were babies.......because, now they are the victims of the same. Only through her church and God's help has she been able to survive. God is truly the answer.


do not put up with any abuse! report them


hey china, you are soooo right, my trouble is he is a cop and all are his buddies. they seem to cover for one another. i could just go to court, oh geeez. say you

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