How did you cope with the side effects tapering off prednisone?

Posted by abbeyc @abbeyc, Mar 19, 2022

Has anyone experienced issues when they first started to taper? this is day 2 for me (went from 16 mg to 14 mg) and I am experiencing headaches. Wondering if this is normal and if it will improve.

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I also am struggling with tapering. I started in November when I was diagnosed at 10 mg of prednisone. That was a big improvement for about a week and a half until it started to feel like it was losing efficacy. My rheumatologist bumped it up to 15 mg and that was really wonderful. I had a little energy again and things felt possible. I stayed on that until after Christmas and then he began to push me to taper. I had 2.5 mg tablets so I cut them in half and I was OK at the end of January at 8.75. At the end of February I was down to 7.5. I felt some of the pain returning especially to my shoulders and biceps. I stayed on the dose until the middle of March when I noticed that after scratching my arm because of cat allergy I had broken a bunch of blood vessels below the skin. That had never happened before and I was scared. I read on this board that that can be due to long term steroid use. I went down to 5 mg immediately, skipping the 6.25 next drop. At 5 the pain is pretty brutal. I have a difficult time even dressing myself because reaching behind my body to pull up my pants it’s a real exercise in pain. I visited my regular GP Today to get my thyroid levels checked. I also have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I had to ask a friend can you drive me and push me in in my transport chair. My regular GP was surprised that I was even still on steroids at all. I am feeling sort of hopeless. I’m going back up to 6.25 to see if it helps. It was so nice to have relief from pain for a little while, but difficult for my body to give it up. I have also tried to follow some of the menu changes. I am 70 years old but I am still working because that gives me a sense of purpose and something to keep my mind active. At least I can work remotely from home so I can go in my own pace.

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Hi @mzamyl, my rheumatologist told me that tapering is a fine balancing act. A doctor friend explained to me that prednisone is needed - with PMR and GCA - to calm the immune system, which is attacking the blood vessels and veins. Also prednisone stops adrenal function which is why the taper has to be gradual - to let the adrenals start functioning again. I've had strange bruising and thinner skin since being on prednisone, but skin also thins as we age. I'm 71. In less than a year, I've tapered down from 40 mg (for Giant Cell Arteritis) down to 3 mg, but on 3 mg the horrible stiff neck was coming back, so I just very reluctantly went back up to 4 mg. Try not to feel hopeless, this is a process and it takes time. Eventually PMR and GCA go away. I'm grateful we have prednisone to at least reduce the inflammation and lessen the pain. Can you imagine suffering with this disease before there was a treatment? People must have just languished and wished for death.


I agree. I just have an appointment with the rheumatologist on April 13 and I am worried he will be disappointed I am not down to 5. I decided I had to go back up to 6.25 today. The shoulder and bicep pain was just too bad. I have 2.5mg pills so I cut them in half. I just wish there was something like steroids but not so harmful. I would stay on them forever. For the first time in 6 years I felt good on 15 mg or even 10.


I started with 50 mg. prednisone in mid November and am down to 15 now. Some headache along the way but gone now. Tried going down another mg. 2 weeks ago, but too much pain in buttocks and hamstrings. Have to make intervals longer between reductions of 1 mg. at a time.

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Aw...I'm back at 15 mg after a week of trying 12.5 mg, but things started to ramp up. Next time 1 mg. Went for my first actual walk today as the weather here has finally started to warm up. It wasn't long or far, but it felt good. Keep trying. Never give up. Cheers!


I agree. I just have an appointment with the rheumatologist on April 13 and I am worried he will be disappointed I am not down to 5. I decided I had to go back up to 6.25 today. The shoulder and bicep pain was just too bad. I have 2.5mg pills so I cut them in half. I just wish there was something like steroids but not so harmful. I would stay on them forever. For the first time in 6 years I felt good on 15 mg or even 10.

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I think our bodies know best. Don't be disappointed in yourself for trying and if he's disappointed...oh well. I'm at 15 mg. down from 20 mg. I do notice some stiffness, but this will level off I'm sure. I did try going down another 2.5 mg but that was a little too ambitious. Next it will be 1 mg. Probably in a few weeks. Listen to your body. I think 6.25 is amazing!


Hi @mzamyl, my rheumatologist told me that tapering is a fine balancing act. A doctor friend explained to me that prednisone is needed - with PMR and GCA - to calm the immune system, which is attacking the blood vessels and veins. Also prednisone stops adrenal function which is why the taper has to be gradual - to let the adrenals start functioning again. I've had strange bruising and thinner skin since being on prednisone, but skin also thins as we age. I'm 71. In less than a year, I've tapered down from 40 mg (for Giant Cell Arteritis) down to 3 mg, but on 3 mg the horrible stiff neck was coming back, so I just very reluctantly went back up to 4 mg. Try not to feel hopeless, this is a process and it takes time. Eventually PMR and GCA go away. I'm grateful we have prednisone to at least reduce the inflammation and lessen the pain. Can you imagine suffering with this disease before there was a treatment? People must have just languished and wished for death.

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I can't imagine this without Prednisone or reasonable facsimile, although being off completely would be great. It is a balancing act for sure. I do notice I'm getting some bruising, skin is thin and my moles are getting crusty (worrisome). It is a process and a very individual journey. Having this group helps us to feel "not alone". Prednisone took me from a place of not wanting to go to bed at night because I knew the pain I would face in the morning, to a place of "suddenly I'm able to do this again". Take care ~ Deb


@mild835 so sorry to hear about your latest taper struggle. I have been following your progress and find your story so incredible living with PMR for about a year (if I recall correctly) before you were treated, limited doctors, etc. I think, from what i've read in this group, we are not supposed to go more than a 10% decline. But not sure how accurate that is.

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Yes, I'm a little disappointed as well, but back up to 15 mg. Will try again in a few weeks, but with 1 mg. only. I lived with it from Aug. 2021 (unknowingly) until Jan. 2022 and probably began in May 2021 with my first COVID-19 vax. That's when the neck pain reared it's ugly head, but I knew not of PMR at that time. Definitely a learning experience. Ugh. Went for a true walkabout today (not in a store) and it felt good to just do it. I was unable to walk much from end of Feb. to last week of March. My foot slipped off of a chair (being stupid trying to fix my shower curtain) and I scraped the skin on my left shin back about 3 inches almost to the bone. Developed cellulitis in it. Prescribed anti-biotics which worked. Had to knock off of them a day early because of the diarrhea. Had to keep it elevated. Took a long time to heal and the skin is still tender. There's not much skin there to start with. LOL. Thanks for following my story. We all have one, but it's an individual journey. Cheers ~ Deb


Wednesday I went to my regular GP to have a thyroid blood test to see if my dosage of thyroid replacement was still ok. He tested my B12 and D also because I have been deficient at times. I told him about PMR and he said he knew about it, but he seemed concerned that I had been on prednisone since November. He wasn’t impressed by 15mg down to 6.5. He rand a complete blood count-I was not fasting because I don’t have to be for the thyroid or the B12 and D. But the nurse called to day and said my blood sugar tested high so I have to go back for a fasting blood draw. I know prednisone can elevate blood sugar. I have had no problems with it prior to PMR. I guess I don’t mind him testing, but I’m worried about what he will want me to do if it is still high. They didn’t let me talk to him only the nurse. I don’t think I can go down on prednisone too quick because 5 was just debilitating.


I can't imagine this without Prednisone or reasonable facsimile, although being off completely would be great. It is a balancing act for sure. I do notice I'm getting some bruising, skin is thin and my moles are getting crusty (worrisome). It is a process and a very individual journey. Having this group helps us to feel "not alone". Prednisone took me from a place of not wanting to go to bed at night because I knew the pain I would face in the morning, to a place of "suddenly I'm able to do this again". Take care ~ Deb

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The morning pain and stiffness is incredible. I used to spend 30 - 40 minutes stretching before I got out of bed, but, of course, it did no good. I'm so happy that part of it is gone for now. Teri


I think our bodies know best. Don't be disappointed in yourself for trying and if he's disappointed...oh well. I'm at 15 mg. down from 20 mg. I do notice some stiffness, but this will level off I'm sure. I did try going down another 2.5 mg but that was a little too ambitious. Next it will be 1 mg. Probably in a few weeks. Listen to your body. I think 6.25 is amazing!

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So true! I’m alternating by 1mg every other day for 1-2 weeks on my ramp down. Seems to be working. Fingers crossed that it continues to work.


That seems like a very large increase in pain for a fairly small drop in dosage. If it were me I would call my doctor. I started on 20 mg of prednisone and did not have any pain until I got down to 8 mg. That was about 4 months into treatment.

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My tapering isn't going well. Went from 20 mg down to 15 (1 pill). Decided to increase by a 1/4 of a pill which is 1.25 mg. 15 mg to 16.25. So far not kicking in. The fatigue is getting to me. The pain is up between my shoulder blades and into the back of my neck. Legs are so tired. I seem to be very shaky (almost weak). Also, I seem to have more than normal saliva (weird or what). Hanging in there though. Not hearing back for the neurologist at all. Not able to get into the Rheumatology clinic until June or July (and that's on an urgent basis). I'm okay, just frustrated. If I didn't have this group, I would know nothing. Thank you all.

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