PTSD with Periodic Limb Movement and Sleep Apnea

Posted by dcrouthe @dcrouthe, Mar 28, 2022

Good morning, I have only a few questions to ask the community on this day. How does one even with a doctor diagnoses prove to the VA the following? I have a service connected disability of PTSD rated by the VA in 2016 however I have had a sleep study done and it confirmed sleep Apnea and Periodic limb movement in 2017. How does one prove to the VA the correlation between all of these ? My actual diagnoses for PTSD was in 1996 however the VA didn't recognize it until 2016 My sleep study was conducted by the VA in 2016 and I did get my CPAP in 2017 My RLS was diagnosed by VA doctors in 1998 and still has been denied as well as the Sleep Apnea even though it has all been done with VA doctors

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Hello @dcrouthe, Welcome to Connect. If I understand correctly, the VA is denying disability for your sleep apnea and RLS even though you were diagnosed with the conditions by VA doctors. I'm not sure if you have looked into any of the Veterans websites for information but I found a couple that may be of help.

-- Was Your Veterans Disability Claim Denied?:
-- Your Sleep Apnea VA Rating — A Guide to Getting a VA Disability Rating for Sleep Apnea:
-- VA proposes updates to disability rating schedules for respiratory, auditory and mental disorders body systems:

Have you talked with any local veterans organizations to see if they have any suggestions?


Hello @dcrouthe, Welcome to Connect. If I understand correctly, the VA is denying disability for your sleep apnea and RLS even though you were diagnosed with the conditions by VA doctors. I'm not sure if you have looked into any of the Veterans websites for information but I found a couple that may be of help.

-- Was Your Veterans Disability Claim Denied?:
-- Your Sleep Apnea VA Rating — A Guide to Getting a VA Disability Rating for Sleep Apnea:
-- VA proposes updates to disability rating schedules for respiratory, auditory and mental disorders body systems:

Have you talked with any local veterans organizations to see if they have any suggestions?

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Thank you for responding. I have talked with Veteran service officers who help file the VA claims a lot of them have no clue about helping. It took me 18 years to finally get my award for PTSD even with all the facts and diagnoses. I have been researching on line about the connection between PTSD and Sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. They all have the same thing in common PTSD. However their is no Medical journal that spells it out directly. I currently cannot afford a lawyer so I am sorta forced to go about it on my own. Thank you oce again for your assistance

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