Discontinuing psychiatric medication

Posted by trigirl64 @trigirl64, Mar 25, 2022

I have bipolar 2 disorder and have been very stable for many years. I would like to try to taper the dosage of two of my medications. I'm wondering which to do first - Seroquel or Trazadone.? I am on Cipralex 15mg; trazodone 150 mg at bedtime and Seroquel 50 mg at bedtime.

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@trigirl64 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

I am not familiar with the medications you listed, that you take. I am curious what has prompted you to consider tapering off them? Have you spoken to your medical team about this, and what is their response?


@trigirl64 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

I am not familiar with the medications you listed, that you take. I am curious what has prompted you to consider tapering off them? Have you spoken to your medical team about this, and what is their response?

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I haven’t spoken to my doctor yet but plan to before starting to taper. The reason I’m thinking about going off of them is because I have been stable for so long I wonder if I still need these meds.


I would caution you to not taper off without the okay from your PCP. I have tried on several occasions to taper off meds with only negative results. The meds are keeping me from falling into deep distress.


Be careful tapering off. Some meds are difficult to stop. I’m on duloxitine for peripheral neuropathy but it is generally used for anxiety. Whenever I tried to stop every day to every other day, I pay for it with bad stomach cramps. It’s not worth stopping for me.


If the effect of the medications is to help manage your issues, keep taking them unless the prescribing physician advises tapering. This could be very unpleasant. Enjoy your life. Take the medications…


I haven’t spoken to my doctor yet but plan to before starting to taper. The reason I’m thinking about going off of them is because I have been stable for so long I wonder if I still need these meds.

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@trigirl64 You may find the tapering off will cause unforeseen issues. Are there side effects you are dealing with after long-term usage that is bothering you? Personally, I come from the camp of "if it ain't broken, don't try to fix it!" This is best for a frank discussion with your prescribing doctor, so he/she can closely monitor you


Thanks so much everyone for your thoughtful feedback. I really appreciate it. I will definitely speak with my medical team before I try anything different. Stay safe and healthy everyone.


Have you previously attempted to taper yourself off your meds? It makes sense to wish to be off meds such as these now that you have been stable for a long period. My concern is you are doing this without the advice of the prescribing physicians or your support team, which is not a very good idea. You should at least consult with your mental health treatment team so you have an outside view of your mental health so you can more safely taper off the meds without any repercussions.


I haven’t spoken to my doctor yet but plan to before starting to taper. The reason I’m thinking about going off of them is because I have been stable for so long I wonder if I still need these meds.

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You may not need them any longer. Taper slowly with your doctor‘’s knowledge and see what happens. Why keep these drugs in your system if they may no longer be necessary or even helpful.


That’s what I was thinking. I will definitely speak with my doctor first. Thank you.

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