Post-covid neuropathy, Pan-colitis, now fast heart rate upon standing

Posted by cayzmom @cayzmom, Feb 17, 2022

I’m a 47 yr old fairly healthy woman. Diagnosed with Covid on 1/13/22. The first 2 we’re mild symptoms. Most fatigue and muscle weakness. None of the typical issues like respiratory. On 1/28 started getting burning pain in my shoulders and arms. By the morning of 1/29, I had a blanket effect of burning pain from the top of my legs to my feet. On 1/30 I went to ER because this was not normal. Diagnosed with post covid neuropathy. Then 6 days later was in so much pain had to call an ambulance. Could not move. Laying on floor. Rapid heart rate, sweating profusely and rapid breathing. Diagnosed with pan-colitis. I can’t seem to get back to normal. Fevers every day from day 1. Burning sensations and now rapid HR upon standing up. Has anyone else had this happen?

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I believe all my neuropathy symptoms which are similar to yours was caused by covid infection. Doctors believe I either have dysautonomia, damage to autonomic nervous system due to covid or Vagus nerve damage due to covid. Most symptoms of vagus nerve damage and dysautonomia align with my many neurological symptoms


I believe all my neuropathy symptoms which are similar to yours was caused by covid infection. Doctors believe I either have dysautonomia, damage to autonomic nervous system due to covid or Vagus nerve damage due to covid. Most symptoms of vagus nerve damage and dysautonomia align with my many neurological symptoms

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@joannemm30809 , kindly share how you have been coping with vagus damage. I have been diagnosed of that recently and guess it due to diabetic neuropathy. I am passing through deep hell of pains as a young man with a young family of 3 kids.

Kindly share your experience on the way forward, please.


Not only do I have Vagus nerve episodes but so does my husband. My husband's is much worse than mine. Whenever my husband experiences any pain or uneasiness or feeling sick etc it triggers the vagus nerve to send him into a fainting spell with convulsions. They call it syncope with convulsions. It absolutely looks like a seizure from epilepsy but it is not it is brought on by this overactive or damaged vagus nerve. Mine is the same way but they also think I have an autonomic nervous system issue as well where my sympathetic comparison pathetic nervous system no longer works correctly. My husband nor I can figure out what is brought this on especially that we both have it and sometimes the trigger is something as simple as gas pains that can bring on a vagus nerve episode.

The doctor still have no idea what causes damage to the vagus nerve or maybe a virus caused it like my husband and I think the covid virus could have at least triggered mine back in November 2019 when we both became deadly sick with a virus but it was not the flu or pneumonia and the doctors did not know about the coronavirus at that time but many including my husband and I believe we caught covid in November 2019 and that's what's caused my episodes that are debilitating. My husband and I are vaccinated yet 2 weeks ago we both caught covid at the same time both became sick feeling sick the same day and went up in the walk-in emergency clinic and tested positive for covid. I guess it doesn't matter how many times we get a booster shot either we're still going to catch it if we're near somebody so we've been sick for 2 weeks now but we were lucky enough to get a monoclonal infusion 2 days after we tested positive. My husband's been suffering with Vagus nerve episodes since 2010 when he was up on the roof of my brother's house and turned his leg wrong and got a severe leg cramp and thank God I was able to get off the roof before he went into a full convulsion with fainting. You just had another episode last week and collapsed on the bathroom floor. None of the neurologists know how to fix it or how to stop it except for to tell you to stay hydrated and get lots of rest, the same stuff they tell you to do on every other illness. They don't know how to fix it though. None of the neurologists know how to fix my autonomic nervous issues either.


@joannemm30809 , kindly share how you have been coping with vagus damage. I have been diagnosed of that recently and guess it due to diabetic neuropathy. I am passing through deep hell of pains as a young man with a young family of 3 kids.

Kindly share your experience on the way forward, please.

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Itch and pain. My nerve pain travels from my upper back to my to underarm. There is a deep pain at the under arm area.
Does this condition seem similar to yours.

Thank you, Patsy


Hi..I wound up with severe ulcerative colitis from Covid..had Covid december 2021..I have had Colitis ever since..wound up in the hospital twice, missed a lot of work and have been very ill..many other long haul symptoms also, but the Colitis and my tummy problems have been the worse. Medications did not work, and I believe they made me worse. No one would listen to me until my last hospitalization the first week of October. They believe me now. I had the Colonoscopy to prove how bad it was. Are you on Colitis medications? Immodium and Mesalamine products made things worse. Now off that stuff and after three weeks , feeling somewhat better. I think the side effects made it worse as it actually made me passout at work. Keep advocating for your self. Do not give up. It is a horrible disease. Sincerely, Kitty2

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