Just diagnosed with Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: What to expect?

Posted by rose53 @rose53, Oct 21, 2021

I was just diagnosed with this uterine cancer. I am 68 and I'm so freightened. Waiting to see doctor for hysteroctomy. This is all I know. I had a biopsy done and this is the result. Anyone please let me know what ro expect and do before hand and any suggestions are embraced. ❤

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I had my appointment and it went very well. Most all of my questions were answered (I forgot to ask a couple small details), but that was my fault. I will be seeing my oncologist every 3 to 6 months for the next 5 years. I received copies of my diagnosis, genetic study, etc. We spoke in detail about the symptoms I have been having and if and who should treat those. He prescribed something and I will start it today. I left feeling hopeful, grateful and relieved. I will be returning to work next week, so I am not sure how that will play into my recovery, but I am thinking maybe having my mind on other things may be a good thing. I can't thank you enough for your help. It has meant so much to me!!!

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@cmb2022 This is such good news. I'm so happy to know that your appointment with your oncologist gave you reassurance and that you will be followed carefully over the near 5 years. And your oncologist addressed your menopause symptoms? It sounds like you are very ready to be back at work. I hope you will give yourself some room to take it slowly. When I went back to work I practically fell asleep at my desk after a few hours! My doctor told me that while I only had a few scars from the very small incisions on my abdomen I still had a lot of healing to do internally.

Thank you for letting me know that I was helpful to you. Will you let me know how you are feeling when you get back to work - will it be next week?


@cmb2022 This is such good news. I'm so happy to know that your appointment with your oncologist gave you reassurance and that you will be followed carefully over the near 5 years. And your oncologist addressed your menopause symptoms? It sounds like you are very ready to be back at work. I hope you will give yourself some room to take it slowly. When I went back to work I practically fell asleep at my desk after a few hours! My doctor told me that while I only had a few scars from the very small incisions on my abdomen I still had a lot of healing to do internally.

Thank you for letting me know that I was helpful to you. Will you let me know how you are feeling when you get back to work - will it be next week?

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Yes, it was a very positive experience. I am wondering how work will go. I spoke with my boss today and she was super kind and said that I can do what I need to. She is very understanding and even said if I need more time off no questions would be asked. My job is sort of a high pressure one so that may prove a challenge.
One of my questions that I missed was what sort of follow up would I experience. Just an exam, blood work, scans, etc. Would you mind to share what your experience has been. If that is too personal I apologize. I just missed it and it was something I was very curious to know.

I will absolutely update and yes I will return on Monday.

Please know your replies have been quite a lifeline for me!


Yes, it was a very positive experience. I am wondering how work will go. I spoke with my boss today and she was super kind and said that I can do what I need to. She is very understanding and even said if I need more time off no questions would be asked. My job is sort of a high pressure one so that may prove a challenge.
One of my questions that I missed was what sort of follow up would I experience. Just an exam, blood work, scans, etc. Would you mind to share what your experience has been. If that is too personal I apologize. I just missed it and it was something I was very curious to know.

I will absolutely update and yes I will return on Monday.

Please know your replies have been quite a lifeline for me!

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Hello, @cmb2022 What a relief it must be to know your boss is so supportive. That is one less thing for you to worry about, right? You wrote your job is high pressure so taking time off when needed is out there when and if you need it.

I go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester and I'm followed by a nurse practitioner who is in the same department as the GYN/ONC surgeon. They all work together as part of my team.

For the first 2 years my exams were physical exams. An external pelvic and an internal (vaginal with the use of a speculum) exam. No blood tests or CT. The nurse practitioner spends a lot of time with me asking specific questions about any symptoms including do I have any pelvic pain? Bleeding? And how I am doing overall? A recurrence was found on vaginal exam (in the vaginal cuff) last October . I had treatment for the recurrence (radiation). The schedule then changed to every 3 months and in addition to the physical exam I'll have a CT for chest, abdomen, and upper legs.

The follow up exams are scary and helpful at the same time. Since I kept up with my followup as recommended the recurrence was found very early as I didn't have any symptoms.

Is there a patient portal you can use to ask your oncologist what your exam will include? Will you see your oncologist or go to someone else?

And will you let me know how you are feeling next week when you're back at work? We're warriors, you know, and we go forward with the support of one another.


Hello, @cmb2022 What a relief it must be to know your boss is so supportive. That is one less thing for you to worry about, right? You wrote your job is high pressure so taking time off when needed is out there when and if you need it.

I go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester and I'm followed by a nurse practitioner who is in the same department as the GYN/ONC surgeon. They all work together as part of my team.

For the first 2 years my exams were physical exams. An external pelvic and an internal (vaginal with the use of a speculum) exam. No blood tests or CT. The nurse practitioner spends a lot of time with me asking specific questions about any symptoms including do I have any pelvic pain? Bleeding? And how I am doing overall? A recurrence was found on vaginal exam (in the vaginal cuff) last October . I had treatment for the recurrence (radiation). The schedule then changed to every 3 months and in addition to the physical exam I'll have a CT for chest, abdomen, and upper legs.

The follow up exams are scary and helpful at the same time. Since I kept up with my followup as recommended the recurrence was found very early as I didn't have any symptoms.

Is there a patient portal you can use to ask your oncologist what your exam will include? Will you see your oncologist or go to someone else?

And will you let me know how you are feeling next week when you're back at work? We're warriors, you know, and we go forward with the support of one another.

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Thank you so much again! You have been so helpful to me

Yes, my boss is wonderful and I will rest and leave when I need to. I am so grateful that she is so understanding and supportive. I don't sleep well so I may go in early and have some time to myself and then I can leave early.

Thank you for telling me about your experience during follow ups. I do have a chart and can ask that as well. I hadn't thought of it.

I will see my surgeon who is also my oncologist. His practice has several other Doctors, PA's and NP's, but he said I would continue to see him for the duration of my follow-up.

Yes, we are warriors and I sure will update you next week at some point. Thank you again! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you and all the wonderful information you have provided!


@cmb2022. Thank you. It goes both ways. I'm a cancer survivor so when I have the opportunity to support others it brings it full circle back to me.

Hoping for a good week at work. Please let me know how you're feeling during the week, OK?


@cmb2022. Thank you. It goes both ways. I'm a cancer survivor so when I have the opportunity to support others it brings it full circle back to me.

Hoping for a good week at work. Please let me know how you're feeling during the week, OK?

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You are welcome! I also meant to say that I was sorry you had to go through a reoccurance. I was kind of wrapped up in me and forgot to acknowledge that. I am sure that was hard for you, but I am so glad you keep encouraging and trudging along.

I have to be honest I am not the same person I was just over a month ago. I have had so many emotions and worst of all spent a few weeks being mad at the world. In reality I have learned who my friends are. Those that have supported me, offered kind words, sent cards, flowers, gifts, visited, called , brought food or even prayed for me when I wasn't worthy of such kind acts, even to the stranger on web based support page who has helped more than she will ever know! I am most grateful!


@cmb2022. Of course you are wrapped up in you. I understand as this is all a big shock and change for you.

I can relate to the changes a person goes through living with cancer. Yes the same for me. I learned who my friends are. One of my friends offered to come to Rochester to stay with me while I had radiation treatment in December. She stayed for 2 weeks. Physically I was OK but emotionally I needed the support and she knew it. I thanked her many times and she kept saying that she was enjoying herself. I couldn't imagine that at the time.

You are surely worthy of kind acts from your friends and from this stranger on a web-based support page. How was I worthy of a friend willing to leave her home and drive 850 miles round trip in winter to stay with me. It's hard to convince ourselves of that, isn't it?

I'm going to go philosophical here for a moment. As humans we need to find meaning in the world. Living a meaningful life to me means relationships with others. I get to choose who I have those relationships with. So right now as my cat cruises past me I reach out give her a pat and kiss. She meows and purrs in response. And I get to come to this page and "talk" to you.

Wishing you a good week. Thank you for the kind words. They mean more to me than you will ever know!


@cmb2022. Of course you are wrapped up in you. I understand as this is all a big shock and change for you.

I can relate to the changes a person goes through living with cancer. Yes the same for me. I learned who my friends are. One of my friends offered to come to Rochester to stay with me while I had radiation treatment in December. She stayed for 2 weeks. Physically I was OK but emotionally I needed the support and she knew it. I thanked her many times and she kept saying that she was enjoying herself. I couldn't imagine that at the time.

You are surely worthy of kind acts from your friends and from this stranger on a web-based support page. How was I worthy of a friend willing to leave her home and drive 850 miles round trip in winter to stay with me. It's hard to convince ourselves of that, isn't it?

I'm going to go philosophical here for a moment. As humans we need to find meaning in the world. Living a meaningful life to me means relationships with others. I get to choose who I have those relationships with. So right now as my cat cruises past me I reach out give her a pat and kiss. She meows and purrs in response. And I get to come to this page and "talk" to you.

Wishing you a good week. Thank you for the kind words. They mean more to me than you will ever know!

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Well day 1 was good. I am so very tired. It seemed like such a long day. I resisted the urge to leave early, but may tomorrow. It actually felt good to have a more normal routine.

Our friends are amazing and if the situation was reversed I can say we would be right there if we could.

I am trying to think of a good way to treat myself. My body and mind have been through so much. I think a massage might be in order.

Thank you so much and hopefully we can keep in touch!


Yes, it was a very positive experience. I am wondering how work will go. I spoke with my boss today and she was super kind and said that I can do what I need to. She is very understanding and even said if I need more time off no questions would be asked. My job is sort of a high pressure one so that may prove a challenge.
One of my questions that I missed was what sort of follow up would I experience. Just an exam, blood work, scans, etc. Would you mind to share what your experience has been. If that is too personal I apologize. I just missed it and it was something I was very curious to know.

I will absolutely update and yes I will return on Monday.

Please know your replies have been quite a lifeline for me!

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@cmb2022 and @naturegirl5 as you both return to work, I think you might have tips and thoughts to contribute to these discussions:
- Going back to work after cancer: Is this exhaustion normal? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/going-back-to-work/
- Cancer and returning to work https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cancer-and-work/

Today is workday 2. Sending you good vibes.


You are welcome! I also meant to say that I was sorry you had to go through a reoccurance. I was kind of wrapped up in me and forgot to acknowledge that. I am sure that was hard for you, but I am so glad you keep encouraging and trudging along.

I have to be honest I am not the same person I was just over a month ago. I have had so many emotions and worst of all spent a few weeks being mad at the world. In reality I have learned who my friends are. Those that have supported me, offered kind words, sent cards, flowers, gifts, visited, called , brought food or even prayed for me when I wasn't worthy of such kind acts, even to the stranger on web based support page who has helped more than she will ever know! I am most grateful!

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Dearest @cmb2022
My name is Rosemarie. I have been keeping up with your post because I want to know how your faring sice your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with the same cancer at 68 as well. I was lost the day the I was told I had it. I didn't know if I was in denial because I just couldn't believe it and I was numb the first day. The next day when it sunk in, emotions came all kinds and crying all day took over. Then questions, I had no answer to came pouring in so it made it worst. I reached out for support and nature girl helped me so much. She had the same cancer and shared with me her experience. HOPE started for me.. I had to have it or I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't. Finally the day came when I had my initial visit with Oncologist doctor, explained what needed to be done and what to expect after it..still hoping, praying,.. After surgery, doctor gave more hope. He said he removed cancer, and no other place visible of it. My dear sister, I was happy I couldn't stop crying.
My experience has humbled me, strengthened me, take nothing for granted and appreciate each day we have because we never know what tomorrow brings but most of all, keep faith intact and never give up on HOPE. That's the power we need to keep us going. Praying for your recovery..

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