Long COVID and dealing with Strokes: Anyone else?

Posted by hnickol @hnickol, Jan 25, 2022

I had Covid in November of 2020. Suffered with long covid since. I had a stroke at 10 months out. I am 41 and was 'healthy' until this hit. I recently had Omnicron and 7 days later another stroke. I have been reading about how covid attacks blood vessels and the lining in the brain. Anyone else have similar situation or have read any treatment options?

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I had covid in November 2021 and I am dealing with a lot of head and neck pressure and headaches. I can feel my heart beat in head and neck especially after exertion. I can't concentrate or multitask anymore. Everything takes so much longer for me to think through to make decisions or complete any task. My memory is also completely shot and I still can't taste or smell. I don't know if this is from inflammation of the nerve tissues and brain tissue or if its a blood flow problem caused from the covid. Personally, I have been trying natural supplements that are anti-inflammatory and blood thinners to prevent clots. I am taking 325mg of aspirin, Omega-3 and Turmeric. I also take Vitamin D3 with K2, Vit B12, Magnesium, NAC and Zinc. I thought it was slowly getting better but now I don't know?

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@denisept, you may find these discussion helpful. You're not alone.
- Trouble doing laundry. Anyone else struggling with simple daily tasks? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/trouble-doing-laundry-anyone/
- Dealing with brain fog: What helps you? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dealing-with-brain-fog/


I had covid in November 2021 and I am dealing with a lot of head and neck pressure and headaches. I can feel my heart beat in head and neck especially after exertion. I can't concentrate or multitask anymore. Everything takes so much longer for me to think through to make decisions or complete any task. My memory is also completely shot and I still can't taste or smell. I don't know if this is from inflammation of the nerve tissues and brain tissue or if its a blood flow problem caused from the covid. Personally, I have been trying natural supplements that are anti-inflammatory and blood thinners to prevent clots. I am taking 325mg of aspirin, Omega-3 and Turmeric. I also take Vitamin D3 with K2, Vit B12, Magnesium, NAC and Zinc. I thought it was slowly getting better but now I don't know?

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I had neck pain, but I didn't think it was related to anything , but that can be a sign of a dissected artery.


Jessalyn, I think @lnichols and @ginalambiris will be able to relate to your situation.

Jessalyn, what is the next step for you? What are your doctors suggesting?

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Hi, I am now on blood thinners and a blood pressure med and go back in April for more scans and to see a neurosurgeon. They did not say if it was covid related but they have made notes about it.


Yes, I have a 12, 10 and 4 year old. Thankfully I have a good job and had a ton of leave built up...a great supportive husband and family that have stepped in, but it still is hard to have life changed.
My strokes are ischemic strokes. They affected my vision and hearing. Thankfully, I have no other visual effects or paralysis. For a month after my strokes, I am miserable....sleeping...hiding from my family all day to escape the sensory overload. It could be way worse and I am grateful for that. I am starting to feel better again. I just want a dr or clinic to reseach why this is happening and help treat me. My local drs all say the same thing:
You are so young! You are a healthy 40 year old. You dont present like a stroke patient! Could be covid related, but we wont know for some time....next patient!

I am hopeful for some treatment soon. I just want a dr that acknowledges that these could be covid related and help me.

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Are you taking a blood thinner to prevent further strokes? Have they done blood work to check you D-Dimer? What supplements are you taking if any? I have been seeing an integrative medical provider. She has me on many supplements for my post covid. I am feeling much better but I know it is a long term battle. I will list them if you would like.


Are you taking a blood thinner to prevent further strokes? Have they done blood work to check you D-Dimer? What supplements are you taking if any? I have been seeing an integrative medical provider. She has me on many supplements for my post covid. I am feeling much better but I know it is a long term battle. I will list them if you would like.

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Please do list what you are taking for your supplements. My son is suffering from an inflammation of the medulla. No answers yet but had Covid back in the fall.


Please do list what you are taking for your supplements. My son is suffering from an inflammation of the medulla. No answers yet but had Covid back in the fall.

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I’m sorry to hear that:( I sent you a link to give you more information. Personally I am taking: dandelion root extract, Quercetin, N-acetylcholine (NAC), black cumin, turmeric, aspirin 325mg, melatonin, omega-3, vitamin B, Dim-pro, vitamin C (up to 4,000mg) vitamin D3 with k2, glutathione liquid. My doctor also prescribed a low dose of naltrexone for headaches but I haven’t taken that yet. I know this sounds like a lot but the spike protein affects so many parts of our bodies. These are mostly all detox supplements.


I’m sorry to hear that:( I sent you a link to give you more information. Personally I am taking: dandelion root extract, Quercetin, N-acetylcholine (NAC), black cumin, turmeric, aspirin 325mg, melatonin, omega-3, vitamin B, Dim-pro, vitamin C (up to 4,000mg) vitamin D3 with k2, glutathione liquid. My doctor also prescribed a low dose of naltrexone for headaches but I haven’t taken that yet. I know this sounds like a lot but the spike protein affects so many parts of our bodies. These are mostly all detox supplements.

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Thank you for sharing. That sounds like a better medicine to me. Healing blessings sent your way.


Supplements can be beneficial to your health — but taking supplements can also involve health risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed. It is advised to talk to your doctor or pharmacist when considering what supplements and quantities or dosages would be beneficial for you. Your pharmacist can also check if there are any potential drug interactions with medications you may be taking.

Mayo Clinic researchers and clinicians are studying the role of supplements and diet in the recovery from COVID. Here are some blog posts our COVID team have written:
- The Role of Nutrition and Supplements in Managing Chronic Fatigue Post-COVID https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/post-covid-recovery/newsfeed-post/the-role-of-nutrition-and-supplements-in-managing-chronic-fatigue-post-covid/
- Post-COVID Recovery https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/post-covid-recovery/newsfeed-post/post-covid-recovery/

When finding information online, be sure to evaluate the source of the information. Is it from a trusted medical insitution or from a manufacturer or seller? How recent is the data? Has the research been peer-reviewed?


Please do list what you are taking for your supplements. My son is suffering from an inflammation of the medulla. No answers yet but had Covid back in the fall.

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This is a very rare condition. Can you share his age, symptoms and whether the doctors have made any suggestions for seeking treatment?


This is a very rare condition. Can you share his age, symptoms and whether the doctors have made any suggestions for seeking treatment?

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He is 35 years young and he was vented and in an induced coma for 3 days in the Nero ICU until they started him on 1000mg of steroids and 5 plasma transfers over a period of 10 days. He’s home now and will follow up with his neurologist Tuesday. He had a spinal tap and they did over a 100 lab test. Everyone has come back negative so far. Waiting on 12 more to come back. Protein count is slightly high and high white count. We are praying it will disappear as fast as it came on.

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