Loneliness: Why am I depressed?

Posted by nanette2022 @nanette2022, Aug 14, 2021

I have everything to be happy for yet I am depressed because I live by myself, I have no family here, and loneliness is starting to get the best of me. I love to write (I am a published author) love to cook (but no one cares to come for dinner) and gardening. Why am I so sad?

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i am so sorry for your loss. i had to give up my sweet little dog years ago because of moving reasons, but i know its not the same. yet i feel compassion for you and i know that losing your baby is like losing a child. i also know that is how i would feel. i have a cat but even that's not the same because cat's are independent. dog's are loving and just want to please their guardians. they are constantly loving. i think you should get another dog whenever the moment is right, as long as you are not trying to replace your little Shi Tzu. this will be a brand new (or old) dog with its own personality bringing you love in its own way. i hope you will consider adopting from a kill shelter even if its not a puppy. you never know what you might find...or what might find you.

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@theai, thank you for your advice. I'm very open at looking for a shelter dog, not necessarily a puppy either. After all I'm no spring chicken anymore myself. My problem is that my kids have said we have to move out of our apartment first. It's small, no yard, etc. That's what I wanted for Harley but it never materialized. So why would I think it would happen this time? I'm 70 years old and have medical problems up the ying yang, including CAD with 1 HA under my belt. I'm full of depression right now that a dog would help. Without a dog what will I be like 3-5 years down the road? Or whenever we are able to move? Ah well, I guess it will work itself out. Take care...😋


@theai, thank you for your advice. I'm very open at looking for a shelter dog, not necessarily a puppy either. After all I'm no spring chicken anymore myself. My problem is that my kids have said we have to move out of our apartment first. It's small, no yard, etc. That's what I wanted for Harley but it never materialized. So why would I think it would happen this time? I'm 70 years old and have medical problems up the ying yang, including CAD with 1 HA under my belt. I'm full of depression right now that a dog would help. Without a dog what will I be like 3-5 years down the road? Or whenever we are able to move? Ah well, I guess it will work itself out. Take care...😋

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@dannybee We also live in a house with no yard, but i really wanted a new dog. I started looking at the dog rescue groups and found Poppy! He was little-15 pounds, blind, toothless and had been living on the streets of Houston. He just looked awful but the two of us bonded immediately. For awhile, he wore a doggie diaper but quickly remembered house training. I take him for walks every day. Don’t get a puppy! They take too much work. And older dogs don’t live a long time—they just want a home and to be loved!


@dannybee We also live in a house with no yard, but i really wanted a new dog. I started looking at the dog rescue groups and found Poppy! He was little-15 pounds, blind, toothless and had been living on the streets of Houston. He just looked awful but the two of us bonded immediately. For awhile, he wore a doggie diaper but quickly remembered house training. I take him for walks every day. Don’t get a puppy! They take too much work. And older dogs don’t live a long time—they just want a home and to be loved!

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@becsbuddy, i know. Ideally a small dog would be best for me, especially one that would always be in my lap like Harley. A large dog would die earlier, at least that's what I've heard. I couldn't bear that. I'm so glad you found Poppy. I've always counseled others to jump back in and get another dog, but it seems I cant because of this stipulation with my kids. Intellectually, I understand it, but I'm getting old and I need another dog in my life to help keep me young. :'(


@becsbuddy, i know. Ideally a small dog would be best for me, especially one that would always be in my lap like Harley. A large dog would die earlier, at least that's what I've heard. I couldn't bear that. I'm so glad you found Poppy. I've always counseled others to jump back in and get another dog, but it seems I cant because of this stipulation with my kids. Intellectually, I understand it, but I'm getting old and I need another dog in my life to help keep me young. :'(

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@dannybee That is sad. Do you live with your children? Maybe you could talk with them and help them understand how important a dog is to you. You just need the unconditional love that a dog brings. Or a cat? And 70 is not old! I’m 74.
Are you able to get out at all? Call your Humane Society and see what they have that you could do!
Don’t give up hope!


Yes, don’t give up hope. Even if it’s a tiny burning candle of hope way out in the darkness, focus on it and it will grow.

Animals can be a great blessing, like anything that gets us out of our selves and our heads and into the amazing life around us.



Yes, don’t give up hope. Even if it’s a tiny burning candle of hope way out in the darkness, focus on it and it will grow.

Animals can be a great blessing, like anything that gets us out of our selves and our heads and into the amazing life around us.


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@emil, thank you for your hopeful words. I miss my little buddy. He was so quirky and lovable. Not easy at all to potty train.
He was so lazy that he would be laying on the couch and whine because he wanted a drink of water but he didn't want to get up to get it. He was a big flirt too. Loved him to the moon and back. Judy


@dannybee That is sad. Do you live with your children? Maybe you could talk with them and help them understand how important a dog is to you. You just need the unconditional love that a dog brings. Or a cat? And 70 is not old! I’m 74.
Are you able to get out at all? Call your Humane Society and see what they have that you could do!
Don’t give up hope!

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Becky, thanks. I won't give up hope. To give up would be death. Sometimes I feel like I'm ready for death but then not really. I'm just tired of all the stress,,strife, heartache, and pain of life. No I don't get out. I want to go walking but not by myself. If I fell I couldn't get up by myself.
We'll see. Thank you for your kind words.


@becsbuddy, i know. Ideally a small dog would be best for me, especially one that would always be in my lap like Harley. A large dog would die earlier, at least that's what I've heard. I couldn't bear that. I'm so glad you found Poppy. I've always counseled others to jump back in and get another dog, but it seems I cant because of this stipulation with my kids. Intellectually, I understand it, but I'm getting old and I need another dog in my life to help keep me young. :'(

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Maybe have your kids pick out the dog for you might change their minds just a thought good luck


Becky, thanks. I won't give up hope. To give up would be death. Sometimes I feel like I'm ready for death but then not really. I'm just tired of all the stress,,strife, heartache, and pain of life. No I don't get out. I want to go walking but not by myself. If I fell I couldn't get up by myself.
We'll see. Thank you for your kind words.

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judy, i feel as you do, tired of all the stresses of life, unable to lift myself off the ground, and in need of a dog. you know, there are other groups on this website that may suit you too.


Maybe have your kids pick out the dog for you might change their minds just a thought good luck

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Lol, @davej. If I did that they would probably come home with a Boston terrier or French Bull dog. I'm not against those dogs I just wanted a dog with a little more hair, not a lot, just a little. Actually, I have thought of this but I think I need to bond with this animal first? Maybe not. I just need something cuddly in my arms. My arms ache for it. Thanks Dave, I'll consider everything. Judy

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