Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Now you’re a lady who knows how to get her vitamins. My friend invited me over for dinner last night. She fixed me a nice steak dinner and some luscious brownies with marshmallow cream and caramel & nuts. They were to die for. She didn’t eat any desert because of her diabetes. If I had diabetes I couldn’t have anything like that in the house. Then she sent me home with a meatloaf, broccoli, twice baked potatoes.
Not to brag but do I know how to pick friends or what? Speaking of nuts, I have a question for @imallears. We were talking about sweet potatoes versus yams. Some places we looked it said they are all sweet potatoes. other places we looked said they are definitely different. another place said that people that think they’re looking at three potatoes are actually yams My friend and I believe that a sweet potato has a light beige skin and the inside is white and yams are orange inside . So my question is, is it a regional thing.? Do people from different parts of the US and world for that matter if no call a sweet potato with the white inside one thing in California and something else in New York or the south or the north?. Anyones opinion welcome.
Have a good day all and if Sue has any cookies left I know she will,

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Jake, FYI…Sweet potatoes are indigenous to the “new world” and are typically reddish skinned and darker, often orange inside. And, yams are typically brownish skinned and lighter inside. Unfortunately, in the US, sweet potatoes are often labeled as yams. For example, my favorite, “Garnet Yams” are actually sweet potatoes.


Sounds like you need to come to California for some nice weather.

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@jakedduck1, @becsbuddy,and all..Or, Becky, come to sunny Florida! You have an open invitation. It was 80 yesterday. Today, I was chilly...high is 67, low 47. Beautiful day for a walk. Tonight in 40's again, then tomorrow in 60-70. Nice.
Get out and enjoy your cold weather...you're doing so well.
Blessings as you fleece up! Elizabeth


@jakedduck1, @becsbuddy,and all..Or, Becky, come to sunny Florida! You have an open invitation. It was 80 yesterday. Today, I was chilly...high is 67, low 47. Beautiful day for a walk. Tonight in 40's again, then tomorrow in 60-70. Nice.
Get out and enjoy your cold weather...you're doing so well.
Blessings as you fleece up! Elizabeth

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@becsbuddy , @jakedduck1. @loribmt , @johnbishop and all.. I couldn't resist sharing these. What is that bird??? It's new, different size/shape and sat there watching me forever
Then off it flew. The precious chicadee was one of 5 or 6. With yellow finch couple. One tiny yellow finch is determined to visit inside, keeps pecking on my windows. I owed the blinds a d went upstairs. He tried the same with upstairs window. My!
Oh, should be in Outside My Window...
Blessings all. Elizabeth


@jakedduck1, @becsbuddy,and all..Or, Becky, come to sunny Florida! You have an open invitation. It was 80 yesterday. Today, I was chilly...high is 67, low 47. Beautiful day for a walk. Tonight in 40's again, then tomorrow in 60-70. Nice.
Get out and enjoy your cold weather...you're doing so well.
Blessings as you fleece up! Elizabeth

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@ess77 Elizabeth, i would love to visit Florida! But, only a visit. We were there once when when our son, an army officer, was assigned to the Raytheon Corp, to share information. He was in Melbourne Beach. It was great, but not a forever place i want to live in. Our snow is gone and it was a warm sunny day. Until tomorrow. We’re expecting another winter storm. 🙂
I love your photos!


@ess77 Elizabeth, i would love to visit Florida! But, only a visit. We were there once when when our son, an army officer, was assigned to the Raytheon Corp, to share information. He was in Melbourne Beach. It was great, but not a forever place i want to live in. Our snow is gone and it was a warm sunny day. Until tomorrow. We’re expecting another winter storm. 🙂
I love your photos!

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@becsbuddy, @artist01, @jakedduck1, @joohnbishop, and all...Did your son enjoy Melbourne? I generally enjoy this beautiful state less as you go south, due to the heavier sunshine and heat, and sunburn possibilities. I had years of toasting in the sun, poolside and beachside, using iodine and baby oil mixed to really sizzle your skin. It did and I stay out of the sun now. Enjoy the weather, the sunshine, and pretty much all of the joys of Florida life, except the insects and snakes...but, as I said, we do learn to deal with them. My mosquito zapper on the patio is working well on anything that flies. As is the one I have in the kitchen/den area for the fliers that come inside with the patio doors open or whatever. It works well and I hear it zap every once in a while. Love it!

I have water on the patio for the birds and squirrels and the rainy season is a challenge. But, these electric and solar zappers are pretty good.

That big bird in silhouette is a Mockingbird or a fluffy Crossbeak. Not sure, but I have a couple of huge Mockingbirds that are so pretty. I think I mentioned a new nest in my mailbox. I think it's been abandoned. Don't see any activity. It may be too noisy and busy with the mailman, packages, deliveries, Rob, and me. I'm not so active of course, but it is right beside the door, so I think it's a no-go. Too bad.

I hoped to get outside today for a short walk with my walker. Didn't happen. It got up to 80ish and I was stuck inside due to insomnia last night. Having some o that these days. Could be vasculitis and discomfort, or Parkinson's. Don't know, don't care. Just have to get my long rests in or Bethie's a cross girl. To bed tonight in about half-hour..

See the rheumatologist Wed and lots of bloodwork and tests. I'm taking empty bottles of supplements to see what he says. Hope he approves. Hate not to take what I have! Tomorrow is another window company for a quote. Pray for me, please!

I hope you folks all get outside and enjoy the freshness of the world. Bless you, all. Elizabeth


Walking is so boring to me.
Walked 2 1/2 miles yesterday.


That is so wonderful 2 1/2 miles wow I’m walking right now and I get phlegm in my throat and then I feel like I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m choking you know that choking aspect that you can get and it just scares me to death I called my husband to possibly come and pick me up but I always take a bottle of water and I somehow got rid of it it was scary I have NTM Mac and I think I should be using my inhaler with Celine in the morning every morning I’ve got to start doing that thanks for listening


That is so wonderful 2 1/2 miles wow I’m walking right now and I get phlegm in my throat and then I feel like I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m choking you know that choking aspect that you can get and it just scares me to death I called my husband to possibly come and pick me up but I always take a bottle of water and I somehow got rid of it it was scary I have NTM Mac and I think I should be using my inhaler with Celine in the morning every morning I’ve got to start doing that thanks for listening

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I have a kind of asthma that acts up with exercise/exertion/allergies. I put it away during the winter, but I need it now, too.
Springtime here and looking at upper 60s today. I’ll be outside today for a walk. I hope you remember it tomorrow so you can enjoy your walk.


That is so wonderful 2 1/2 miles wow I’m walking right now and I get phlegm in my throat and then I feel like I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m choking you know that choking aspect that you can get and it just scares me to death I called my husband to possibly come and pick me up but I always take a bottle of water and I somehow got rid of it it was scary I have NTM Mac and I think I should be using my inhaler with Celine in the morning every morning I’ve got to start doing that thanks for listening

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Ah yes, Judy I can relate to that choking feeling. I learned in my early MAC days to always use both inhalers before I leave for my walk, and drink a bunch of water before & during. I also carry both inhaler and tissues with me so I can stop & huff cough along the way. Some days it works, somedays it doesn't.

We have been walking faithfully every day - early AM as day temps are now between 94-105 every day. We're also on "cactus blossom patrol" in our little community - they are late this year, but a few only bloom from 3/4am until 11am and then fall, so we are waiting...they are called night blooming cereus.

Today our walk will be across the bridge to the nearest Mexican border town, where there is a procession - Via Cruz - at noon, depicting the crucifixion. It is done in costume, with ominous drums, and the local people follow to the town square. Very moving.


Walking is so boring to me.
Walked 2 1/2 miles yesterday.

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Oh Jakey…I can’t help but give you a little razzing here. Do you know what a privilege it is to be walking or bored? 🙃
Now that I’m done giving you a nudge in the side, what do you find boring about a walk? It’s one of my favorite activities. I put on at least 7 miles of dedicated ‘walking outside my home’ and generally my Fitbitch will have 10+ miles and 24,000 steps at the end of the day. I love being outside in the fresh air, sunshine if we’re lucky, and listening to the birds, wind in trees, etc.

If you’d rather tune out, how about some earbuds and listen to a podcast or some favorite music to motivate you along the way. Maybe there’s a Podcast on the love of chocolate or you can come up with jokes to share with us. 😅 Or grab a friend to walk along with you.

It’s better to think of the health benefits of walking and how it’s increasing your life span and quality of life, rather than thinking of it as a daily drudge.
What’s your music flavor?

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