How long do you take Gabapentin?

Posted by ttibsen @ttibsen, Sep 9, 2020

My wife got a Rx for Gabapentin yesterday to deal with chronic pain affecting her lower right leg below the knee. They couldn’t find anything obviously wrong and I guess that in those situations they fall back on Gabapentin. The instructions simply said take as needed and I am somewhat sceptical of this as it’s my understanding that Gabapentin is not like an analgesic which you do take on an as needed basis. I thought that for Gabapentin, once you start the meds, you continue at least until the meds is finished. She was given a one month supply.

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What form of Ketamine helps your pain and what dosage and times of the day? Please respond. I use 1/4th Ketamine sublingual melt at bedtime. Have u ever used Peptide injections? I have not but I’m hearing a lot about it.
I wish I could say that Low Dose Naltrexone helped my pain but instead it made my Tension Headaches and nerve pain worse. I tried it several times and each time, it made them more painful.

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I use ketamine troches. They are little wax cubes that dissolve under your tongue. Each one is 100mg and I’m supposed to take them 4X/day. So 400mg total/day. I usually end up taking them all just before bed, because I don’t enjoy spending my day high as a kite. I take them at night and drift off to sleep. I’ve never heard of peptide injections. I do know that most people with my diagnosis benefit from IV ketamine infusions, but this is the best I could do with my insurance. It’s not covered, but it’s $200/month vs. thousands. I’m sorry you had no luck with LDN. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.


Your question about Peptide therapy caught my attention. I have been seeing it mentioned a few times lately as an emerging therapy for both arthritis and pain, and it sounds extremely promising.
From what I can see, there are MANY peptides, and just a few have been isolated, tested and effective. But of course the supplement market has jumped in with all sorts of peptide products, some oral, some injectable. The miracle cure "clinics" have also jumped into the game, with ads, memberships and Web sites. Remember that this is not the Peptide Therapy being discussed in medical journals.
If you are interested in Peptide therapy for specific types of pain, be sure to discuss it with your current doc and get referred to an appropriate provider, like a pain clinic.
Have you asked your provider about Peptide therapy, or has it been suggested to you?

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I watched a webinar on Peptide Therapy abd Dr Regan Archibald was interviewed. He is Medical Dir of East West Chiropractic Clinic. I called them to discuss this therapy and learn more about it. He and his coach will develop and Protocol for 3 mos of therapy. It is a customized plan of injectable peptides for a person’s symptoms and pain. It is expensive. Please advise me if you think I should not do this. I will discuss it with my Primary Care Dr. And pain Dr here where I live.


I watched a webinar on Peptide Therapy abd Dr Regan Archibald was interviewed. He is Medical Dir of East West Chiropractic Clinic. I called them to discuss this therapy and learn more about it. He and his coach will develop and Protocol for 3 mos of therapy. It is a customized plan of injectable peptides for a person’s symptoms and pain. It is expensive. Please advise me if you think I should not do this. I will discuss it with my Primary Care Dr. And pain Dr here where I live.

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I always urge caution when dealing with treatments promoted via Webinar, and linking you to specific practitioner or clinic. I looked up Reginald Archibald and his certifications say he is a Licensed Acupuncturist, has a Diploma in Oriental Medicine, and is a Functional Medicine Practitioner. He is not a doctor as far as I can see.
I cannot say what you ought to do, except to be very cautious. Also, find out whether this therapy is covered by your insurance (some Peptide therapies are covered by some policies when prescribed by an MD as part of a course of treatment.) I personally would not be comfortable reaching out to such a practice for treatment. My approach would be to consult my primary & pain docs for a referral to an MD practice using Peptide therapy.

Can you tell me about your consultation with them?


I was prescribed Gabapentin for after surgery I had to have, last March, where I had a bad dog bite over 10 years ago that then turned into cancer and so they had to remove a section of my thigh. I was prescribed it every 8 hrs for only 7 days. I was on a wound vac. I am pretty much healed since then from all that with only just a huge scar.


Has anyone switched to Pregabalin (the generic for Lyrica) and experienced more pain and headaches? It must be the fillers they use because the drug paperwork says tye active ingredients are the same.


I always urge caution when dealing with treatments promoted via Webinar, and linking you to specific practitioner or clinic. I looked up Reginald Archibald and his certifications say he is a Licensed Acupuncturist, has a Diploma in Oriental Medicine, and is a Functional Medicine Practitioner. He is not a doctor as far as I can see.
I cannot say what you ought to do, except to be very cautious. Also, find out whether this therapy is covered by your insurance (some Peptide therapies are covered by some policies when prescribed by an MD as part of a course of treatment.) I personally would not be comfortable reaching out to such a practice for treatment. My approach would be to consult my primary & pain docs for a referral to an MD practice using Peptide therapy.

Can you tell me about your consultation with them?

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I postponed a second consult with them. I told them I wanted to study on the topic more. He and his health coach designed a peptide plan for me. The whole 3 mo package is an unbelievable $9,497 or something close to that. He sent me his book.


I was at my breaking point. It was so awful. I would lose track of what I was saying in the middle of a conversation. I would have to ask the person I speaking to what we were talking about. I have to say I am much better since cutting way back. I cut back again today to 200mg 2x a day. Next week I am going down to 100mg 2x and the following week I am stopping all together consequences be dammed. I also started another nerve pain medication while weaning off the Gabapentin.

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What other nerve pain Med did you start?


It should be taken twice or three times a day. It’s supposed to be prescribed at low dose first then titrate upward when the initial dose no longer blocks the nerve pain.


I postponed a second consult with them. I told them I wanted to study on the topic more. He and his health coach designed a peptide plan for me. The whole 3 mo package is an unbelievable $9,497 or something close to that. He sent me his book.

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Eek! That price tag, and the fact he is promoting his own book, would send me running for the exit.
I believe both peptide and stem cell therapies for knees are still in very early stages. Benefits are being shown, but still more to be learned about who benefits, and at exactly what stage of deterioration.
If you really want to try it, maybe you can search for a clinical trial being run by a teaching hospital or university research facility. Your doctors would be a good place to start rather than an internet-based promoter.
Are you thinking of asking your provider?


It has worked wonders for me after triple bypass, 2017, nerve pain in breasts, bad, improved finally with gabapentin, 400 mg, 4 times daily, that's alot over almost 5 years, never asked about stopping? Nobody brings it up

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