Complications after varicocele repair: looking for help and guidance
In September of 2020, I had a Varicocele repair in my groin. In Novemeber of 2020, I contracted covid while going to physical therapy for my ankle. A week later after I tested positive for covid, I was in the restroom and accidentally urinated on my headphone wire connected to my cell phone. I had a burning shock sensation while it happened. And have been going through HELL with pain over the past year.
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Welcome @ncinjury, It sounds like you have been through an awful lot the past 2 years. You mentioned the burning shock sensation after you accidently urinated on your headphone wire to your cell phone. Is the pain in the scrotal area? Have you discussed the pain with your doctor?
Yeah, I have been to urologists, neurologists, the er, pain management, acupuncturist, chiropractor, and urgent care. A lot of people just throw their hands in the air.
The pain is at the tip of the penis.
@ncinjury - I know you've seen a lot of different doctors plus ER and urgent care. Have you thought about seeking help at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic that use a multidisciplinary teamwork approach to patient care?
If you would like to seek help from Mayo Clinic, contact one of the appointment offices. The contact information for Minnesota, Arizona and Florida can be found here
Have you been to a hematologist or infectious disease doctor? From my own experience, the quest for pain relief seems to be unending. So, all we can do is try to adapt and keep searching for help.
Would they offer telehealth care as I live in North Carolina? I have tried duke and unc neither do the team approach. It has been all on me which can be exhausting.
I'm not sure about telehealth care but I did see that Carteret Health Care in Morehead City, North Carolina is part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network ---
Would that be an option for you?
I just reached out. Thank you so much for your help.