New Dermatographia: What is helping you?

Posted by jackographia @jackographia, Nov 28, 2021

If you don't know what dermatographia is, please feel free to read and participate, but this discussion is aimed at people who currently suffer from this illness. I have questions that I don't think anyone without the condition can answer. The onset of my symptoms began about a week after receiving the Moderna covid booster shot. (My 3rd covid shot) Which may or may not be a factor. My symptoms began with full body itching, where any scratching would lead to very easy skin reddening. I went into an urgent care soon after and was prescribed steroids (prednisone) and antihistamines. While these work to lessen the itch GREATLY, my skin still reacts to even slight scratches or pressure with easy redness. My condition is largely self-diagnosed, but my primary care physician agrees with it.

There is so little relative information about dealing with this illness that I feel like I need to reach out here to ask. If you have/had this condition:

1. Did you (like I am) develop a tightness in your esophagus? or any bowel issues?
2. Does your face get flushed, fully red and feel warm?
3. Do you know of any support groups that I can reach out to for information and solidarity?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


How is your dermatographia now here at the end of January? It's been two months...any improvement or is the dermatographia the same?

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Mine is better, it’s been two months. I take Claritin every day (missed a day and itch came back) and I still get daily episodes but the affected area is not as large and the itch isn’t as severe. I still get hives on my neck fairly regularly.
My kids both had COVID (omicron) this last week and my hives and dermographia worsened for about 6 days, similar to how it was at the onset. I’m wondering if I had COVID this past week right along side them (tested negative with home tests on three different occasions) because my hives and dermographia returned and this is how my body handled the virus? Has anyone else experienced this?
I’m learning to live with it, take the Claritin daily, and have Hydrocortisone cream handy!


@hellopeeps. I'm popping in to say hello and introduce myself. I see you responded to @artscaping that your eyes have been wonderful for the past two years. This is great news! I hope your skin settles down and you find relief after visiting the allergist and that too will be great news.

I don't know that I can be of much help to you except for letting you know that sometimes a variety of sensory issues can become established from a disruption to the Central Nervous System (CNS). It appears some folks are having disruptions from Covid-19 shots possibly resulting in an upregulation of the CNS.

I personally experience this from Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS), in which my brain receives louder messages from my body which in turns creates fight or flight. I have a lot of sensory issues which include skin (over reactive/itchy/sensitive to clothing), eyes (over reactive/sensitive), and esophagus (sensitivity) to name a few.

In any event, this is just food for thought. I hope you progress in a forward manner and things calm down for you soon. May I help in any other way?

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Thank you, Rachel for reaching out. In the same eye, I was being treated for dry eye and fluid on my retina. I will look into the CSS. I have been crazy busy with work. I hope the Dermatographia will settle soon; it will be 3 months Feb. 4th.


Dr. Kimberly Blumenthal at the Massachusetts General Hospital has set up an online registry to record allergic reactions to the vaccine.


Dr. Kimberly Blumenthal at the Massachusetts General Hospital has set up an online registry to record allergic reactions to the vaccine.

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Reggiegirl, this is a great find. Thank you!

(You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.)

Allow me to post the link to the registry so members can submit their allergic reactions:
- COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Case Registry

It is a COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Case Registry to collect and share case reports on COVID-19 vaccine-related hypersensitivity reactions.

They are collecting:
➤ Cases of immediate and delayed vaccine reactions
➤ Cases of anaphylaxis
➤ Unique allergy cases
➤ Allergy testing and vaccination outcomes


I too have had similar symptoms after my Moderna booster (3rd shot). I received the booster on Nov 12th and dermatographia began on the Nov 23rd. Allegra helps with the itchiness and Pepcid reduces the red marks, as suggested by my doctor. Now on 4th day of Prednisone with little change in symptoms. As far as support groups, there is a research site that quite a few are commenting on who are experiencing similar issues, they also mention a Facebook group. I have not joined the FB group but did find the research and comments helpful. This comment box will not allow me to post links, but you can search for it, the site is called Cureus and the article is "Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria After COVID-19 Vaccine".

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I too received my Moderna booster on 11/12 and developed whole body itching on 11/23. I tried oral steroids and Benadryl to no avail. Was seen by a dermatologist and was advised to take Zyrtec twice daily. Zyrtec helps tremendously but I do not want to take it daily. I have to be very careful not to scratch or the vicious cycle of itching starts. I hope this helps. Hoping this resolves soon.


Wow, so glad I found this group! My dermatographia started 12 days after my booster. It is still severe 3 weeks later. I also experienced joint swelling and joint pain. Blood work showed high blood clotting and overall inflammation. I thought that perhaps the demeatographia was trigged by an infection of some sort, but after reading through these posts it sounds like the timeline fits with the booster. Any one else with joint swelling and pain?


Wow, so glad I found this group! My dermatographia started 12 days after my booster. It is still severe 3 weeks later. I also experienced joint swelling and joint pain. Blood work showed high blood clotting and overall inflammation. I thought that perhaps the demeatographia was trigged by an infection of some sort, but after reading through these posts it sounds like the timeline fits with the booster. Any one else with joint swelling and pain?

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I haven’t experienced any joint pain, only the dermatographia. And I’ve had it 6.5 weeks now 😩, however it is not as severe as the first week. But I am on Zertec once daily. If I go off of that for a few days to test I become much more itchy. I’m wondering when it will ever go away!


Hi, everyone! I am beginning month 4 with Dermatographia, Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster Oct. 25, 2021. I am a teacher at a mask optional high school. I wear a surgical mask with a cloth mask over top. I've tried to wear N95 masks, however the students cannot hear me speaking. Some days, my Dermatographia is more bothersome. I wonder if those are the days I happen to be exposed to COVID-19 and my body is fighting? Also, if someone would be willing to share their experience with becoming infected with COVID-19 and their Dermatographia, I would really appreciate the information.


Hey @jackographia! I recently developed dermatographia as well and have found antihistamines to be very helpful, particularly Benadryl or generic Claritin. Regarding a support group there is one! Check out this group on Facebook: “Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria After COVID-19 Vaccine Support Group”. I can’t post the direct link but you should be able to find it easily enough. This is NOT an anti-vaccine group. There is a lot of good info there and very helpful folks/ stories. Hope this helps!


Hi, everyone! I am beginning month 4 with Dermatographia, Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster Oct. 25, 2021. I am a teacher at a mask optional high school. I wear a surgical mask with a cloth mask over top. I've tried to wear N95 masks, however the students cannot hear me speaking. Some days, my Dermatographia is more bothersome. I wonder if those are the days I happen to be exposed to COVID-19 and my body is fighting? Also, if someone would be willing to share their experience with becoming infected with COVID-19 and their Dermatographia, I would really appreciate the information.

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@hellopeeps Off topic, but i love your name! It makes me smile! It does seem that dermatographia and the vaccines might be related. Have you read the earlier comments in this section? Maybe @lindarae and @kasondra can help answer questions.
Here is a helpful site that @jcskitz posted.
Why do you think that you are being exposed to Covid while at school? Aren’t there rules governing the kids coming to school while sick?

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