Muscle Weakness with PMR, can I resume working with weights?

Posted by priscillat @priscillat, Jan 26, 2022

This is my second bout with PMR. I had so much energy the first time on prednisone . I’m reducing much slower this time, but feel weak in my hands and arms. I asked my doctor if I could lift weights, and she said no more than 1 pound. I feel like my muscles are atrophying. Anyone else? When I’m finished my course of prednisone (another year) can I resume working out with weights, or will that bring the PMR back? Thanks for any advice.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Hi @abbeyc have you started prdenisone yet? On the proper dosage your symptoms should lessen or disappear as it calms the immune system which is attacking the blood vessels. The muscle weakness from PMR is due to the pain we experience. I
researched Whole Body Vibration (WBV) machines and bought the Eilison Bolt from Amazon. It had a five year warranty, weighed 11 pounds and works on carpet, although I put it on a yoga mat. It has 3 programs that reportedly build bone density. I worked up to using them gradually. It's too early to tell if the WBV is working. I don't qualify for another Bone Density for a couple of years. It has definitely tightened up my thigh and leg muscles though. I hope you feel better soon. Teri

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thank you so much for this information! That is what I was trying to understand: If the muscle damage is permanent and still degrading even while on Prednisone or does the Prednisone allow us to rebuild the muscle and stop more atrophy. Sounds like there is hope.
I just found the level of Steroid this week to alleviate 99% of pain. So prior to that it was 5 weeks with pain and so I guess this contributed to the muscle atrophy.

I will look into the WBV - thank you!
best to you as well!


Hi @abbeyc have you started prdenisone yet? On the proper dosage your symptoms should lessen or disappear as it calms the immune system which is attacking the blood vessels. The muscle weakness from PMR is due to the pain we experience. I
researched Whole Body Vibration (WBV) machines and bought the Eilison Bolt from Amazon. It had a five year warranty, weighed 11 pounds and works on carpet, although I put it on a yoga mat. It has 3 programs that reportedly build bone density. I worked up to using them gradually. It's too early to tell if the WBV is working. I don't qualify for another Bone Density for a couple of years. It has definitely tightened up my thigh and leg muscles though. I hope you feel better soon. Teri

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I too have a WBV machine and I'm using it to get my muscle mass back up. I find it great because you can set it at the intensity and whatever program you may need. Also, you can do leg massages with it which feel wonderful. Mine is a T-ZONE VT-20, which I bought used on-line 2 years ago for $200. Regular price is around $1,200. I highly recommend WBV with or without PMR. Thanks for sharing Teri!


I too have a WBV machine and I'm using it to get my muscle mass back up. I find it great because you can set it at the intensity and whatever program you may need. Also, you can do leg massages with it which feel wonderful. Mine is a T-ZONE VT-20, which I bought used on-line 2 years ago for $200. Regular price is around $1,200. I highly recommend WBV with or without PMR. Thanks for sharing Teri!

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Thanks for that information@mild835. It sounds like you have a really great machine.


Hi, so I am 59 and was always in great shape with lean, defined muscles from all types of workouts I did most of my life with light weights, pickleball, yoga, etc, Now 6 weeks after onset of PMR, I am shocked today to notice that my muscles are shrinking in a such a way that my skin is hanging loose. Arms and legs are getting skinny. I now understand why I have been loosing weight on the scale. Is anyone else going through this? Is this was PMR does? attacks the muscles? or do I have something else? Everyday there is something new to worry about it seems.

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Same here.Have had it for 5 months and lost a third of my muscle mass in arms.Was in excellent shape until now.


Same here.Have had it for 5 months and lost a third of my muscle mass in arms.Was in excellent shape until now.

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Oh yeah,I'm 66.


Same here.Have had it for 5 months and lost a third of my muscle mass in arms.Was in excellent shape until now.

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I’m going to the doctor today and I’m going to ask shouldn’t the prednisone help combat this issue once we no longer feel the pain in our muscles? I don’t understand it.


This is very disturbing. I am 2 1/2 months in and noticing huge change in my muscles. Does anyone know if this is from the PMR or the prednisone and will the muscle tone come back after getting into remission or after reducing the Prednisone?


This is very disturbing. I am 2 1/2 months in and noticing huge change in my muscles. Does anyone know if this is from the PMR or the prednisone and will the muscle tone come back after getting into remission or after reducing the Prednisone?

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Hi @abbeyc, my PMR and GCA were not diagnosed for a year, I lost about 12 lbs and my flesh was hanging. I could manage a walk in the morning, but did not attempt any strength training exercises as it was too painful. I basically sat on the couch for a year and did minimal housekeeping. With a diagnosis, treatment with prednisone, and abatement of significant pain, I was able to start strength training again. It's very important because I've also been diagnosed with osteoporosis. With prednisone, my appetite came back, I gained about eight lbs. and my flesh no longer hangs. I also bought a Whole Body Vibration Machine, mainly to increase bone density, and it has increased my muscle mass. (I posted that before, sorry to be repeating myself). Are you able to do any strength training exercises with weights or bands? Best to start low, go slow and gradually increase. All the best, Teri


Hi @abbeyc, my PMR and GCA were not diagnosed for a year, I lost about 12 lbs and my flesh was hanging. I could manage a walk in the morning, but did not attempt any strength training exercises as it was too painful. I basically sat on the couch for a year and did minimal housekeeping. With a diagnosis, treatment with prednisone, and abatement of significant pain, I was able to start strength training again. It's very important because I've also been diagnosed with osteoporosis. With prednisone, my appetite came back, I gained about eight lbs. and my flesh no longer hangs. I also bought a Whole Body Vibration Machine, mainly to increase bone density, and it has increased my muscle mass. (I posted that before, sorry to be repeating myself). Are you able to do any strength training exercises with weights or bands? Best to start low, go slow and gradually increase. All the best, Teri

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Thank you so much Teri for the info. You motivated me again to look into the WBV. Sounds like this is what's needed if we are going to try to get our muscles back. I was hoping they would start to come back on their own but I am starting to think the steroids may cause this muscle atrophy side effect in addition to the PMR doing it as well and we will be on steroids for years.

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