Up at nite!

Posted by hmccarth5 @hmccarth5, Dec 11, 2021

Every night between 3-5 am. I cannot remember the last time I slept all night!

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I understand all too well the waking up at 3 o’clock. I’m always waking up at 3 o’clock or a little before or a little after.
Waking up on a consistent basis early like that could be an indicatin of insomnia or other medical issues.


I understand all too well the waking up at 3 o’clock. I’m always waking up at 3 o’clock or a little before or a little after.
Waking up on a consistent basis early like that could be an indicatin of insomnia or other medical issues.

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Thank you, I cannot tolerate a cpap with my sleep apnea, so a mitral valve or the watchman may be for me!


I understand your frustration and can only hope that peace will come to you. After my son's suicide last year, this problem has worsened. Lying awake during the night makes for a very long day, especially if you live alone. Just the simple act of going to bed at night knowing you will wake increases anxiety, as you well know. The anticipation of what is ahead makes one want to avoid even trying to sleep. Doctors do not seem to understand the severity of this problem. Sleep deprivation has set me up for even more problems, and I have not been successful at finding a doctor who takes this problem seriously. Please post here if you find a way to alleviate this problem.

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The best to you!


HM, Have you tried going to bed a little later than usual?


How did ur doctor's appt go? Well I hope.

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The appt went well. She spent quite a lot of time with me to get to know me, so I now at least have a PCP in place. Thank you. I wish you well.


I understand all too well the waking up at 3 o’clock. I’m always waking up at 3 o’clock or a little before or a little after.
Waking up on a consistent basis early like that could be an indicatin of insomnia or other medical issues.

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Is there any sleep help in this area who got better with seeking help somewhere?


Is there any sleep help in this area who got better with seeking help somewhere?

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After experiencing the cbt-i course, I am sleeping more soundly but continue to wake up about 4 a.m., stay awake often about 60- 90 minutes and sometimes cannot get back to sleep. However, I am sleeping better than I was before I took the course.


@hmccarth5 @cila @judithjoy, I've always lived with interrupted sleep, even as a child. The internet is full of articles offer suggestions, like this one:
- How Interrupted Sleep Affects You and What to Do About it https://www.sleep.org/interrupted-sleep-what-happens-to-your-body/

Fellow members offer some tips in this related discussion:
- How is your Sleep Hygiene? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sleep-hygine/

My patterns have shifted over time depending on the causes, but interrupted sleep is my norm. The biggest culprit for me is that when I wake up for whatever reason: bladder, snoring husband, bad dream, stress, it is my active mind that prevents me from falling asleep again. Lately, I've been falling back asleep with the help of podcasts. I select a podcast before I go to bed. When I wake I play the podcast and set the timer for 30 minutes. The podcast has to be a talk podcast with no ads or music, simply calm voices. Some of my favorites are Hidden Brain, RadioLab, and Writers and Company. I usually fall back asleep before the 30 minutes.

What helps you get back to sleep?

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Hi @colleenyoung
I have had sleeping problems since 2018 and from my experience, similar to yours, listening to a meditation session or to something related to yoga is something that helps me to fall asleep quite fast too.
Hope this helps others with sleeping challenges.


Me either. I don't think I ever slept all night long. I wish I knew how to improve it. I try everything, music, sleep sounds, meditation, and everything else that is non habit forming.....open to any suggestions

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Hi @shar1438
Have you tried yoga nidra practice, also known as yoga sleep? In addition to classes, I practice it on apps (Headspace and Insight Timer). It has been very helpful to me. Give it a try.


Hi @shar1438
Have you tried yoga nidra practice, also known as yoga sleep? In addition to classes, I practice it on apps (Headspace and Insight Timer). It has been very helpful to me. Give it a try.

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Thank you for that information. I will definitely give it a try. It certainly can't hurt.

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