Migraine: Did botox work for you?
I had Botox injections for migraines 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been feeling sick. My vision is blurry, I have pressure in my head, I’m lightheaded, I’m having heart palpitations, high blood pressure and heart rate, my stomach has felt sick, I’m having trouble concentrating and focusing. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s really starting to scare me.
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I have Botox injections for chronic migraine and cervical dystonia about 6 years hoping one day I have a normal life but I decided not to because nothing happened, at first my pain dropped a little but at this point my mornings are the same.....pain pain and pain, I'm trying CBD and give me a little breathe.
jeanrios, I tried them a couple of years ago, and they made me feel worse! I only did one round! Hope the CBD Helps you!
i have been threw the same symptoms plus many more anxiety and panic attacks amongst the worst blood pressure 220. i had all the heart testing possible with all checking out to be good swelling throat difficulty breathing severe body pains very sore head etc. these symptoms all started 2 days before my 2nd injection its been over a year and i still have very bad memory problems brain fog and no energy my doctor would not agree it is caused from botox Doctors should be more educated on side effects and permanent damage
experienced it all still do even after a year
I was hit by a bicycle in 2018, I hit my head badly on the left side of the forehead had a headache for one year this and my migraines, the headache went away after a year in 2019. last August I decided to do Botox shots, the Dr. administered the shots across my forehead, I was still having migraines so he told me to come back and gave me another set of shots 2 weeks later, after the 2nd.set of shots this was in August 2021 I developed a severe pain in the area where I was hit by the bike, the pain is excruciating when I cough, I also get pain without coughing but not as severe, I have been to 4 Neurologists and because nothing shows up on the Cat Scan or MRI none of the doctors know what to do, I am in pain all the time and so far no solution, anyone have an idea for me.
I have migraines since I am a child, I had a bike hit me in 2018 I fell and hit my head on the right side had a headache for a year and it left, last year in Aug I decided to try Botox for the migraines, the Dr. injected the shots across my forehead, they were not helping so he told me to come back and 2 weeks after the first shots he gave me more shots across my forehead, after the second batch of shots I developed severe pain on the side where I had hit my head, when I told him about it he said it was not the Botox, I have been to 4 neurologists and no answers because the MRI or Cat Scan don't show anything, I have had this severe pain on the right side of my head for almost a year, it is getting me depressed, when I cough the pain is excruciating wonder if anyone can help me...
I am new at this and have posted my problem with Botox a few times but not sure how to get back to my post. I had Botox shots last Aug. the first shots across my forehead did not help so the Dr. gave me another batch of Botox shots in 2 weeks, after the 2nd. shots I developed severe pain on the right side of my head where I had fallen from a bike accident, I think the Dr. must have hit a nerve or triggered something, I have had this severe pain for almost a year the MRI or Cat scan don't show anything, have seen 4 neurologists and they haven't helped, they cant figure out why I have this severe pain especially when I cough its excruciating, I am at a point where I just don't know if this will ever go away, please let me know if you have had this kind of experience, I am desperate.
Welcome @icart, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been able to get any help for the severe pain. You can find all of your previous posts on Connect by going to your profile - click the profile icon near the top right corner of the page, select Profile & Settings, then click Comments at the left. You will see all of your comments with the latest one at the top.
@nurseheadakes mentioned a good resource in a previous post that you might find helpful -- https://headaches.org/.
You mentioned that you had migraines as a child but it got worse after being hit by a bicycle in 2018. I know you said you have seen a lot of different doctors and neurologists. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or a major health facility?
First thought here is that BOTOX is to be given by a CERTIFIED Neurologist who understands how to give it, when to give it and where to administer it. The patient who is to be given this med must qualify for it by diagnosis, symptoms, length of time, other treatments used to treat the headaches and when the type of migraine was given to the patient. The 30+ shots are given every three months on a schedule per FDA regulations, policy /procedure since you must sign your signature to receive this medication. The usual dosage is around 200 mg divided up between different sites of your forehead, neck, around your head, back of your ears, jaw and trigger points. A diary of symptoms, migraines, hours of sleep, vertigo, other medications taken or treatments are logged and given to the doctor at each MD apt for continued approval of BOTOX administration. As noted previously, the Triptans drugs are also a means to treat Migraines since they are a Step program and can be used in addition to BOTOX for breakthrough headaches.
Newer medications are on the market now to help with these break thru headaches that include injections - you as a patient give to yourself. The manufacturers have special programs that help pay for these programs if you want to participate in them since insurance does not pay for these meds, I recently signed up for one of them since I now have more migraines post COVID. Eloise
I have been to Emergency rooms in hospitals, because my Cat Scan and MRI don't show any symptoms the neurologist just don't know about this severe pain I am having especially when I cough, a friend researched and found a condition called "Secondary cough headache" when I read it my symptoms seem to be the same, I need a good diagnostician a Dr. that sees things out of the box, that doesn't need tests and can diagnose my condition, I feel that I got the Botox shots too close together, got the first shots and then 2 weeks later another batch of shots and that caused my pain, especially that I got shots on the spot where I hit my head from the bike accident 3 years prior, the Neurologist all say it is not the Botox, but I know it is because the pain came 2 days after the 2nd. shots.