Constant Diarrhea

Posted by suzanne2 @suzanne2, Jun 17, 2020

Anyone here have constant diarrhea? I practically live on lomotil pills. I know my nerves play somewhat of a role but not always. Some days I live in the bathriom.
I have never had a diagnosis for my problem.

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I have been tested at Mayo for everything but the kitchen sink! They have tagged me with Microscopic Colitis. I am just completing an 8 week burst of budesonide. Since I have quit my job it has been a successful treatment. I was on it in early Fall with no success due to the daily stress of my teaching administrator. I finally quit at the end of October and I am finishing up the budesonide and am back to being able to make it to the bathroom. I also am only doing #2, 2-3 times a day rather than 6-8x! Stress is my trigger!

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@suzanne2 - I don’t know if you have seen my post from last year.
Mayo treated me too with Budesonide for collagenous colitis- same as microscopic- plus another form of autoimmune colitis.
I’m glad that you are doing better- stress definitely is not good!
Are you going back for follow up visits?


I was diagnosed with Gastropanesis at Mayo MN in 2015.. I had the multitude of GI problems associated including diarrhea, gas, and related urgencies. I tried all sorts of things to make my life more normal, including probiotics, gas-X, you name it.. A biochemist friend, who worked at a hospital recommended I try Pedialyte and Kifer (the dairy probiotic that has been around more than a thousand years..) .. In moderation that addition to my sparse and frequent eating (I fight to gain weight) has really helped me through the Pandemic and all even allowing me to travel some..

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@ken82 - your friend gave you excellent advise!
Pedialyte is great because like an IV fluid it replenishes the salts you lose from diarrhea, such as potassium and chloride.
Kefir is a great probiotic. What kind of diet works for you?


@suzanne2 - I don’t know if you have seen my post from last year.
Mayo treated me too with Budesonide for collagenous colitis- same as microscopic- plus another form of autoimmune colitis.
I’m glad that you are doing better- stress definitely is not good!
Are you going back for follow up visits?

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@astaingegerdm I will go back if I need to. We have been keeping in touch with email. Dr Schaffner asked that a couple of test be run this Fall so my PCP was able to get them done here and sent the results to him. I realized that the budesonide was successful before so I analyzed what was going on in my life that could be contributing to the onset of my colitis again and concluded it stemmed from the person I was working under so for my health I had to quit. When I did I did the 8 weeks of budesonide and now my issue has resolved again! So I now know a stressful situation will instigate my microscopic colitis. Now I am not stressed, I am bored! I haven't been without a teaching job since 2012. But I am sure I will adjust.


@astaingegerdm I will go back if I need to. We have been keeping in touch with email. Dr Schaffner asked that a couple of test be run this Fall so my PCP was able to get them done here and sent the results to him. I realized that the budesonide was successful before so I analyzed what was going on in my life that could be contributing to the onset of my colitis again and concluded it stemmed from the person I was working under so for my health I had to quit. When I did I did the 8 weeks of budesonide and now my issue has resolved again! So I now know a stressful situation will instigate my microscopic colitis. Now I am not stressed, I am bored! I haven't been without a teaching job since 2012. But I am sure I will adjust.

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Enjoy the boredom! That’s my goal too.
Work stress has caused many of my health issues.


@suzanne2 - I don’t know if you have seen my post from last year.
Mayo treated me too with Budesonide for collagenous colitis- same as microscopic- plus another form of autoimmune colitis.
I’m glad that you are doing better- stress definitely is not good!
Are you going back for follow up visits?

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Book microscopic colitis by wayne persky is terrific. Best info . So many answers after 4 years of being miserable.


I know this was posted a long time ago. Did you ever get a diagnosis? My daughter suffered from chronic diarrhea. After an endoscopy and colonoscopy she was diagnosed with H. Pylori.


Loperamide(generic Imodium) works better for me than lomotil. It's available otc and my doctor said I can take up to 8 (16 mg) per day. I take one after a toilet visit, give it 20-30 minutes to see if it worked and then take another and wait and many times another until it finally stops. It always stops after 3.

If it works for you check with your doctor about how many you can take. Sorry you are going through this. I know how horrible it is esp when you don't know why it is happening.


@astaingegerdm I will go back if I need to. We have been keeping in touch with email. Dr Schaffner asked that a couple of test be run this Fall so my PCP was able to get them done here and sent the results to him. I realized that the budesonide was successful before so I analyzed what was going on in my life that could be contributing to the onset of my colitis again and concluded it stemmed from the person I was working under so for my health I had to quit. When I did I did the 8 weeks of budesonide and now my issue has resolved again! So I now know a stressful situation will instigate my microscopic colitis. Now I am not stressed, I am bored! I haven't been without a teaching job since 2012. But I am sure I will adjust.

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Have you tried teaching online? I had friends who taught English to foreign students online. I am sure tutoring in other subjects can be done virtually too.


In 2010 I had a small bowel resection as a result of carcinoid tumors in my small intestine. My ileocecal valve was also removed. The diarrhea became manageable after my cardiologist brother suggested cholestyramine for the burning. The follow up GI doctor was of no help. About two years ago I was hospitalized with sepsis fro a rare bacterial infection. The 8 week course of IV antibiotics (Zosyn) played havoc with my gut and, as a result I was hospitalized again with a critical deficiency of potassium, magnesium etc. I was never given any kind of diet so keeping the diarrhea at bay has bit hit or miss. I know very little about SIBO but I've read conflicting information on whether it is common in folks without the ileocecal valve. I've also read that people have had success with L-glutamine. I have an appointment with a new GI Doc in a month, so hopefully this one will have more knowledge of my condition.


In 2010 I had a small bowel resection as a result of carcinoid tumors in my small intestine. My ileocecal valve was also removed. The diarrhea became manageable after my cardiologist brother suggested cholestyramine for the burning. The follow up GI doctor was of no help. About two years ago I was hospitalized with sepsis fro a rare bacterial infection. The 8 week course of IV antibiotics (Zosyn) played havoc with my gut and, as a result I was hospitalized again with a critical deficiency of potassium, magnesium etc. I was never given any kind of diet so keeping the diarrhea at bay has bit hit or miss. I know very little about SIBO but I've read conflicting information on whether it is common in folks without the ileocecal valve. I've also read that people have had success with L-glutamine. I have an appointment with a new GI Doc in a month, so hopefully this one will have more knowledge of my condition.

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I have heard that small bowel resection can result in chronic SIBO.Will be interested in what your new GI doctor has to say.

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