New Dermatographia: What is helping you?

Posted by jackographia @jackographia, Nov 28, 2021

If you don't know what dermatographia is, please feel free to read and participate, but this discussion is aimed at people who currently suffer from this illness. I have questions that I don't think anyone without the condition can answer. The onset of my symptoms began about a week after receiving the Moderna covid booster shot. (My 3rd covid shot) Which may or may not be a factor. My symptoms began with full body itching, where any scratching would lead to very easy skin reddening. I went into an urgent care soon after and was prescribed steroids (prednisone) and antihistamines. While these work to lessen the itch GREATLY, my skin still reacts to even slight scratches or pressure with easy redness. My condition is largely self-diagnosed, but my primary care physician agrees with it.

There is so little relative information about dealing with this illness that I feel like I need to reach out here to ask. If you have/had this condition:

1. Did you (like I am) develop a tightness in your esophagus? or any bowel issues?
2. Does your face get flushed, fully red and feel warm?
3. Do you know of any support groups that I can reach out to for information and solidarity?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

This is happening to me as well. Got the booster the 23rd. Noticed my scalp itching first on 1/3. Ok so there’s a bunch of us and not a lot of answers. Is there a specialist who can help us? I’m miserable and from the sound of it, we may be stuck in this situation for a while. I need to know when this itching will go away. Will it get worse? It seems to be the same. Not better. Not worse. Always worse at night. Will it ever end?


This is happening to me as well. Got the booster the 23rd. Noticed my scalp itching first on 1/3. Ok so there’s a bunch of us and not a lot of answers. Is there a specialist who can help us? I’m miserable and from the sound of it, we may be stuck in this situation for a while. I need to know when this itching will go away. Will it get worse? It seems to be the same. Not better. Not worse. Always worse at night. Will it ever end?

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Good evening @staceyfred, welcome to Connect. I would like to be helpful about your itching. I have been dealing with "the itch" for quite a while. I don't quite know where to start or if I have enough information from you.

You indicate that your scalp itching began on 1/3/2022. Is that right? Are you relating the onset to the booster you had on 12/23/2021? Is that the correct date? My dermatologist has been working on "the itch" for a couple of years. She gave me Fluocinonide.....and a protocol for using it to keep the scalp itch under control. It works.

Where else on your body do you have the "itch"? Have you had tape testing or any other kind of process to determine the cause? Regardless, I have finally found a solution that works for me. Once again, my dermatologist has introduced me to a new product called Dermeleve......a non-steroid ointment that you simply rub on the itching area. It is available online at If you enter "dermeleve" in the Search block at the top of this will take you to my introduction of this product. It takes effect within minutes and lasts about six hours. Literally, it has saved me from insanity.

I know too well how much you would like to be free of the "itch". And doesn't have to get worse.

Are you doing a lot of scratching in your sleep?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


Good evening @staceyfred, welcome to Connect. I would like to be helpful about your itching. I have been dealing with "the itch" for quite a while. I don't quite know where to start or if I have enough information from you.

You indicate that your scalp itching began on 1/3/2022. Is that right? Are you relating the onset to the booster you had on 12/23/2021? Is that the correct date? My dermatologist has been working on "the itch" for a couple of years. She gave me Fluocinonide.....and a protocol for using it to keep the scalp itch under control. It works.

Where else on your body do you have the "itch"? Have you had tape testing or any other kind of process to determine the cause? Regardless, I have finally found a solution that works for me. Once again, my dermatologist has introduced me to a new product called Dermeleve......a non-steroid ointment that you simply rub on the itching area. It is available online at If you enter "dermeleve" in the Search block at the top of this will take you to my introduction of this product. It takes effect within minutes and lasts about six hours. Literally, it has saved me from insanity.

I know too well how much you would like to be free of the "itch". And doesn't have to get worse.

Are you doing a lot of scratching in your sleep?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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Thank you for your insight Chris! I first noticed the itching on the 11th day after my booster (moderna). First on my scalp and then it was all over my body. Random spots at random times. Worse at night of course. No rash but hives where I would itch. Urgent care didn’t help and only suggested Benadryl and Zyrtec. The booster wasn’t even on my radar so I didn’t connect the dots until someone told me they knew someone else with the same reaction. Low and behold, here I (we) are.

It’s helpful to know others have the same issue as well. I just wish someone was better at helping us but of course this vaccine is new and we don’t know enough about it.


Hello, fellow sufferers!

My reaction started November 14th, 9 days after my booster. I’ve had a lot of the same symptoms as everyone else here, but with the added bonus of 2-3 hours of chest pain when my flare-ups would get really bad, like days when I am not able to get away from friction causing activities or clothing.

After a 12 day course of prednisone and insomnia for days on end, I’m now taking Pepcid twice a day and Zyrtec once a day. This regiment is helping, but I still have slight flare-ups. I accidentally skipped a day of Zyrtec a week ago and it came back full force that night and I’m definitely not doing that again. So, I’m coming up on 2 months now and do hope it won’t last too much longer. I wish everyone symptom free days soon!


I am an allergist, and we have seen a large number of people with dermatographia that develops 1 - 2 weeks after the COVID booster, usually Moderna. It has generally been short lived, with marked improvement within 4-6 weeks and resolution within 2-3 months. Antihistamines are the best treatment, though it often takes 3-4 times normal daily dosing of second generation antihistamines. I recommend seeing an allergist if the dermatographia is not easily controlled.


I am an allergist, and we have seen a large number of people with dermatographia that develops 1 - 2 weeks after the COVID booster, usually Moderna. It has generally been short lived, with marked improvement within 4-6 weeks and resolution within 2-3 months. Antihistamines are the best treatment, though it often takes 3-4 times normal daily dosing of second generation antihistamines. I recommend seeing an allergist if the dermatographia is not easily controlled.

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Thank you so much for the reassurance. It definitely helps to have as many medical professionals weigh in. What exactly is it? Are we allergic to a specific ingredient? Is it our immune system’s response to the mRNA? Will we be ok with other vaccines?


Identical timeline to others. Got moderna 12/10. Hives began 12/23. Was diagnosed with dermagraphia . Went on cycle of prednisone had some relief but it’s returned. I’m on week 4. Tested negative for major allergens. I’m currently on claritan, Benadryl and prescription cream. There’s a Facebook private group if you search Chronic Uticara after Covid vaccine. I think it’s up to 2,000 members.


I am so thankful I found this post. I have been dealing with hives and dermatographia since November 4, 2021. I’ve been to the ER, ENT, Dermatologist, and have an Allergist appointment in 2 days.

Had Moderna dose #1 Feb. 12, dose #2 March 12 and Moderna booster Oct. 25th. I only had a sore arm, headache and fatigue from my two doses. I did not connect my current skin symptoms to the booster dose.

I also have developed extremely itchy skin, hives, dermatographia and reddened facial skin. I am taking up to 4 Allegra per day to combat the skin issues. My GERD/Acid Reflux has also returned. I’m back on protonix for those symptoms. This would be close to the esophagus issues others are having? I do not suffer from constipation like others have mentioned.

I have an additional symptom no one has mentioned, extreme histamine released from scratching the skin. For the month of November, the more I scratched my skin, the more congested I became! I would then suffer from extreme post nasal drip coughing for up to two hours after scratching. I moved nightly onto the couch to not awaken others. The coughing was terrible.

I took the time to scribe my skin issues and plan to share the document with my PCP, the Allergist, and any other medical professional who would like to discuss this new skin condition with me.

I wish the rest of you suffering the best! Hopefully this will be through my system sooner than later.


I am so thankful I found this post. I have been dealing with hives and dermatographia since November 4, 2021. I’ve been to the ER, ENT, Dermatologist, and have an Allergist appointment in 2 days.

Had Moderna dose #1 Feb. 12, dose #2 March 12 and Moderna booster Oct. 25th. I only had a sore arm, headache and fatigue from my two doses. I did not connect my current skin symptoms to the booster dose.

I also have developed extremely itchy skin, hives, dermatographia and reddened facial skin. I am taking up to 4 Allegra per day to combat the skin issues. My GERD/Acid Reflux has also returned. I’m back on protonix for those symptoms. This would be close to the esophagus issues others are having? I do not suffer from constipation like others have mentioned.

I have an additional symptom no one has mentioned, extreme histamine released from scratching the skin. For the month of November, the more I scratched my skin, the more congested I became! I would then suffer from extreme post nasal drip coughing for up to two hours after scratching. I moved nightly onto the couch to not awaken others. The coughing was terrible.

I took the time to scribe my skin issues and plan to share the document with my PCP, the Allergist, and any other medical professional who would like to discuss this new skin condition with me.

I wish the rest of you suffering the best! Hopefully this will be through my system sooner than later.

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Hello from one of your "peeps". Welcome to Connect. I am also very glad you found the open door that can introduce you to folks who have walked in your shoes and ventured down the path you are seeking to help you eliminate the issues of Dermatolographia and itching that are concerning you.

Using the Mayo Clinic site for help, I found this "if the condition is severe or bothersome, you may get help from antihistamine medications such as Benadryl, Allegra or Zyrtec." Have you found any of these OTC medications helpful? How about Allegra? I take one a day for my "neuropathic itch" and you are taking four. That sure seems like a lot. I have also used Benedryl and Zyrtec at the beginning of my skin problems that can include heavy itching and scratching.

I will be anxious to hear about your visit to the Allergist. Will you please share the outcome with me? Last month my dermatologist brought back a new anti-itch specimen sample from a conference she attended. It is called Dermeleve. You can simply use it topically and for me, it works within 15 minutes and lasts for approximately six hours.

Do you think something like Dermeleve would be helpful? You can go to or place "Dermeleve" in
the search box at the top of this page. That will take you to my introduction of the medication and @johnbishop's additional post in Skin Health with all of the identifying information.

What can keep you from two hours of coughing? An inhaler?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


I got my Moderna booster on November 15 and on Thanksgiving day (10 days later) my hands were very red and itchy. At first I thought it was due to hand washing too many dishes and I put on some lotion. Then I thought that I grabbed the handles of the rowing machine too hard. But, when I put on my pajamas, I noticed the marks in multiple areas of my body, where the fabric touched the skin. The issue persisted the following day and I went to urgent care. The doctor's notes read "Treating for coverage of hives. Concern you may have dermatographia". She prescribed famotidine (Pepcid 20 mg 1 tablet 2 times a day for 14 days) and predniSONE 20 mg 2 tablets every day for 5 days. Three days later I started feeling my throat closing and that scared me. I went to bed and woke up at 2:30 AM feeling it was getting worst. I tried to stay calm but at 5:00 AM I woke up my husband and told him I may need to go to the emergency room. I called my doctor and asked how I should proceed. The doctor did not want me to go to the ER, he told me since I was able to swallow water, to wait until they open the office and I could be seen. Had a throat coat tea and a few hours later my throat open up completely. My doctor told me to continue taking the medication I was prescribed and if the symptoms continue after 3 days to call her. The dermatographia continue and she got me an appointment with a dermatologist for the next day. I had tried to get an appointment but for a new patient I had to wait until 2/14/2022! The dermatologist diagnosed me with acute urticaria. Put me on 2 tabs Allegra 180 mg in the morning, 2 in the afternoon. Since I have been sleeping poorly, he also prescribed Hydroxyzine 25 mg 1-2 tabs at bedtime. A month later, I continue with the skin symptoms and have an appointment to see the dermatologist again in late January. I bought some gloves to use my rowing machine and have to use clothing that doesn't rub against my skin. I filed a report with the CDC regarding adverse reaction at While this is not ideal, I am not trying to discourage anyone from taking the vaccine. I rather deal with this than being connected to a ventilator.

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When did your throat tightness stop? I am on Claritin once daily and Hydroxyzine at night and notice the tightness is more prevalent when I don’t take the Hydroxyzine.

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