Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


The puppy’s name is Willow, and I am looking forward to daily walks for the next 13-16 years!

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Aw, well she’s just adorable! I’m a little envious. Right now we have no doggo in our house and we miss having one so much!

But we had a blast over the holidays when our daughter and son in law came with their newly adopted dog, Baxter for a week. The house felt complete again with the extra dimension a dog brings to the fold.
Enjoy Willow! And of course more photos when you get her are always welcomed! ☺️


My family spent Christmas in Sedona and we did quite a bit of hiking. However, eating all the delicious holiday food caused me to add a few lbs. Now it’s time to buckle down and focus on healthy eating and walking more. We decided to get a Westie puppy, which means that I will have to walk her an hour a day. I will looking forward to a healthier 2022!

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@alive What a cute puppy!! And a great excuse to go for walks! We had a lot of snow, which my puppy doesn’t like so he just gets short trips. I wear traction on my boots so i can take a regular walk. Walking on snow and ice, though is very tiring, but the sun comes out and warms everything up!
Do you get lots of snow? Don’t lose her in the snow!!!


@alive What a cute puppy!! And a great excuse to go for walks! We had a lot of snow, which my puppy doesn’t like so he just gets short trips. I wear traction on my boots so i can take a regular walk. Walking on snow and ice, though is very tiring, but the sun comes out and warms everything up!
Do you get lots of snow? Don’t lose her in the snow!!!

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Thank you! I actually don’t have to worry about snow anymore - I moved from Michigan to Southern Arizona. No more fear of falling (due to snow)! 😃


Thank you! I actually don’t have to worry about snow anymore - I moved from Michigan to Southern Arizona. No more fear of falling (due to snow)! 😃

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@alive, @becsbuddy, @loribmt, and all...How precious. I'm jealous that you're getting your puppy, because I miss my Sophia, poodle, so much. But, I've decided my doggie days are over. That precious puppy would drive me nuts with activity and neediness...love and joy....but lots of needinesses. I have many days now I can't take a dog for a walk and no backyard or fenced yard. the fenced patio doesn't count. She also cost me a fortune in medical costs. My sweet stray kitty who adopted me is wonderful, snuggles, and loves me so much. In her kitty way. But, brings a lot to life...not the same as a dog, but another heartbeat is a good thing. Sheds like crazy. Poodles don't shed hair or dander. Could be the cat it major cause of my asthma stuff the last couple of months. It's keeping me from my walks and pool.
Enjoy, love that new one, Blessings. elizabeth


@alive, @becsbuddy, @loribmt, and all...How precious. I'm jealous that you're getting your puppy, because I miss my Sophia, poodle, so much. But, I've decided my doggie days are over. That precious puppy would drive me nuts with activity and neediness...love and joy....but lots of needinesses. I have many days now I can't take a dog for a walk and no backyard or fenced yard. the fenced patio doesn't count. She also cost me a fortune in medical costs. My sweet stray kitty who adopted me is wonderful, snuggles, and loves me so much. In her kitty way. But, brings a lot to life...not the same as a dog, but another heartbeat is a good thing. Sheds like crazy. Poodles don't shed hair or dander. Could be the cat it major cause of my asthma stuff the last couple of months. It's keeping me from my walks and pool.
Enjoy, love that new one, Blessings. elizabeth

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@ess77 My granddaughter got a kitty for her birthday/Christmas and I don't know who is having more fun and exercise- the granddaughter or the kitty! It will soon be introduced to the 2 older cats.
I am sorry that your sweet snuggles kitty aggravates your asthma. What can you do about that-Can you keep it and have control of your asthma?


@alive, @becsbuddy, @loribmt, and all...How precious. I'm jealous that you're getting your puppy, because I miss my Sophia, poodle, so much. But, I've decided my doggie days are over. That precious puppy would drive me nuts with activity and neediness...love and joy....but lots of needinesses. I have many days now I can't take a dog for a walk and no backyard or fenced yard. the fenced patio doesn't count. She also cost me a fortune in medical costs. My sweet stray kitty who adopted me is wonderful, snuggles, and loves me so much. In her kitty way. But, brings a lot to life...not the same as a dog, but another heartbeat is a good thing. Sheds like crazy. Poodles don't shed hair or dander. Could be the cat it major cause of my asthma stuff the last couple of months. It's keeping me from my walks and pool.
Enjoy, love that new one, Blessings. elizabeth

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Our last dog was a standard poodle. We loved him so much, but this time we are getting a small dog. I want to be able to fly with her when I visit my daughter in Minnesota.

Sorry to hear about your cat allergies. I have a sister who is allergic to all furry animals. It’s tough being an animal lover and be allergic to them.


Our last dog was a standard poodle. We loved him so much, but this time we are getting a small dog. I want to be able to fly with her when I visit my daughter in Minnesota.

Sorry to hear about your cat allergies. I have a sister who is allergic to all furry animals. It’s tough being an animal lover and be allergic to them.

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@aliveand all...Yes, I still have some issues with Samantha's dander and hair. I brush and comb her that helps. But, there's hair all over the bed comforter, my newly bought weighted comforter that really helps me sleep and helps reduce the pain in my legs/back and feet. It's remarkable, one of my gifts to myself last year with the Connect group being good to ourselves.

what a wonderful gift that group gave me last year, helping me take better care of myself. weighted comforter. new mattress, new 4'' thick mattress cover that made it soo perfect for my poor body. A gift to myself. I'm worth it. I al set up several bird feeders, lots of fun there. I did several good things for myself that helped get me through last year, a worse year than 2020. I am very thankful.

Blessings...enjoy that puppy. My disabled 53-year-old disabled son has a therapy dog. This pup is a precious white Havanese. From Havana, herders, she weighs about 9 lbs maybe, is full of pure joy and happiness and severe loyalty. She's smart as a whip and I adore her, claiming her as my granddaughter. We have a real love affair, I help with her care a bit, puppy sit when I can but without the daily responsibility of walks and such. She is a pure white, long-haired, soft as human hair with no dander or shedding as with poodles. She saves my son's life. Give us joy. What a gift these little fellows give us.


@ess77 My granddaughter got a kitty for her birthday/Christmas and I don't know who is having more fun and exercise- the granddaughter or the kitty! It will soon be introduced to the 2 older cats.
I am sorry that your sweet snuggles kitty aggravates your asthma. What can you do about that-Can you keep it and have control of your asthma?

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@rosemarya, @alive, @becsbuddy, and all...Rosemary, I'm not sure what I can do to help with this issue. I'm using Symbicort 2x daily to control the coughing and reduce phlegm.. But, don't know if this is a good thing over time or if I may be able to get the hair under control??? May be able to clean better and more often as I get stronger, although my housekeeper has back problems and has left the job. Don't have a new one yet, looking. More vacuum, dusting, getting rid of the loose hair on the bed, etc. will surely help

She adopted me several years ago, had 5 babies on my patio as a tiny kitty herself. She's somewhat of a slut kitty, as she got pregnant while nursing the babies. I took her to the doc after finding the litter good homes and had her spade. An abortion that broke my heart. I didn't know she was pregnant,but I couldn't have raised another litter so I took her to the vet. She is much happier and a great companion. She talks, calls me 'mama', tells me exactly what she wants me to do or not do. She understands and follows my instrutctions re 'lie down'. 'no', 'ok', 'hop up; or hop down and on and on. I can't believe this. Didn't know cats could talk and have so much interaction that makes sense to humans. I sinerely believe she was sent to me by God to help me through tough times, to help me deal with the illness and loss of my dog of 14 years, to give me love and support. I'm very thankful!

Be well. Blessings as we meet this new year with hope and prayer. elizabeth


Gee, great weather report, @jakedduck1 . Trying to distract us from our talking about walking, are you? You mentioned chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. If I walk 2 miles tomorrow, will you send me a cookie? And, if you walk, I’ll send you a cookie! Good idea?

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I forgot about this. Sure, I’ll take you up on that deal. Only 1 cookie? So your still singing that same old song, trying to convince us that you only eat one cookie. I think if you really did that you’d be in the Guinness book of world records. I am working on getting there myself but not by eating jut one.
I hope your offer hasn’t expired.
Although I walked quite a ways for me I was actually disappointed because I thought I had walked farther than I did. My body sure felt like I walked farther.
I walked 2.5 miles yesterday. Just imagine how far I could’ve gone if I had some cookies and candy in my pocket.


I walked 2.6 miles 2 days this week.
I was at the mall walking. They have a walking group there.
I saw a 15” cookie! If I win this contest I’ll send you their web info, hopefully they are on the web. Unless you found a bigger one. If I had one of those I could probably just eat one cookie a day too. How far have you been walking?
Happy trails!!

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