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Incisional hernia after transplant: Anyone else?

Transplants | Last Active: Oct 28, 2023 | Replies (173)

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Hi Rosemary...thanks for your concern. I was diagnosed in 2014 with non alcoholic cirrhosis, after years of being treated for GERD, stomach issues, etc. In 2016 I developed liver cancer. In January 2019 the tumor had grown enough to do something...the only answer for me to live was a transplant. I live in California and have Kaiser insurance. Kaiser doesn't do transplants so they sent me to Mayo Jacksonville...which was a true blessing. Other than many MRI'S, CT'S ,labs and nearly 30 ED'S I was basically asymptomatic. I received my transplant 11/19...all went great.
I came back home in January 2020. Three weeks after coming home I got very sick..bronchitis ,sinusitis, laryngitis...coughing day & night for several weeks,which was the start of my hernia. Because of all the antibiotics I developed C-def, later severe constipation... that's where I'm at with the hernia.
26 months post and I still have some issues, but overall feel good and very blessed to be alive. My appt with my PCP is next week...I really want his opinion. I'm hoping he can gaze into a crystal ball and advise me to go with surgery or just live my life as best I can.
Back in January 2019, the choice was simple..I wanted to live, the only way was a transplant. Now is somewhat different, can I live as I am with this growth inside & outside my body or as I get older will my chances of survival get less. I'm open for any advise.

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Replies to "Hi Rosemary...thanks for your concern. I was diagnosed in 2014 with non alcoholic cirrhosis, after years..."

Kathy, Wow, you have quite a story and I appreciate that you shared it. We transplant recipients know that the journey before and after transplant can be a bumpy road to endure. It is never the Hollywood version of what happens!
I don't think your PCP has a crystal ball! Mine doesn't either, but I trust his judgement . He was the one who noticed abnormal liver function results in my routine labs around 20 years ago and he sent me to Gastroenterologist right away to get it checked. And he is still my PCP. I think that you are wise to discuss thus with your PCP.

I am thinking about you and your appointment next week. Is there a family member who will be going with you?

Hi kathycaudle. I’m 7 months post kidney transplant. I also have Kaiser insurance. At the time my kidney was failing, Kaiser referred me to UCLA where I worked with a transplant coordinator from signing up to UNOS (United Network Organ Sharing), searching for a kidney match, transplant surgery and post-transplant care. If they have the same program for liver, they would have already informed you. But it won’t hurt to ask.

Hello..Jackie here. I can tell u I am glad I had my hernia out.but I also had a plastic surgeon wk on me putting in two layers of merch. The other Dr. Did the hernia. I was in for one week. I also got c-dif..dam! I had severe dirreaha
That lasted for 5 mo's. They gave me antibiotics but may b
Not long enough! After that time saw my gastro Dr. I am now gluten free and no dirreaha..Yahoo!! I still have to wear a tight girdle band around my stomach, makes it feel better.my surgery was in June 2020. The more we put something off the worse it gets, surgery was routine I was out in 3 hrs,but I was nervous since my transplant was something from another planet!! Don't ever want to go there again..good luck let us know what happens..you are all in my prayers