Pancreatic Cancer Group: Introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Pancreatic Cancer group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with pancreatic cancer or caring for someone with pancreatic cancer. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with cancer, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by fellow members and volunteer patient Mentors, when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Volunteer Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Pull up a chair. Let's start with introductions.

When were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.

Hello, my husband has a mass on his pancreas. He’s 52. Just found out Sunday. Seen the oncologist yesterday at a local clinic. Biopsy, pet scan and mri next week. I’m so scared. I can’t stop crying…


Hello @cindysavant

I was thinking about you and your husband. Was he able to get an appointment at Mayo?

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Yes. We did see Dr. Babiker. We are very pleased. Hoping the chemo he is on now will shrink the tumors


Hello, my husband has a mass on his pancreas. He’s 52. Just found out Sunday. Seen the oncologist yesterday at a local clinic. Biopsy, pet scan and mri next week. I’m so scared. I can’t stop crying…

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Hi @vherzog777, it's okay to cry. This is a big shock and it's normal to be scared. Fortunately, you've come to the right place to learn from others who have been there. Feel free to ask any questions.

Has it been confirmed that your husband has pancreatic cancer or might the mass be a non-cancerous tumor? What questions do you have?


It hasn’t been confirmed yet. Biopsy is Wednesday. But the oncologist said he’s pretty sure it is according to the ct scan. I’m still holding out hope though. Ct scan also showed it mass has encased the arteries


It hasn’t been confirmed yet. Biopsy is Wednesday. But the oncologist said he’s pretty sure it is according to the ct scan. I’m still holding out hope though. Ct scan also showed it mass has encased the arteries

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Thinking of you today, VHerzog. If you're up to it, please let us know what you find out.


Thinking of you today, VHerzog. If you're up to it, please let us know what you find out.

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Nervously waiting! He did good through the biopsy though. Hopefully tomorrow we will know something. I’ll definitely update when we know.


Thinking of you today, VHerzog. If you're up to it, please let us know what you find out.

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Found out today. Stage 3 😢. At least it hasn’t spread but is wrapped around the veins…


Found out today. Stage 3 😢. At least it hasn’t spread but is wrapped around the veins…

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I'm sorry to hear this, vherzog. You're right that it is good that it was caught before it spread. Do you know what treatment is being suggested yet? Did they discuss going to a specialized cancer center?


I'm sorry to hear this, vherzog. You're right that it is good that it was caught before it spread. Do you know what treatment is being suggested yet? Did they discuss going to a specialized cancer center?

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They want to start him on an aggressive chemo treatment to try to shrink the tumor. If they can shrink it they will send him to Little Rock to remove it. It’s not a cancer center I don’t think but is a good hospital. I don’t believe they have the technology here even in Little Rock to help him if the tumor doesn’t shrink or doesn’t shrink enough. I’m trying to think ahead. At what point would I get ahold of Mayo for a second opinion? Now or if they tell me they can’t operate?


They want to start him on an aggressive chemo treatment to try to shrink the tumor. If they can shrink it they will send him to Little Rock to remove it. It’s not a cancer center I don’t think but is a good hospital. I don’t believe they have the technology here even in Little Rock to help him if the tumor doesn’t shrink or doesn’t shrink enough. I’m trying to think ahead. At what point would I get ahold of Mayo for a second opinion? Now or if they tell me they can’t operate?

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Dr. Truty at Mayo Clinic was a pioneer in this approach of chemo before surgery in tumors that were in former times considered in operable. You can read more about Dr. Truty and this treatment approach in various articles. Here's the most comprehensive one written for medical professional:
- 3 factors associated with improved outcomes for individuals with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

He explains in layman's terms in this video

I recommend contacting Mayo Clinic right away. They may suggest coming to Mayo or to work with your local hospital for chemo and then to come to Mayo Clinic for surgery. You have options. Here are the contact numbers for all 3 Mayo Clinic locations.

I'm sure other members like @cindysavant @susan2018 @marvinjsturing @mayojoe7 @kjrita @buckslayer @chemobile @colorafo19 will have some first hand experiences to share with you.

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