GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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I’m sorry this post may be a few years old but I just found and I am suffering from these same things! Entire body shaking, head pressure, no diagnoses, I’ve gone to the hospital they don’t see anything. I am waiting for a neurologist to call but until then I’m trying to find a root to this problem!! Have you found anything?! This post actually made me cry because I thought I was going crazy…

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Currently going through the same things!!! Had no idea it might be from my stomach. Thought I had sinititus. Also thought I was going crazy 😩


Hi, I am just wondering if you found an answer to your GI/Internal shaking?
I feel like we have almost same thing that is going on. I experienced gastro issues last year July. Had endoscopy done, Abdominal CT and Pelvic Ultrasound and everything came back normal and eventually I got better. Didn’t notice much apart from occasional indigestion. This year again, just 7 weeks ago I started having bad hyperacidity, abdominal discomfort indigestion despite that I am on omeprazole. My Dr. Increase the dosage for my omeprazole plus famotidine and domperidone. I been experiencing pounding heart rate and pounding and palpitations after meal most and when I feel my stomach needs food again my heart i racing as well. I get fatigue, achy arms even before I feel like I am hungry. 4 weeks ago I started getting this internal shaking at night when I’m about to sleep. Sometimes the internal shaking wakes me up. At times during the day I get internal shaking. I felt like it is connected to my gut. I had my heart monitoring done in 24hrs. Stress test and echocardiogram on my heart. I’m still waiting for my cardiology appointment next month. I’m getting quite anxious of what is going on with me.

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Have you figured out what’s wrong? Currently going through the same issues.


I’m sorry this post may be a few years old but I just found and I am suffering from these same things! Entire body shaking, head pressure, no diagnoses, I’ve gone to the hospital they don’t see anything. I am waiting for a neurologist to call but until then I’m trying to find a root to this problem!! Have you found anything?! This post actually made me cry because I thought I was going crazy…

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Me too right after I eat is worse--internal shaking and tremors in hands. I read high histamine can do this, and I did test high! Histamine also has effects on serotonin and dopemine, so would like to ask doctor if this would cause internal trembling. In 2018 I saw neuro at Mayo, and he said nothing was wrong--but it is!


Have you figured out what’s wrong? Currently going through the same issues.

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Hi, thank God I’m better niw. Shaking has gone. I stopped taking the medication for my tummy. Before I was on domperidone, famotidine. My GP told me that domperidone can cause the shaking. Also, I change my diet. Change my milk to almond and soy, less carb, small meals now. But I made sure to eat something in between if I feel hungry.


This is so me!!!! Several years ago, I would notice I was shaky in the mornings and after I eat any kind of a full meal, whether it was just soup or your typical dinner, I would almost immediately get dizzy/lightheaded. It never felt like reflux. I'd ask my PCP about it and she'd have tests run. Nothing. Two years ago I had a massive diverticulitis attack and it turned out to be an infection and through the colonoscopy/upper endoscopy, I was also diagnosed with h Pylori, a hiatal hernia and gallstones. Last year I had my gallbladder removed.
Just this past June I had inflammation in my sigmoid colon - more diverticulitis, and did 6 weeks of Augmentin and a follow up colonoscopy.
Things were getting better a few weeks ago and now I'm back to the shakiness, dizziness and frequent bowel movements. My mornings are horrible. I wake up with the feeling of trembling and dizziness. My therapist said my adrenals are probably not functioning well and he said to take an herbal adaptogen for support. I also just started on Lexapro a couple of weeks back to help with anxiety. It's causing nausea. Great. I hope to keep in the loop on this subject and hope someone finds some solutions!

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Are we twins???? Wow! Your digestive journey is identical to mine! I’ve had a bad diverticulitis infection/h pylori/gall stones and a hiatal hernia diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago. Took a couple of months to get into a gastroenterologist and she did a colonoscopy/upper endoscopy. Found the diverticulitis immediately and 2 weeks later the labs came back with the h pylori and gall stone diagnosis. A year and a half ago I had my gallbladder removed. This year I had another diverticulitis flare and was on Augmentin for 6 weeks.

Prior, and during all this, when I eat, I get dizzy afterwards and no one can figure that out. Even did blood sugar meter, nothing. The only thing I can kind of figure out is it may be post prandial hypotension, which means more blood than normal goes to your stomach to digest and your blood pressure drops. But I can’t prove that because it doesn’t always happen and it’s been better lately.

I, too, have the shakes. Some days I just wake up that way and I feel like I’m trembling/vibrating all day. Yesterday was one of those. Today I’m fine. Can’t figure that out. My therapist thinks my adrenals are not functioning and he suggested an adaptogen. And I started Lexapro just a month ago because of anxiety over digestive issues and dealing with not knowing how I’m going to be day to day.

The headaches on Lexapro, at first, are part of the early side effects as are nausea, etc. I found starting at a super small dose, 2.5 mg, for a week, then increasing to 5, etc. helped to rid me of the headaches. I almost constantly have some kind of upper abdominal rumbling and some
Days feel downright nauseous but that started before Lexapro and might be a latent post gallbladder removal thing. My gastroenterologist is not much help on any of this and I’m so frustrated!!!

I too have frequent bowel movements a lot of the time. It’s gotten better. When we take antibiotics, it not only eliminates the “bad” gut bacteria that causes diverticulitis, but wipes out the good bacteria. Get a really really good probiotic and take it every day. Also eat fermented foods, sauerkraut, kombucha, yogurt. Also I found a site called Pain Free Foods and they have some food supplement suggestions. They also have a good eating plan which may or may not help but they have a good community Facebook page and a lot of support.

This is such a life changing chronic condition and I get so frustrated. I completely empathize with what you’re going through. Keep researching and find good supplements. Slippery Elm helps with the mucosal lining of your gut and might help with bowel movement. Also, on the Pain Free foods there is a tea called Rachel’s tea. Look into that. It’s wonderful.

Take care!!!!


Have you ever figured this out friend? I have the same thing as you! Right where the sternum is I start shaking until I eat something.


Hi @gigiraj, I have gastroparesis and SIBO amongst other things (POTS, MALS) and I recently began experiencing the same with my heart about two months ago. I have had numerous tests completed and strokes and A-fib have been ruled out. I have normal ekg’s and bloodwork is fine. I do get tremors as well when my heart beats this way. For me it occurs mainly at night and sometimes can last all night and through the day. It would be great if others could reply to what this could be. My Cardiologist is still running tests but has me on Bisoprolol (a beta blocker) for now. I hope you can find relief.

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i just saw these posts. And i thought if i answer, it might help someone. I have SIBO and Leaky gut syndrome. And i had internat tremors and other horrible symptoms. The only thing that helped me was a diet with no gluten, no lactose, no sugar. Most of the time only vegetables and fruits. That was when my symptoms got less and less over time. I hope you got better since then though. Because of the leaky gut i had a sensitivity for gluten, lactose and sugar. That‘s why, after i ate these things, in the night i was getting those weird tremors. I also had tinnitus and brain fog, i felt anxiety and my muscles feld very stiff. The most horror thing was the asthma at night , i couln’d sleep because i wasn’t able to breath. I took some medication for asthma, but none made it go away. I tried everything, i went to a lot of doctors and no one could help me. Besides i am a doctor myself and i didn’t know what’s going on with me. I am really happy that i feel better now.


Welcome to Connect, @gigiraj. I did find some information that studies the link between digestive disorders and internal tremors:
– The bowel and beyond: the enteric nervous system in neurological disorders
– Tremor in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

I’d encourage you to take a look at this discussion in the Brain & Nervous System group on Connect, where @tigertoo, who has been diagnosed with POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and Vitamin B deficiency, talks about similar symptoms:
– Monthly shaking episodes that continue to progress
I’m also tagging @hopeful33250 to see if she might have some more thoughts.

I can imagine your worry, @gigiraj; how is this shakiness affecting your day-to-day life? Have you considered causes other than GI disorders?

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is there a medical device (suction-vacuum) that will help remove excess air from abdomen?


Hi I am 69 years old had my galllbladder removed about 16 months ago. I was diagnosed with IBS many many years ago and have suffered with diiarrhoea for years. The surgeon told me it was one of the worst infected galllbladdder he has seen. Since then I have suffered tremours in my tummy nearly all the time.I dont notice it so much during the day as i am doing things but in bed i notice it and it really worries me in case I have a serious problem. I live on my own and have no family. I am so fed up with diarrhoea as it is stoppingme going places. Nothing seems to help the diarrhoea other tham Immodium plus . I wondered if the tremours in my stomache are due to the infection from the gallbladder spreading to my syomache I did have about three weeks after having my gallbladder removed when I didnt have diarrhoea and I felt like a new woman, I wish the diarrhoea would stop and I could have a normal life and live a bit.


Hi I am 69 years old had my galllbladder removed about 16 months ago. I was diagnosed with IBS many many years ago and have suffered with diiarrhoea for years. The surgeon told me it was one of the worst infected galllbladdder he has seen. Since then I have suffered tremours in my tummy nearly all the time.I dont notice it so much during the day as i am doing things but in bed i notice it and it really worries me in case I have a serious problem. I live on my own and have no family. I am so fed up with diarrhoea as it is stoppingme going places. Nothing seems to help the diarrhoea other tham Immodium plus . I wondered if the tremours in my stomache are due to the infection from the gallbladder spreading to my syomache I did have about three weeks after having my gallbladder removed when I didnt have diarrhoea and I felt like a new woman, I wish the diarrhoea would stop and I could have a normal life and live a bit.

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You aren’t alone…even if you feel like it… there ARE those of us that understand because we fight the same battles every day. It’s so easy to allow ourselves to become discouraged. I’ve been there and done that so many times…but it’s NEVER helped!,,
I’ve decided that I’m going to continue to fight for every day in dealing with EPI. I hope you are too. There is hope!

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