Finding solutions through connection: Meet @gabrielm

Nov 17, 2021 | John, Volunteer Mentor | @johnbishop | Comments (29)

Member Spotlights feature interviews with fellow Connect members. Learn more about members you’ve connected with and some you haven’t met yet. Nominate a member you think should share the spotlight.

JOHN: What brought you to Mayo Clinic Connect? 

@gabrielm: I originally discovered Mayo Clinic Connect around 2018 when I was searching for answers for my own condition. As more and more people found my original post about Mysterious shortness of breath, I became more involved. I like to help people who have similar symptoms, sharing my own experiences and how I deal with my health and wellbeing.

JOHN: What about Mayo Clinic Connect makes you feel comfortable to share and to be open with the community?

@gabrielm: My experiences with Mayo Clinic Connect have always been positive. I have made many connections with various people over the years and have developed a relationship based on mutual help and the sharing of experiences. Connect is run by great moderators who care very much about what they do and facilitate a great experience.

JOHN: What groups do you participate in?

@gabrielm: For right now, I focus on the Lung Health Group. I plan to expand to other groups as a participant or mentor.

JOHN: Tell us about a meaningful moment on Mayo Clinic Connect.

@gabrielm: The moments that stand out to me are the many times someone new has posted on my original post about shortness of breath or messaged me directly thanking me. They feel relieved to find a forum and community of people who have experienced what they do, and where they can speak with me and others who support them. Many of them have spoken with doctors, friends and family, but weren’t believed or their mysterious medical issues were dismissed. On Connect, they found a community of support, and that helps them find solutions. Interacting with members brings me joy and motivates me to continue being involved in the community however I can.

JOHN: What surprised you the most about Connect?

@gabrielm: How quickly a sense of community can develop online through mutual support of each other’s conditions and difficulties.

JOHN: What energizes you, or how do you find balance in your life?

@gabrielm: My faith energizes me along with my family and friends. I find balance by carving out time for family, hobbies, learning, exercise, and rest. I’m learning that it’s ok to say no to some requests and take the time to slow down every once in a while and enjoy the present moment.

JOHN: Tell us about your favorite pastime or activity.

@gabrielm: Currently I enjoy fishing and wood carving. I do a lot of mountain stream and river fishing. I have been developing the skill of caricature wood carving, which I find enjoyable and which allows me to share pieces with others. Bringing a smile to someone’s face when they see a finished carving brings me joy. I also find the carving process very relaxing and calming; very therapeutic. 

JOHN: Do you have a favorite quote, life motto or personal mantra?

@gabrielm: “Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are.”― Napoleon Hill

JOHN: What do you love about where you live or vacation?

@gabrielm: Green chili!

JOHN: What food can you simply not resist?

@gabrielm: I’ve never met an ice cream I didn’t like!

See more Member Spotlights.

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In reply to @gabrielm "Happy to!" + (show)

Nice to “connect” with you Gabe. Thanking you for sharing and your volunteer work as a mentor. Your carvings are amazing! I especially love the carving of the man! So detailed. Someone you know?

Albuquerque is a great city and fab food…especially green chili!


Gabe, thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with other's who will benefit in the lung group. I admire that you say you are learning to say no to some requests and slow down to enjoy the present moment. Good for you!

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Thank you Rachel!


The little guy in the denim jacket is wonderful! Did someone inspire you to create him?

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Thanks Teresa. Not necessarily; I sometimes just take a block of wood and start making a figure and just see what comes out of it.


Hello @gabrielm, I so enjoyed the directness of your words about the value of connect. I am intriqued by your atistic talent. Has art been a lifetime interest or a newly discovered talent? I am intrigued
with the whole idea of finding pleasant distractions from neuropathic pain. Perhaps you could make a guest appearance in the neuropathy group. Have a wonderful and peaceful day.

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Thanks @artscaping! I’ve explored art in various forms throughout my life; from drawing when I was young, to playing guitar and carving now. My dad is a wood carver and wood worker so that inspired me. My dad used to make me and my siblings a custom carved wood ornament every year for Christmas. I decided to carry on that tradition with my daughters so mainly what inspired me was to be able to create each of them one every year based on their main interest for that year


Nice to “connect” with you Gabe. Thanking you for sharing and your volunteer work as a mentor. Your carvings are amazing! I especially love the carving of the man! So detailed. Someone you know?

Albuquerque is a great city and fab food…especially green chili!

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Thank you @athenalee. Nice to connect with you as well. And thanks for the compliment. I have a lot of fun doing it! (Both mentoring and carving). Yup, agreed. Albuquerque is a great city with awesome food, good culture, and balanced weather

In reply to @gabrielm "Happy to!" + (show)

Gabe - I love your carvings - how do you find the time as a busy young Dad, husband, worker & volunteer Mentor? I am awed.
Did you know that many of the mentors are passionate artists - painters, photographers, musicians and other media?

@colleenyoung I wonder if anyone has thought about the common personality traits that must lead us down these unique paths, as well as seeming to be passionate about animals and nature?

Please keep showing us your work - especially the ornaments for your daughters!


Nice profile, @gabrielm, and it's nice to meet you. We travel in different groups so I haven't come across you before. I'm primarily in transplant, hearing, and knee replacements.

I hope at some point you post some pictures of your wood carving. I'm always amazed at how people can make such great things by carving wood.


Gabe - I love your carvings - how do you find the time as a busy young Dad, husband, worker & volunteer Mentor? I am awed.
Did you know that many of the mentors are passionate artists - painters, photographers, musicians and other media?

@colleenyoung I wonder if anyone has thought about the common personality traits that must lead us down these unique paths, as well as seeming to be passionate about animals and nature?

Please keep showing us your work - especially the ornaments for your daughters!

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Thank you Sue! I am discovering that each mentor has their own unique talents and abilities, including art, that I’m discovering slowly during our calls. It’s great to see!


@gabrielm:- It's been nice working with you in the Lung Health group for a while now. Thank you for all your help!

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