Severe Constipation

Posted by klk464 @klk464, Feb 28, 2018

I have had severe constipation for a long time. I drink lots of water and have had almost every test possible done and tried many prescription medications. These medications work for a little bit then stop. I currently take 3 docusate in morning and at night I will take 2 senna/docusate. I still dont have a daily BM. So i get bloated crampy and back pain from this.

I was told I could go to the Mayo Clinic as they may have ideas for me because they are out of options for me here.

Anyone else suffer from this?

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I’m just wondering if you could possibly post a picture of the Mag07. I saw many different types online. I’m not sure if this is against the rules so please forgive me if it is. Thank you.

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Hi, I found mag07 at vitamin shoppe.I’m picking up today. I’m not sure about that form of mag. I know Philips laxative caps are just mag 500 mg per cap and nothing but filers. People don’t realize that. The liquid Philips is different. I’m going to try mag07. It can’t hurt. Thanks for suggesting it. I’ll try to find you and update. I don’t navigate this site all that well. Fingers crossed. I wonder if this can be taken long term. I’ll ask at store. Joanne


I’m just wondering if you could possibly post a picture of the Mag07. I saw many different types online. I’m not sure if this is against the rules so please forgive me if it is. Thank you.

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My advice, look up NBPure or just Mago7 on the reviews...just would not buy on there. Most vitamin companies carry it. Here is their phone number. 1 800 798 0707. I don't know even if they allow this. So just look at it on Amazon, Mag07...there is not any other. Now by NBPure. Same formula exactly.They like everyone else most likely had to join not know how I can post photo on here...good luck, it does work very well...find ur dosage and follow directions. Stay on that maintenance dose. Look up dosing instructions on the net...plenty of info.
Very good product...absolutely no cramping ...and you sleep well!!!!


Thanks,I blog with folks who did well and others who didn’t. The big reason for me is the nasogastric tube. I retired from medical and saw a lot especially aspiration and it terrifies me. It would be in for days.I’m also allergic to pain meds and it makes recovery longer. It has for every surgery I’ve had. I have no gallbladder. Some folks thought that might be causing it. It’s idiopathic motility. My bowels just stopped after surgery last June. Maybe anesthesia did it. It’s always put my bladder to sleep keeping me hospitalized longer after surgery to be Catheterized when bladder full. Usually day 3 I’m ready to leave. This surgery was long,almost 6 hours. Maybe coincidence I will never know. I had 5 days in September that my bowels just worked. No rhyme or reason and then completely stopped again. I don’t understand that, either did Gastro or surgeon. I’m scheduled Jan but I don’t think I’ll do it. I wish no nasogastric tube cause I probably would do it. Happy Sunday,enjoy..Joanne

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@mothermary1 This is the discussion you were participating in. I hope to hear some good news from you! Becky


Is there any help for Gastric Paresis other than exercises to strengthen abdominal wall and Linzess and diet. I am so constipated and cramping is horrific. Please respond.


Talk to your Dr about Motegrity. It has done wonders for me.


Is there any help for Gastric Paresis other than exercises to strengthen abdominal wall and Linzess and diet. I am so constipated and cramping is horrific. Please respond.

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Have .you tried PruneLax? It has helped me and others here with chronic constipation. Let us know if it works or doesn’t.


Have .you tried PruneLax? It has helped me and others here with chronic constipation. Let us know if it works or doesn’t.

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The Physical Therapist gave me a recipe consisting of prune juice, applesauce and oat bran. I take 2
tablespoons at bedtime. The massages and exercises are helping
also. Today I started Motegrity.
I go back to Louisville tomorrow for more PT and massage therapy.
I have really bad days and then good ones.
Thanks ever so much for responding.
I truly appreciate it. Brenda


Talk to your Dr about Motegrity. It has done wonders for me.

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I took my first Motegrity tonight!!


Something kept me awake most of last night. Pharmacist said it would or could make me drowsy so I took it at bedtime!
When do others take yours?


Something kept me awake most of last night. Pharmacist said it would or could make me drowsy so I took it at bedtime!
When do others take yours?

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I take it first thing in the morning. Supposed to take on an empty stomach. Wait 30 minutes before eating. Good luck!

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