Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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I just heard from a female friend , 70, A nurse, who experienced periocarditas (sp) -inflammation of the protective pericardium sac surrounds the heart, 6 hours after first Moderna. No hospitaization, resolved. Her Doc. cautioned against a follow-up vax, not sure arm how that went. Will check

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Hi Folks, tried posting this earlier, seems it didn't work. Check out this report published online July 27th : dol: 10.2147lJGM.5324349 = A study based upon WHO data, entitled Cardiovascular Adverse Events Reported from COVID-19 Vaccines, Rimple Jeet Kaur et al..PMID: 34349544. Note the elevated BP also included


Hi Folks, tried posting this earlier, seems it didn't work. Check out this report published online July 27th : dol: 10.2147lJGM.5324349 = A study based upon WHO data, entitled Cardiovascular Adverse Events Reported from COVID-19 Vaccines, Rimple Jeet Kaur et al..PMID: 34349544. Note the elevated BP also included

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Thank you so much for sharing this study.


Hi Folks, tried posting this earlier, seems it didn't work. Check out this report published online July 27th : dol: 10.2147lJGM.5324349 = A study based upon WHO data, entitled Cardiovascular Adverse Events Reported from COVID-19 Vaccines, Rimple Jeet Kaur et al..PMID: 34349544. Note the elevated BP also included

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Wow, to put it mildly. This was published weeks after my ablation.. wish I had known. Thanks


The Brits report 11/25 a significant correlation between the vac and heart issues, the cardiologist goes so far to say it's not being reported for fear of a loss in research funding.


Is there a link with Moderna as well?

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I have had an increase in BOTH the numbers and duration of A-fib events since having received the Moderna vaccine. Today is the 10th day of being in Afib since the second shot. (started one day after inoculation). Am scheduled for a Cardioversion in two days assuming I am still in Afib. Will also schedule an ablation in late Dec or early January--- SO regardless of what the medical people have told me--- I definitely believe there is a connection Prior to the vaccine I had one Afib event per year and each lasted less than a full day)-- Oh and I did have a very mild case of Covid in November 2020


Well....I am the one who started this post and I am about to take the booster on November 30th at Mayo. I have put alot of thought into this and from what I understand, since my vaccine was given to me in January, I am basically unvacinated. I live in Florida and right now the numbers are great but other places in the US are not.

I will keep you up to date and pray that my ablation holds and all will be well. I am hoping my constant Afib occurances after my vacine were unrelated.

I did talk with my cardiologists and internist one has any answers.

Be well and Happy Thanksgiving. CeCe55

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Best of luck. I will pray that you do well. I went into afib after my second vaccination. I don’t know if it was related, but I never had any previous issues. I did have my booster a week ago and all is fine so far.


I had an ablation three years ago. I was in perfect rhythm the entire time. I received my second Pfizer shot in February of 2021. I went to see my cardiologist in November and have developed a fib again. Schedule for another ablation December 13th. I will not be getting the booster shot!


I took my 1st Pfizer shot on March 6th and my second one on March 26th, then, on April 1st I had a heart attack and now I dont know what to do about the booster


I have paroxysmal afib and none of my three shots triggered afib. Late dinners seem to be my main trigger. I do believe that any stress on the body will raise heart rate, but not far outside of the normal 60-80/minute for most of us.


I may get Moderna with its half dose.
I have a call into my cardiologist now

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