I never thought I'd be thankful for ...

It's Thanksgiving today.
People across the United States are sharing meals, walks and stories, and giving thanks. However, there are times life takes us by surprise. Things happen unexpectedly and it is only upon reflection or retrospection that we can give thanks.

How would you complete this sentence?

I never thought I'd be thankful for _____________________.

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I never thought I'd be thankful for still living in the little 1940s house I bought in 2002 as a single person with 1.25 bathrooms (the .25 is from a previous homeowner installing a toilet on the outflow in the unfinished part of the basement behind the water heater); a detached, one-car garage; and no real master bedroom. I'd originally envisioned living here for 5 years tops. Especially since my husband and I married in 2004 and he moved into this little home, we've gotten to know many wonderful neighbors, learned how to be homeowners and maintain and update a home, afforded to have me stay at home with our children for nearly a decade, and been able to save more to put into our next home. Our children even were drawn in the lottery to go to the choice elementary school two blocks away, which has been wonderful. Thankful for this little place.


@lisalucier Reading your journey put a smile on my heart. I have been decorating my little space for Christmas. My little Tinsel Town. Not much room but lots of love here. Also cold outside and I am waiting for the next warm-up to stick my neck out.


I never thought I'd be thankful for my small fiber peripheral neuropathy diagnosis --- but it started my journey on Connect where I met many of my cyber friends and helped fill a void that I never knew I had.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Connect friends -- How would you complete this sentence? @thankful @steeldove @rivermaya34 @athenalee and all of my unnamed friends who would rather stay anonymous 🙃

I never thought I’d be thankful for _____________________.


I never thought I would be thankful for my health journey, all the twists and turns it has taken! Along the way, there are some very caring individuals who have stepped up to walk beside me.

Reflecting on this year, those who have also struggled and reached out, have helped me understand how Connected we all are.

@parus @kamama94 @joyces @elizabeth13 how would you finish the sentence?


Ginger, Rosemary, so many others -thank you for all your help and support!


I never thought I'd be thankful for my small fiber peripheral neuropathy diagnosis --- but it started my journey on Connect where I met many of my cyber friends and helped fill a void that I never knew I had.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Connect friends -- How would you complete this sentence? @thankful @steeldove @rivermaya34 @athenalee and all of my unnamed friends who would rather stay anonymous 🙃

I never thought I’d be thankful for _____________________.

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I never thought I'd be thankful for all of the fiery trials in my life - past, present and probably future. They have redirected my focus, turned my eyes upward, allowed me to see the world in vibrant colors, deepened my gratitude for new mercies and blessings, given me opportunities to share encouragement and perspective with others, increased my hope, caused me to dip into hidden inner strength and now have risen out of the ashes like a phoenix. And so much more! Thankful to have found this community which has already made huge impacts on my life. Grateful for new friendships and the privilege of encouraging many beautiful people here. Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll! 🙂 @artscaping @macygollob @jenniferhunter @hopeful33250 @swats005 how about you?


I never thought I'd be thankful for my small fiber peripheral neuropathy diagnosis --- but it started my journey on Connect where I met many of my cyber friends and helped fill a void that I never knew I had.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Connect friends -- How would you complete this sentence? @thankful @steeldove @rivermaya34 @athenalee and all of my unnamed friends who would rather stay anonymous 🙃

I never thought I’d be thankful for _____________________.

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I never thought I would be thankful for insatiable curiousity. It got me in so much trouble growing up! But it has led me down many fascinating paths in my life, to so many ideas, people and places - and has given me the opportunity and passion to continue learning. Connect and the cyberworld of information and friendships is just one piece of it.

These past 20 months have been at best challenging, and for some, heartbreaking. Today I will pause and reflect with friends (and remotely with family) on the blessings we each can find in our lives.

Thank you to each of you for enriching my life and easing my journey. You are too numerous to name, lest I forget someone dear to me. Wishing you peace and comfort.


I never thought I'd be thankful for the difficulties that I had to endure along my journey toward a liver and kidney transplant. In short, my path to transplant consisted of diagnosis, liver failure with all of its ugly symptoms, sudden kidney failure and dialysis. During the waiting, when my organs and health failed, and my life was questionable, I became acutely aware of the blessings (tiny miracles) that occur each and every day - I just had to look for them, and that is what I still do today.

@joko, @silverwoman, @lizzy102, @benlam11, @digibson, @leftyleft, @kathycaudle, @zon
How would you complete this sentence?

I never thought I’d be thankful for _____________________.


I never thought I'd be thankful for the difficulties that I had to endure along my journey toward a liver and kidney transplant. In short, my path to transplant consisted of diagnosis, liver failure with all of its ugly symptoms, sudden kidney failure and dialysis. During the waiting, when my organs and health failed, and my life was questionable, I became acutely aware of the blessings (tiny miracles) that occur each and every day - I just had to look for them, and that is what I still do today.

@joko, @silverwoman, @lizzy102, @benlam11, @digibson, @leftyleft, @kathycaudle, @zon
How would you complete this sentence?

I never thought I’d be thankful for _____________________.

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Breathing. The sound of a heartbeat. Smelling fresh bread. And, of course, the urine that starts almost immediately after a kidney transplant.


I never thought I would be thankful for cats. Having been a dog person growing up and in the early days of being married to WW (no, not Wonder Woman - Wonderful Wife although I'm thankful she has been that to me for 53+ years of marriage), but I digress - sorry! We adopted a beautiful baby girl from South Korea in 1987 when we were in our 40s. At the time I did have thoughts of what is wrong with me starting a second family this close to retirement. It did not take long to banish those thoughts forever. She brought cats into my life along with our son much to my dismay at the time. She even left a couple with me over the years because she couldn't have them where she was living. Fast forward to today. Our young neighbors across the street brought home 2 gorgeous solid black kittens to be outside cats and help keep mice out of their house (fat chance). This past summer they strolled down our driveway and up our sidewalk while we were sitting on the front porch. They were a sight to behold strutting together down the sidewalk. Sadly, we and our other neighbors warned them not to leave them outside at night due to a very large neighborhood owl that loves small pets. The owl did take one of them and for awhile they kept the other kitten in a dog crate at night to protect her.

I am thankful this little kitten named "Kitty" by the neighbors toddler brings me joy almost every day. She magically appears at my computer room window around the time I do my morning Connect emails and get ready for my work day and I invite her in for a warm breakfast out of the cold. My next step is to text the photo to my neighbor with the message... I want to report a kitten napping ☺ Haven't quite gotten the nerve up to do that yet.

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@johnbishop, @colleenyoung, and all...john, is that the precious, beautiful kitty who loves to sun on your rock wall, watching the world go around with beautiful, huge eyes and with a serious attitude?????

I hurt in my heart, seeing 'outside cats' roaming around. I live in the city, in a condo. When I first moved here, about 30 years ago -WOW! That's a long time....there were probably a dozen cats roaming the property, eating at several different places. They were hit by cars, chased by huge dogs-especially a large shepherd/pitbull mix who chased them and killed several. He and I were friends, the dog, until that happened. I couldn't look at him without a feeling of horror that his owners were allowing him to get out and kill. The horror that we had so many stray kitties to kill and who were suffering outside.

So, when I became president of the condo board we focused on finding homes for all the cats. I got traps from our Humane Society, caught several, had them spayed/neutered, and some found really good homes. We have owls in the woods behind us, hawks, and other birds of prey, and lots of dogs, leashed. . So, by finding homes and slowing the repopulation, we solved a very bad problem.

Wish your neighbor would let you own the cat, who's really yours anyway. Kitty seems very much at home with you.

I have Samantha you've heard me mention. She adopted me several years ago, while my precious white poodle was still with me, Sophia. Since Sophia died, Samantha stepped up and is now my comforter and guardian angel. She was around my place in the bushes popping her head up, watching me... so adorable. I began to feed her, then she had a litter of 5 on my patio, in a pot. I had 6 cats all at once. Guess that settled the discussion about adoption...my fiance and I helped her care for them, he shortly died in a car accident, so I found them all homes and Samantha moved in.

She now has cat towers and scratchers in every room. She has upstairs and downstairs food. 2 litter boxes I can't keep clean daily as she likes. She owns the patio, goes out daily to sun, and watches her bird friends, I have 7 feeders, 2 baths, and a fountain. A pretty good feathered friend population that seems to accept Samantha. I am so thankful for her joining my life. She was there after Sophia died. She comforted me after my fiance died. and she recently saved my life after sinus surgery when I was bleeding heavily while lying asleep on my back. She howled and licked my arm and cheek and woke me up to the emergency. I went to the ED, was treated, and home to give her extra treats. Yes, I'm thankful. For Samantha, the joy and peace and love she gives. My guardian angel.

Thankful for all my Connect Friends. What a surprise gift from Mayo. You have helped me heal in many ways. I'm not alone anymore. I have folks who care about me and say so. And, I have a plethora of folks I can care about and hopefully at some point help a bit.

Thank you, Colleen, for this opportunity to say 'Happy Thanksgiving to you all!' and I love you.
Blessings on this special day. elizabeth

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