Side effects of Pristiq

Posted by Native Floridian @nativefloridian, Jan 7, 2012

Has anyone successfully tapered off Pristiq? If so, what was your plan? I am considering going off this medicine. I take 50 mg per day and have done so for about 2 years. I understand there are very significant withdrawal symptoms and I would like to stop taking Pristiq because it causes my heart to race when the time release happens. I am afraid this medicine may not be good for the heart because the clinical trials state that anyone with a heart condition was not allowed to take it.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

I have a similar problem with Zoloft. Turns out, I am in the 4% of people who are extremely sensitive to Zoloft and experience severe heart palpitations. I had to be put on a heart palpitation medication to reduce the palpitations, then start tapering off the Zoloft. I also have to taper extremely slowly. With the help of the book "The Anti Depressant Solution" by Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, I was able to determine how much I can taper without being in complete misery. Turns out that amount is 0.4mg. Please read the book and disucss with your doctor. Please let us know if the book is helpful! My prayers are with you!


I want to re-invite @ottawalisa, @irishgirl55, @lt74 to the conversation so they can discuss their usage of Pristiq.

Have you stopped the medication as of yet, @jordanstutz1?

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Hi Amanda, I am going to ask thos here as I do not see how to start my own comment and it seems you might be able to direct this post.
I have been taking Pristiq for at least 7 years and after increasing thr dose to 100 a month ago with no affect my doctor's pharmacist consultant has started to wean me off the medication altogether. (My doctor is in a multidisciplinary family health team, so I get lots of professionals!)

Anyway...this is my question. Other than being uncomfortable is there any real risk with withdrawal from this drug? I know depression is a real risk, but I am not really worried about that part.

I guess, I am willing to live with discomfort. I have menieres disease and for some reason withdrawal causes me to have ear pressure pops, especially when my eyes move... go figure.

So... is discomfort and risk of depression it, or will my liver fail, my heart stop and my brain melt as a result of withdrawal?

I am not meaning to sound flip or discount anyone's suffering about this but all my googling is turning up symptoms which I feel I can handle if I know they temporary and not fatal. I mean... after deoressive tendencies, menieres disease and natural childbirth I feel able to be uncomfortable for a bit.

Thanks in advance...


Just been on Pristiq for about 6 weeks. Slow going on it. I’m very sensitive. Dr has me weaning off and I’m struggling. We put about 5 calls into answering service over weekend. Last call they said per dr if we called again go to ER. What would they do?


Hi @flow65 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Are you experiencing major side effects?

You will see I moved your post to a conversation that is already going on about this medication so you can connect with other members.

There can be a lot of side effects to this medication.
Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, blurred vision, nervousness, trouble sleeping, or excessive sweating may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

How are you struggling?


Hi Amanda, I am going to ask thos here as I do not see how to start my own comment and it seems you might be able to direct this post.
I have been taking Pristiq for at least 7 years and after increasing thr dose to 100 a month ago with no affect my doctor's pharmacist consultant has started to wean me off the medication altogether. (My doctor is in a multidisciplinary family health team, so I get lots of professionals!)

Anyway...this is my question. Other than being uncomfortable is there any real risk with withdrawal from this drug? I know depression is a real risk, but I am not really worried about that part.

I guess, I am willing to live with discomfort. I have menieres disease and for some reason withdrawal causes me to have ear pressure pops, especially when my eyes move... go figure.

So... is discomfort and risk of depression it, or will my liver fail, my heart stop and my brain melt as a result of withdrawal?

I am not meaning to sound flip or discount anyone's suffering about this but all my googling is turning up symptoms which I feel I can handle if I know they temporary and not fatal. I mean... after deoressive tendencies, menieres disease and natural childbirth I feel able to be uncomfortable for a bit.

Thanks in advance...

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Oh @sdiddy, I apologize. I did not see your comment. I am a moderator for Mayo Clinic Connect. I am not a medical professional so I am not able to answer your question, but I can defiantly direct you to the right spot. Are you looking for medical advice regarding this?


Hi @flow65 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Are you experiencing major side effects?

You will see I moved your post to a conversation that is already going on about this medication so you can connect with other members.

There can be a lot of side effects to this medication.
Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, blurred vision, nervousness, trouble sleeping, or excessive sweating may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

How are you struggling?

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My dr put me on Pristiq slowly because he knows how sensitive I am. My husband and I read it’s a harsh drug and difficult to get off of it. We went from 25mg to 50mg and said I should start feeling better right away. I didn’t. I was nauseous most of the time, constipated, sweating, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite. It’s not worth telling the pharmacist. They would say discuss it with your dr. He increased it to 75 mg. I’ve been sick every day being on it. I think the medication is fueling the anxiety. Finally, my husband and I talked to my dr (psychiatrist). It’s not helping me. I’ve been on it for 6 weeks. He thinks it’s most anxiety. So now he’s weaning me off of it and the withdrawal is horrible. Waking up in a panic. He wants me to do 50mg for 3 days, 25 for 3 days, then 12 1/2 for 3 days, 1/4 for 3 days and then 1/4 every other for 2 days. We read you shouldn’t cut them. Pharmacist said you shouldn’t cut them. But we read once you cut them it’s not extended release. I’m only on the 2nd night of 25mg. The whole fay was terrible. Panic, sweating, clammy, nervousness. I dreaded taking the 2nd 25mg. We called his answering service a number of times. The last time we called and they said per dr if I’m having this much trouble go to ER. They won’t do anything for this. Sorry for long message. Thank you. How do I see where you moved the post to?


Hi @flow65 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Are you experiencing major side effects?

You will see I moved your post to a conversation that is already going on about this medication so you can connect with other members.

There can be a lot of side effects to this medication.
Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, blurred vision, nervousness, trouble sleeping, or excessive sweating may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

How are you struggling?

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Amanda, I’m having trouble weaning off. Don’t know where to look on this in the group. Is there medical advice?


Amanda, I’m having trouble weaning off. Don’t know where to look on this in the group. Is there medical advice?

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This isn't Amanda, but I found a Mayo Cliinic guide to titrating.


My dr put me on Pristiq slowly because he knows how sensitive I am. My husband and I read it’s a harsh drug and difficult to get off of it. We went from 25mg to 50mg and said I should start feeling better right away. I didn’t. I was nauseous most of the time, constipated, sweating, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite. It’s not worth telling the pharmacist. They would say discuss it with your dr. He increased it to 75 mg. I’ve been sick every day being on it. I think the medication is fueling the anxiety. Finally, my husband and I talked to my dr (psychiatrist). It’s not helping me. I’ve been on it for 6 weeks. He thinks it’s most anxiety. So now he’s weaning me off of it and the withdrawal is horrible. Waking up in a panic. He wants me to do 50mg for 3 days, 25 for 3 days, then 12 1/2 for 3 days, 1/4 for 3 days and then 1/4 every other for 2 days. We read you shouldn’t cut them. Pharmacist said you shouldn’t cut them. But we read once you cut them it’s not extended release. I’m only on the 2nd night of 25mg. The whole fay was terrible. Panic, sweating, clammy, nervousness. I dreaded taking the 2nd 25mg. We called his answering service a number of times. The last time we called and they said per dr if I’m having this much trouble go to ER. They won’t do anything for this. Sorry for long message. Thank you. How do I see where you moved the post to?

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Hi, @flow65 No one should look to Mayo Connect for medical advice. All we can do is to share our own experience and acquired information.

That said, I've had the same experience trying to taper off Clonazepam. I cut the pills so that I could reduce an eighth of a gram every 4+ weeks, working down from my 2mg per day. Now, six months after starting, I'm continuing to take 1.5mg, and plan to stay there unless I learn of a compelling reason to titrate further. A few years ago I tried to taper off by .25mg, at a time when I was taking only 1mg, but I couldn't sleep, etc.

Some people who have posted about this have said that it can take a year or more. There are titration recommendations that I've seen posted on Connect, but the bottom line is that every person is unique, so don't go any faster than your body permits. I suppose that every time you lower the dose, you can expect some level of discomfort, and if you're OK with the discomfort, give your body time to adjust before lowering the next notch.

We always say that you should taper down with a doctor's supervision. It's unfortunately true that a doctor may tell you to taper faster than your body can stand, so you might have to tell them you need a slower titration pace. It's your body, your mind. It's your right to be in control of your medical care, so if you can't make your doctor listen to you, maybe you need to find a different doctor. Nobody knows your body better than you.

II would be very helpful to keep a pain journal, noting everything - pain level, time, date, dosage, change in dosage, level of anxiety, appetite, physical symptoms...everything. Document it all. As a nurse would do, chart everything.

Don't worry about what someone else thinks. Listen to your body. Stay in touch.



Hi, @flow65 No one should look to Mayo Connect for medical advice. All we can do is to share our own experience and acquired information.

That said, I've had the same experience trying to taper off Clonazepam. I cut the pills so that I could reduce an eighth of a gram every 4+ weeks, working down from my 2mg per day. Now, six months after starting, I'm continuing to take 1.5mg, and plan to stay there unless I learn of a compelling reason to titrate further. A few years ago I tried to taper off by .25mg, at a time when I was taking only 1mg, but I couldn't sleep, etc.

Some people who have posted about this have said that it can take a year or more. There are titration recommendations that I've seen posted on Connect, but the bottom line is that every person is unique, so don't go any faster than your body permits. I suppose that every time you lower the dose, you can expect some level of discomfort, and if you're OK with the discomfort, give your body time to adjust before lowering the next notch.

We always say that you should taper down with a doctor's supervision. It's unfortunately true that a doctor may tell you to taper faster than your body can stand, so you might have to tell them you need a slower titration pace. It's your body, your mind. It's your right to be in control of your medical care, so if you can't make your doctor listen to you, maybe you need to find a different doctor. Nobody knows your body better than you.

II would be very helpful to keep a pain journal, noting everything - pain level, time, date, dosage, change in dosage, level of anxiety, appetite, physical symptoms...everything. Document it all. As a nurse would do, chart everything.

Don't worry about what someone else thinks. Listen to your body. Stay in touch.


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Thank you for your advice. The dr knew way ahead of time of my sensitivity. I’ve known him for years. Then for awhile he stopped seeing patients. I think I was doing fine without any drugs. I took myself off one drug back in 2020 and did fine. Then I noticed I seen he was taking patients again. My husband thought I made a mistake seeing him again. He tried to put me on different drugs I had problems with. I wanted to get on the original one but at a slow rate. Like 5mg then 10mg then 20mg. With all these different medications we can’t remember if we tried. But now I’m at splitting the 25mg according to him. And I’ve been suffering. I can’t remember what I wrote previously. I’ve been on Pristiq for about 5 weeks. Gradual. 25mg once a day. Then 25 mg twice a day. Then 50mg once a day. Then 25mg in am and 50mg in pm (75mg that only lasted 2 days). I told him since I was on 50mg I wasn’t feeling good most of the time. He kept saying it was my anxiety. My husband and I think it’s the medication fueling my anxiety. What is strange I’ve haven’t been on it that longIf I knew this was a harsh drug I wouldn’t of taken it. He doesn’t know what to give me because of my sensitivities. Wanted me to go to the ER. It’s a 5-8 hr wait. Not good with anxiety and withdrawal symptoms. Sorry for such a long reply. I would appreciate other info. Then to find a new dr is very scary too. Thx

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