What do you do for Neuropathy itch?

Good morning everyone. I am desperately in need of help with what is called Neuropathy itch. I have SFN (small fiber neuropathy) and am a medical cannabis user for pain. I don't know what to use for this itching. It appears that it reaches through several skin layers. No matter how much you scratch you make it worse, not better. Once you start itching, it's over....your are stuck scratching.

Have you tried certain baths? Oatmeal? I have a steroid cream called Triamcinolone Acetonide. Not exactly a wonder drug. Is there a better one?

The itching results in a terrible level of anxiety. I try to run away from it and cannot. It reminds me of summer in Minnesota when the mosquitoes launch their attacks. I am female with "O" negative blood which they just devour.

Even if you have a solution for other than neuropathy, please share and I will happily do the research. The stress of isolated living and a form of depression that is about our global community also creeps in.

The only thing that works right now for food is gelato.......Salted caramel, if you please. I hope you are all well and blessed with good health today.

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Hey there @krobbersstad, this is very interesting. You have been told that you are not reacting positively to allergens. It is interesting that temperature is a factor for you and if I understood correctly is one that currently is causing your body to react. I also had an outbreak begin today on my right arm. It's been a while since that has happened.

Do you think that stress is a factor? Can you remember being "attacked by the itch" during a time of stress or when there was a decision to be made, or an incident to be tolerated and put to bed? I had a TKR (total knee replacement) in August. From the time I got home from the surgery center up until right now, I have had unbelievable outbreaks and have found that my life has revolved around the itch outbreaks but only on the surgery leg.....not on the non-surgery leg. I am using tacrolimus (the ointment) twice a day to try to keep it under control. So....is that because of some surgical medications that interacted with my itch generating cells? I have an appointment with my dermatologist next week to see what we can figure out.

One final question.....what do you mean when you say that it's Neurological and not allergies? I would appreciate learning more about what you have read.

So I am using the OTC Allegra every day which helps with the arms but this leg is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y.

Let's stay in touch...you have lots of experience which can help others. And that is what Connect is all about.
Thanks for sharing......

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Chris…did you see my reply yesterday to Krobberstad regarding using Beta Alanine to control itch?


Chris…did you see my reply yesterday to Krobberstad regarding using Beta Alanine to control itch?

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Yes I did and I am so happy that you have found a solution. Even more thrilled that you are sharing your success on Connect so others can benefit from your experience.

May you have peace and ease today.


Good morning to all of you who have been looking for a better solution to neuropathic itch. I may have found one. My dermatologist just returned from the national Dermatological convention. She brought back some samples of a new topical medication for what I call the neuropathic itch. This weekend I put it through its paces. I first rubbed a topical that always creates itch on my hands. Within a few hours evidence of the itch was creating blotches on my wrists and the itch had started. I scratched a bit (couldn't resist even though I know it creates inflamation) and then covered the area with this new product. It took about 15 minutes and then the itch feeling began to dissapate. After about 30 minutes, the itch was gone.

My freedom from the itch lasted about 6 hours. I reapplied the product right before bedtime and there was no evidence of the itch overnight. No bloody marks on the pillow from scratching. After my shower, I could feel a few itches returing so I reapplied the product. This morning there is no evidence of itch on my skin and I am free of the problem at least for now. I know that this success is temporary and the next flare is probably just around the corner. However.......I appreciate the immediate relief.

I want to give you the link to the site. The product is named Dermeleve. It is a Steroid Free itch relief product from Advanced Derm Solutions, LLC @dermeleve.com. Dermeleve® with SrX-38™ steroid-free formula is absorbed rapidly into the skin where it significantly reduces the sensation of itch and prevents inflamation

The science includes the following content:
Ceramides: Lipid-rich molecules which retain moisture and promote skin cell regeneration.
Hyaluronic acid: Promotes cell proliferation and healing.
Vitamin C&E: Promotes skin health.
Shea butter: Helps retain moisture.

This is a private company and their product appears to have the ability to control itch safely, quickly and effectively....not forever but for right now.

May you all be free, protected and safe from inner and order harm.


Good morning to all of you who have been looking for a better solution to neuropathic itch. I may have found one. My dermatologist just returned from the national Dermatological convention. She brought back some samples of a new topical medication for what I call the neuropathic itch. This weekend I put it through its paces. I first rubbed a topical that always creates itch on my hands. Within a few hours evidence of the itch was creating blotches on my wrists and the itch had started. I scratched a bit (couldn't resist even though I know it creates inflamation) and then covered the area with this new product. It took about 15 minutes and then the itch feeling began to dissapate. After about 30 minutes, the itch was gone.

My freedom from the itch lasted about 6 hours. I reapplied the product right before bedtime and there was no evidence of the itch overnight. No bloody marks on the pillow from scratching. After my shower, I could feel a few itches returing so I reapplied the product. This morning there is no evidence of itch on my skin and I am free of the problem at least for now. I know that this success is temporary and the next flare is probably just around the corner. However.......I appreciate the immediate relief.

I want to give you the link to the site. The product is named Dermeleve. It is a Steroid Free itch relief product from Advanced Derm Solutions, LLC @dermeleve.com. Dermeleve® with SrX-38™ steroid-free formula is absorbed rapidly into the skin where it significantly reduces the sensation of itch and prevents inflamation

The science includes the following content:
Ceramides: Lipid-rich molecules which retain moisture and promote skin cell regeneration.
Hyaluronic acid: Promotes cell proliferation and healing.
Vitamin C&E: Promotes skin health.
Shea butter: Helps retain moisture.

This is a private company and their product appears to have the ability to control itch safely, quickly and effectively....not forever but for right now.

May you all be free, protected and safe from inner and order harm.

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Good morning to all of you who have been looking for a better solution to neuropathic itch. I may have found one. My dermatologist just returned from the national Dermatological convention. She brought back some samples of a new topical medication for what I call the neuropathic itch. This weekend I put it through its paces. I first rubbed a topical that always creates itch on my hands. Within a few hours evidence of the itch was creating blotches on my wrists and the itch had started. I scratched a bit (couldn't resist even though I know it creates inflamation) and then covered the area with this new product. It took about 15 minutes and then the itch feeling began to dissapate. After about 30 minutes, the itch was gone.

My freedom from the itch lasted about 6 hours. I reapplied the product right before bedtime and there was no evidence of the itch overnight. No bloody marks on the pillow from scratching. After my shower, I could feel a few itches returing so I reapplied the product. This morning there is no evidence of itch on my skin and I am free of the problem at least for now. I know that this success is temporary and the next flare is probably just around the corner. However.......I appreciate the immediate relief.

I want to give you the link to the site. The product is named Dermeleve. It is a Steroid Free itch relief product from Advanced Derm Solutions, LLC @dermeleve.com. Dermeleve® with SrX-38™ steroid-free formula is absorbed rapidly into the skin where it significantly reduces the sensation of itch and prevents inflamation

The science includes the following content:
Ceramides: Lipid-rich molecules which retain moisture and promote skin cell regeneration.
Hyaluronic acid: Promotes cell proliferation and healing.
Vitamin C&E: Promotes skin health.
Shea butter: Helps retain moisture.

This is a private company and their product appears to have the ability to control itch safely, quickly and effectively....not forever but for right now.

May you all be free, protected and safe from inner and order harm.

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Thanks Chris! Looks interesting. I’ll check it out! I’m glad it has helped to bring you some relief.


John......thank you for laying it out for everyone. I am pretty excited about this as you can tell. The response that stops the itch is prompt and any time I can get 6 hours without the itch is heavenly. So....yes it is temporary and that is o.k. I did have time to use a second dose and my "sample itch" is now gone for good. This will become a "don't leave home without it" medication for me.


John......thank you for laying it out for everyone. I am pretty excited about this as you can tell. The response that stops the itch is prompt and any time I can get 6 hours without the itch is heavenly. So....yes it is temporary and that is o.k. I did have time to use a second dose and my "sample itch" is now gone for good. This will become a "don't leave home without it" medication for me.

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That’s great news Chris!


Hi @snoopydogks, It's been awhile since you posted and I was wondering how you are doing and if you have found any help for your PN symptoms?

In your last post you mentioned being concerned about your prediabetes and high blood sugars which the doctor thought might be the cause of your PN. I'm wondering if you have ever thought about a low carb healthy fat type of diet as a way to help you. There is another discussion you might find helpful on the topic --- Low-carb healthy fat living. Intermittent fasting. What’s your why?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/low-carb-healthy-fat-living-intermittent-fasting-whats-your-why/


Good morning to all of you who have been looking for a better solution to neuropathic itch. I may have found one. My dermatologist just returned from the national Dermatological convention. She brought back some samples of a new topical medication for what I call the neuropathic itch. This weekend I put it through its paces. I first rubbed a topical that always creates itch on my hands. Within a few hours evidence of the itch was creating blotches on my wrists and the itch had started. I scratched a bit (couldn't resist even though I know it creates inflamation) and then covered the area with this new product. It took about 15 minutes and then the itch feeling began to dissapate. After about 30 minutes, the itch was gone.

My freedom from the itch lasted about 6 hours. I reapplied the product right before bedtime and there was no evidence of the itch overnight. No bloody marks on the pillow from scratching. After my shower, I could feel a few itches returing so I reapplied the product. This morning there is no evidence of itch on my skin and I am free of the problem at least for now. I know that this success is temporary and the next flare is probably just around the corner. However.......I appreciate the immediate relief.

I want to give you the link to the site. The product is named Dermeleve. It is a Steroid Free itch relief product from Advanced Derm Solutions, LLC @dermeleve.com. Dermeleve® with SrX-38™ steroid-free formula is absorbed rapidly into the skin where it significantly reduces the sensation of itch and prevents inflamation

The science includes the following content:
Ceramides: Lipid-rich molecules which retain moisture and promote skin cell regeneration.
Hyaluronic acid: Promotes cell proliferation and healing.
Vitamin C&E: Promotes skin health.
Shea butter: Helps retain moisture.

This is a private company and their product appears to have the ability to control itch safely, quickly and effectively....not forever but for right now.

May you all be free, protected and safe from inner and order harm.

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I used this cream for my brachioradial priritus and it does work. The only bad thing is comes in such a small amount. I will reorder.
Thank you.


I used this cream for my brachioradial priritus and it does work. The only bad thing is comes in such a small amount. I will reorder.
Thank you.

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Hi there @help22. Thanks so much for letting me know about Dermeleve's performance. You are right.....the tubes are small. Now that I know it works, I will order multiples. My MFR therapists uses it because they know it doesn't give me any allergy problems.

May you be content and at ease.

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