Your functional MD may have a recommendation for you as far as a cardiologist who is more attuned to your needs. I think there are several things in play when it comes to "pills first" medicine, especially in the high risk specialties.
First, crazy time constraints - imposed by demands of their practice, and the number of people needing to be seen after almost 2 years of Covid-caused pent up demand, plus long-Covid caused additional demand.
Second, in my experience, most people want a "magic bullet" or "instant solution" - they do not want to make major changes to lifestyle, diet, exercise, etc because it is a lot of work. Or they may tell the doctor they will, but not really do it.
Third, and I don't want to start a discussion about this, but health insurance companies and malpractice companies have protocols in place and if the doctors don't follow them and there is a bad outcome, there livelihood can be in jeopardy. Sometimes, but not always, these protocols are "best practices" for the patient's outcome, other times, they are "best outcomes" in terms of people complying so if there is a problem, the doctor & insurer feel like they have done their best.
Have you asked your trusted doc for help in finding someone?
Not yet. But I am seeing her next week. It’s amazing. I have always taken (and consistently) taken such good care of myself. I wonder if aging just makes us less confident in “what could happen” that we listen to things that might not be best for us. Still can’t believe his actions—and my response. Thanks for input!