Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Does anyone know how to load music on a phone?


Not such stupid question after all. Only 5 are empty but worse then that my candy drawer is nearly empty. When I go get Halloween candy I'll stock up.
The only candy I've been having is what the Red Cross receptionist puts in my chart. So a couple small pieces every 2 weeks when I go donate platelets. We won't talk about what I eat at the snack bar afterward.
today when I went to the gym to be tortured she had me doing some balance exercises. She said I’m not allowed to do those unless she’s with me which is a good idea. I was falling all over the place and if she hadn’t been with me I would’ve been on the floor more than doing the eexercises.
I haven’t walked much yet today but I’m getting ready to go to the stinking grocery store to get some hamburger I want to put it in my beans in double up on the pro Tien to keep my hemoglobin level high.
The store has over 50,000 ft. so I’ll walk around in there a while.
Yesterday I ended up walking two & a half miles. last night when I went to bed I noticed I had a gigantic hole in my jeans in the back so I was handing out free samples & I never did get any takers.
“iridescence of you new dishes if they are covered with candy?”
I never thought of that. Have to figure out which is more important. I don’t think that’ll be a hard decision.
One of my kitchen windows has iridescent diamonds in it which I like very much and that inspired me to get the iridescent candy dishes.

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Start a new trend with those jeans. Instead of holes in the knees like the younger generation, you can have butt holes….oh wait……

Ask your gym instructor if you can do some balance exercises with a kitchen chair in front of you and the sofa behind you. It’s a shame you can’t practice at home.

Shopping definitely counts as walking. Happy cooking …..add more veggies and season well and try ground chuck….you can always blot up some of the grease with a paper towel. I would do the meat first, drain on paper towel and then kind of stir fry your veggies and throw the meat back in when they’re done. Frozen corn is so good sautéed in a smidge of oil. Add some grated cheddar on top when done with everything , turn off heat cover and let the cheese melt. Or top with French fried onion rings or scramble an egg in the whole
Shebang. The cheese kind of binds things together . You can make a tasty mess that way.

FL Mary



Does anyone know how to load music on a phone?

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There are a lot of free music and podcast apps you can download and just follow the directions. Some have more ads than others, some more options. I think Spotify is the most popular or Pandora. I wouldn’t pay for premium unless you listen all the time.

Check your App Store and people here will let you know of their favorites and help if you get stuck.
Give it a whirl and play around with a couple of apps.Amazon had a music app too. I have an Android phone.

FL Mary


Congratulations on getting moving under difficult circumstances. Many of us in the walking group struggle with fatigue or pain, and just getting out the door some days can be a major accomplishment, like you mentioned.

On tough days, I may "call a friend" in another town, and we chat while walking (sometimes she walks too.)

What do you do to keep yourself motivated, or to make walking more enjoyable?

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Pray to God that He gets me through breathing issues 🙏


I would think it would
depend on how much dark chocolate a person eats and their activity level. I can eat dark chocolate if it has caramel berries or something in it to kill the bitter taste.

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@jakedduck1 As I said, I keep it to an ounce a day. I buy the big bars of very dark chocolate, break them into squares, and keep them in a covered dish. I do actually weigh what I eat. Today so far I have 0.3 ounces of 95% dark chocolate. By mid-afternoon though I have been going totally off the rails and eating everything in sight - not good.

Do you have an Apple phone? If so go to the Itunes store and that will tell you how to do it. I have used that but not recently or I would give you directions. Now I will need to start from fresh again if I want to add music to my phone, it's been way too long for me to remember how I did it before.

Ask your physical therapist if you can do some balance exercises for older people that are on Youtube. I do some of them and they always suggest having a chair next to you to hold onto or to grab if you need it. I have a lot of trouble standing on my L leg, and I have trouble balancing when I close my eyes.

I made the mistake of buying loads of Halloween candy early this year. Now my husband is thinking it might be too risky for us to hand out candy! I will have to work on him before Halloween. I usually give that task to him so he would be affected one.


Let's get this group back on the road! Today my "walk" was a trip to the local park with these 2 guys. Notice we are wearing our "a'venture" hats and we have our "snack back pack" too.
One whole hour of walking, running, playing hide'n'seek, climbing the bleachers, and of course rolling in the leaves. We only went a mile and a half, but it was a lot of fun. In a few minutes, I will walk the mile to my other daughter's house to work on organizing her kitchen to while she finishes the dining room trim, and Dad puts in the 2nd toilet.
What did you do on your walk today?


Let's get this group back on the road! Today my "walk" was a trip to the local park with these 2 guys. Notice we are wearing our "a'venture" hats and we have our "snack back pack" too.
One whole hour of walking, running, playing hide'n'seek, climbing the bleachers, and of course rolling in the leaves. We only went a mile and a half, but it was a lot of fun. In a few minutes, I will walk the mile to my other daughter's house to work on organizing her kitchen to while she finishes the dining room trim, and Dad puts in the 2nd toilet.
What did you do on your walk today?

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Oh, what a cheerful group to meet up with on a walk/romp in the leaves!


You wear me out just reading all that you do.
Play with the kids & walk a mile then work at your daughters.
if I did the things in your post above I would be thinking about getting a nanny, maid or home organizer, plumber and a finisher contractor and a driver to take me for a massage.
Although I have walked a bit recently too. Shocking isn’t it!

In reply to @jakedduck1 "15.9 miles" + (show)

15.9 miles

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@jakedduck1 Well, Leonard, 15 miles is a bit much for a normal human being, so are you not normal??? Had a gorgeous walk with Poppy today. The wind was blowing a gale so i had to cover my ears, even though it wasn’t very cold. Did i tell you that i got a personal trainer for 3 days? Now I’m doing all those weight machines! sure helps if I’ve done my walk first!

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