My Dad has liver cancer

Posted by cjgarrison1289 @cjgarrison1289, Oct 6, 2021

My Dad just went through Y90 treatment in Fargo yesterday. How to I find out if one of us kids can just donate part of our liver to him? Who do I contact? Where do we even start?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Liver Cancer Support Group.

Such a generous and loving thought to donate part of your liver to your father, @cjgarrison1289 . I did not know that someone with liver cancer could/would be eligible for an organ transplant! Can you tell me a little more?
I would suggest that you start the conversation with your father’s oncologist. He/she will know best the extent of the liver cancer and your father’s overall heath.
Here is a link to a discussion onY-90 treatment:
And here is a link to a podcast about preventing and treating liver cancer.

How long has you dad had cancer and how is he doing?


Such a generous and loving thought to donate part of your liver to your father, @cjgarrison1289 . I did not know that someone with liver cancer could/would be eligible for an organ transplant! Can you tell me a little more?
I would suggest that you start the conversation with your father’s oncologist. He/she will know best the extent of the liver cancer and your father’s overall heath.
Here is a link to a discussion onY-90 treatment:
And here is a link to a podcast about preventing and treating liver cancer.

How long has you dad had cancer and how is he doing?

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I asked his Dr about it and he kind of brushed it off because he didn’t know the exact qualifications for someone to receive an organ donation. My dad also has diabetes and congestive heart failure so that could be an issue. I just don’t know where to start. They found the tumor 2 years ago and have just been “spot treating” it with localized radiation. This last July they checked on it and it grew. He seems fine, he’s never sick - you wouldn’t even know he had it.


@cjgarrison1289 As this article states, the process starts with the doctor providing care. He/she will know the stage of the cancer that your dad has. If any cells have gone to the lymph nodes, then there is always the possibility of the cancer recurring. Please talk to your dad’s oncologist!
I’m going to ask @rosemarya , who is a liver recipient, if she has any good suggestions
Does this help at all?


I asked his Dr about it and he kind of brushed it off because he didn’t know the exact qualifications for someone to receive an organ donation. My dad also has diabetes and congestive heart failure so that could be an issue. I just don’t know where to start. They found the tumor 2 years ago and have just been “spot treating” it with localized radiation. This last July they checked on it and it grew. He seems fine, he’s never sick - you wouldn’t even know he had it.

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Hi CJ, I'd like to add my welcome. I'd like to bring @digibson @mudshark @duckduck2020 into this discussion.

I can see that you are trying to research all possible treatment options for your father. And you'd like to know more about Y90 treatment and to find out if liver transplant is a possibility.

To learn more about liver transplantation and eligibility, you may wish to contact the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center - Living-donor transplantation:
This information includes a link to start a donor evaluation.

Here's a Mayo Clinic Q and A about living liver donation that offers more information:

Before you start a donor evaluation however, it seems that it would first be important to establish if your father is a candidate for transplant. You can contact Mayo Clinic to learn more.


@cjgarrison1289 As this article states, the process starts with the doctor providing care. He/she will know the stage of the cancer that your dad has. If any cells have gone to the lymph nodes, then there is always the possibility of the cancer recurring. Please talk to your dad’s oncologist!
I’m going to ask @rosemarya , who is a liver recipient, if she has any good suggestions
Does this help at all?

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Yes, thank you!!


Hi CJ, I'd like to add my welcome. I'd like to bring @digibson @mudshark @duckduck2020 into this discussion.

I can see that you are trying to research all possible treatment options for your father. And you'd like to know more about Y90 treatment and to find out if liver transplant is a possibility.

To learn more about liver transplantation and eligibility, you may wish to contact the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center - Living-donor transplantation:
This information includes a link to start a donor evaluation.

Here's a Mayo Clinic Q and A about living liver donation that offers more information:

Before you start a donor evaluation however, it seems that it would first be important to establish if your father is a candidate for transplant. You can contact Mayo Clinic to learn more.

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Hi CJ. I think Colleen is spot on. Mayo Clinic is the best place to be but I know many people can't get there to get treatment but its a great place to start. There is a lot to 1) if he needs a liver transplant and 2) if he qualifies for one. I had Hep C that lead to cirrhosis of the liver that spun off three cancerous hepatocellular carcinomas on my liver that they treated twice with Y90 Radioembolization (I think you said your Dad had y90) Radioembolization that are now gone. I'm lucky to be close to the University of Colorado Medical Center and have a Hepatologist, Interventional Radiologist, and Primary Care doctor there. They also do many liver transplants. My Hepatologist has advised against a liver transplant for now because my liver enzymes, MELD score (6) and CT scans continue to be so good. A MELD score is a rating system runs from 6 - 40 with 6 being the best. You have to have MELD score of about 15 to qualify for a liver transplant from an unknown donor. I'm not sure about a known donor.

In follow closely to the advise hepatologist and interventional radiologist for treatment. I don't have an Oncologist because I've never been treated with chemo.

Please know I'm no medical professional just wanted to relate my experience to you. Mayo will have answers to all of your questions.

Blessings to you. Diane

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