Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Thank you, good suggestion. My auto immune diagnosis is CURRENTLY RA and fibromyalgia. Started with a diagnosis is Crohn’s, which is no longer. I feel I am getting worse with additional symptoms. So frustrating! Getting more difficult these days to not feel constantly blue.


I understand-your frustration-this is a process-It takes some time. Give yourself credit for all the little things you accomplish each day even it’s brushing your teeth or a short walk.


I don’t care where the problem is healthcare needs to get fixed. Every dr I’ve seen ER Urgent Care say why are you here. My doctor sent me cause it’s after business hours and they don’t work past 5. All the emergency people have asked why I came there the can’t help me without even looking at me. Heroes my xxxx. Sorry. Just got back from ER again. My hands are locked up with razor blades cutting into every tip of finger and thumb. I’m on fire internally but temp is normal. No help. Can barely walk can’t turn handles or open frig or bottles. My heart is starting to skip beats. I will die in bed and the sad thing is no one will be coached on patient care or advocacy.

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My situation is the same regarding the doctors I see and going to ER after hours. I'm disgusted with two years of agony, suffering etc yet no real help and still no accurate diagnosis. Fed up. I feel like I'm slowly dying from my progressive symptoms YET doctors are oblivious to it.


Soooo, commonplace. This means that I am not the only one, What has happened to me is that my thoughts are correct. Attitude, politics and being taught this way. What has happened to compassion, caring and all that goes with it? I cannot continue or the thought police will come for me.
Take this as a joke????? I did not write this,.

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After two years of nonstop debilitating and frightening symptoms with no real answers nor real compassion by my doctors or ER doctors etc I give up.

I told my husband whatever these overall body debilitating symptoms are that have progressed over the past 1.8 years that I give up.

My neuro Dr referred me to Mayo in Jacksonville FL YET they have a ONE YEAR WAIT LIST to be seen.

I give up.


After two years of nonstop debilitating and frightening symptoms with no real answers nor real compassion by my doctors or ER doctors etc I give up.

I told my husband whatever these overall body debilitating symptoms are that have progressed over the past 1.8 years that I give up.

My neuro Dr referred me to Mayo in Jacksonville FL YET they have a ONE YEAR WAIT LIST to be seen.

I give up.

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I have been there to. The same treatment and all the others that go with this. The doctors are taking to many patients (Perhaps for the money) so how can they go "IN DEPTH" with your treatment (and mine and others)? Once they have seen you the treatment rarely goes on or they pass it over to another doctor who makes you wait another month or two. And then somehow you are lost in the system and if you wait long enough the pain and or symptoms get worse and you call again and start all over again. THERE IS NO OVERSIGHT. Once they have an appointment you would be lucky to be sent to the next proper doctor. You sort of get lost in "THE SYSTEM". I think the doctors are overwhelmed with the system that does not work for the patient. THERE NEEDS TO BE A COORDINATION SPECIALIST. But then who am I?


Yes, again you are correct. I have been pished around. The kidney doctor refused to address my many pains and symptoms which when I went to another county to see a new kidney doctor who took tests and found out I now have secondary hyperparathyroidism. (I also have hypoparathyroidism) The other doctor not take any tests. Meanwhile with all this going on I am still trying to get a doctor to remove the mass in my urine bladder which is going on for years now. 99 percent chance of cancer. The longer one waits the less of a chance of living through this. In the meantime my rheumatoid arthritis is kicking up bad and these doctors are also putting me off making me wait two or months for an appointment. I could go on and on but this should be enough for anyone to realize "What is going on with our country?" It is easy to cry these days and the anxieties come easy with the depression. But I will be stubborn and strong and will fight any which way I can to save this beautiful country America the beautiful.


Note from the Community Director:
Messages that contravene the Community Guidelines (https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/about-connect/tab/community-guidelines/) have been removed from this discussion.

Should you have any questions or concerns, contact me using this form https://connect.mayoclinic.org/contact-a-community-moderator/


My situation is the same regarding the doctors I see and going to ER after hours. I'm disgusted with two years of agony, suffering etc yet no real help and still no accurate diagnosis. Fed up. I feel like I'm slowly dying from my progressive symptoms YET doctors are oblivious to it.

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@joannemm30809 before i was diagnosed i hated going to the ER. The doctors there are really focused on big emergencies. I was finally able to get an MRI, but no one said or did anything. On my last trip to the ER, i was totally non-responsive and near death. When questioned about his lack of actions, his comment was, “well she is 69, you know.” He was advised by U of Colorado hospital to start steroids, which he did, thank heavens.
There is so much new literature about AD , but none of it gets to the doctors who see patients. Frustrating!


After two years of nonstop debilitating and frightening symptoms with no real answers nor real compassion by my doctors or ER doctors etc I give up.

I told my husband whatever these overall body debilitating symptoms are that have progressed over the past 1.8 years that I give up.

My neuro Dr referred me to Mayo in Jacksonville FL YET they have a ONE YEAR WAIT LIST to be seen.

I give up.

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Dear Joanne Please do not give up. I know ....it is so hard to push to what we hope is the next step and it is easy to give up. Some how continue to go to other parts of the county, state or the country. Perhaps you will find an area that is not to overwhelmed. Do not wait as time is important. The pandemic and everything else is hastening to an ugly end. Take some Wonder Woman pills and fly. From your caring fellow sufferer.


This is addressed to the military lady: I want you to know that I am not a military person but I do know of and do care for your medical care. There are others I am sure who also care for you, your family and the other vets. Whether it s for rheumatoid arthritis and all that goes with it we really do care for all of you.

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