What causes Clicking or Popping in Throat when Swallowing?

Posted by mushroom @mushroom, Oct 2, 2020

I was doing some neck massages a few days ago and then afterwards whenever I swallow, I feel a clicking/popping sensation and sound when my larynx moves up upon swallow. There is no pain at the moment but the popping sensation in my throat gives me anxiety whenever I swallow. Is this the result of the cartilage rubbing on each other? Is it from the hyoid bone rubbing the thyroid cartilage? Are there exercises that can fix this?

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Mine happened over 3 months ago when I was eating fast and I tried swallowing a large portion of food and when I swallowed it didn’t all do down in one swallow I had to double swallow but could still feel the food hanging in my throat (during the double swallow) and I was able to still breath during this. Right after that I felt like something was still in my throat so I tried to gargle and cough and I even tried to force myself to throw up a little but then I didn’t want to make things worse. So I saw an ent the next day they did a scope said it was fine. Then two days after I had thick phlegm develop in my throat causing my to throat clear constantly and swallow. The next day was when the clicking started. It was more of a double click in my throat like two cartilages rubbing everytime I throat clear and swallow saliva . (Now it’s mostly one click) It doesn’t click when I drink fluids or eat food. I’ve seen 2 ents one said it was silent reflux and was put on omeprazole for almost a month. That didn’t help. So I stopped the meds and the gastro said to do endoscopy. That was normal. Pulmonologist said my lungs sound fine because I was so scared everytime I ate or drink it goes down wrong. It’s affected my eating the first month. I lost weight. Sometimes I noticed I can get away from the clicking if I turn my head a certain way up and to the right. But sometimes it got so bad that the clicking happens no matter how I position my head. I can’t get away from it. Very frustrating. I also feel tightness around my throat. To where it’s sensitive if I wear a shirt too high and it touches my neck it bothers me and makes the tightness sensation worse. or a necklace turns on my next I feel the tightness more. Same for if a doctor touches it I feel the tightness worse. But one ent said I didn’t have to worry about my throat closing on me. Even though my anxiety told me otherwise. Stress makes it worse. I stopped going to doctors because some just say it’s a weird thing that happened and just give it time to go away. But how much longer will it take to go away on its own? Sometimes I feel like maybe it’s something so simple as getting a chiropractic adjustment of my neck to make it go back in place. But then the other part of me says not to because if I can’t have anything touch my throat without tension I don’t want to chance twisting my neck and possible making things worse. Maybe I should try physical therapy to strengthen my neck and something will gently go back into place again. But overall the feeling is that something is “ dislocated” in my throat. It’s also affected my breathing feels like my throat is smaller and also the constant throat clearing everytime I inhale doesn’t heal the throat any quicker either. Can you imagine all this that I am going through was from eating too big of portion too fast. I wasn’t even chocking ( thank God) I feel so embarrassed and so stupid and that all of this could have been avoided. because I caused all of this. I feel if I just took my time and had a second to eat normally ( I have 3 very young kids so i was trying to feed everyone while I was trying to eat myself). I feel like this is so unnecessary and should have never happened in the first place. I am patiently waiting for this to go away on its own. I have a physical next week. Hopping he can guide me in another direction as to what it is and what I should do next. Sorry for the long rant. But nobody believes me and thinks it’s anxiety. But it specifically happened right during when I was eating. So I know something happened but it’s not being picked up on testing. Very frustrating. Thanks for listening. Praying for hope. and for everyone who has similar situation I am praying for us to find a solution or for it to just need some time to get back to normal.

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It's exactly how I feel. Every single detail. Except mine happened because i stretched my neck the wrong way. But everything else is the same way I feel.


I went to go see a specialist a few days ago. I only had a talk with him. He didn't do a CT scan or endoscopy. Right away he told me that it was cartilage swelling and put me in meds for 3 days. I didn't finish the medicine. I believe it was some type of steroid or something. I experienced bad side effects and muscle pain so I stopped taking it. Went back to see him after 4 days and he told me to go to a different hospital specialized for the throat. I will go in 2 days. But my throat has gotten worse. I feel clicking all over the throat now when I swallow and I feel as if different cartilages are moving. Like i swallow and i hear the clicking then i feel like the cartilages are not where they're supposed to be, then feel like something is moving across my throat and it gets stuck. I have to stop swallowing for a few hours then I don't feel it until I make a few more swallows then it's back.
I think my throat is misaligned because that's how it feels like. I also feel like a cartilage is poking through the skin inside the throat. I had to put my finger down my throat to feel it and something's there.
Like I said I'm going to a different hospital, if still no answers then I'll have to do physical therapy.


Hi its good to see a thread of folks with similar symptoms. The closure and solidarity is needed and is refreshing. Though it must be said that a thread and fixating on these symptoms may also make the situation worse. As others have said this is a very rare and isolating pattern of anatomical disorder. Where the symptoms and worries seem to make a never ending self feeding loop. This seems to be or can be related to globus sensation.

There is definitely a real physical component to all this, I hear and feel a real clicking and can produce and move what seems like loose mangled tissues, ligaments, or cartlidge by pressing the left side of my neck. Right side also but it seems to have more physical integrity. But again one physician told me thats normal, some people have different neck composition thatn produces that. I must also say that psychogenic conditions do produce real crippling results. This is not to discount or invalidate all our suffering and pain, which is real and physical. But again, it seems it could be produced and strengthened through mental health or traumatic physical and emotional events, as mentioned above. I got these symptoms after stretching my neck and taking deep yawns. I felt a sudden scary spasm, a tear of tissue, and kept being fixated on it. Which is impossible for some of us to not do. I went to different doctors and got lots of tests, even an MRI. They found nothing. And the spasms happened a couple of times. But an interesting side note is I knew a friend that got these same symptoms after a yawning/overextension spasm but he never developed the other myriad of crippling symptoms I got from these experiences(which Ill try to not mention to not worry others). He actually told me to not worry that the symptoms eventually stop. I have had many years where its there but i dont feel it, since I'm not fixated on it. I am 30 now and have had this since I was 18. These symptoms are hard and strong but working on yourself and getting therapy will help. If one looks at psychogenic disorders this seems to fit the profile, real physical symptoms that can affect speech, ears, cognition. It can be much to do, as someone else has said, with perception. Maybe we're prone to more sensitivity and more awareness of things. Which can be a folly. But we can keep fighting through different routes.

I suffer through much mental health issues and at the time of this injury I had just learned a partner may have cheated on me, this on top of severe depressive, anxious, reclusive agoraphobic neurotic ways at the time may have pronounced my issues. This happens lots with psychogenic conditions. I would like to recommend the works of an Irish neurologist, Suzanne O'Sullivan, who has done strong research on psychogenic conditions, conditions with roots in the mind that result in real physical affects. The mind and body are connected after all.

These health issues are very confusing and we need all the direction we can get. I am still perplexed and ask myself how can all this happen. But psychogenic explanations give me more answers. Because anatomically the symptoms I had developed did not make sense. There is a real anatomical situation that then produces more issues produced by worry, trauma. Psychogenic issues can be managed through physical and psychological therapy.

Hope these words are received well, and not received as invalidation. To the contrary, I have felt the suffering of these issues too hard and too long.


Hi its good to see a thread of folks with similar symptoms. The closure and solidarity is needed and is refreshing. Though it must be said that a thread and fixating on these symptoms may also make the situation worse. As others have said this is a very rare and isolating pattern of anatomical disorder. Where the symptoms and worries seem to make a never ending self feeding loop. This seems to be or can be related to globus sensation.

There is definitely a real physical component to all this, I hear and feel a real clicking and can produce and move what seems like loose mangled tissues, ligaments, or cartlidge by pressing the left side of my neck. Right side also but it seems to have more physical integrity. But again one physician told me thats normal, some people have different neck composition thatn produces that. I must also say that psychogenic conditions do produce real crippling results. This is not to discount or invalidate all our suffering and pain, which is real and physical. But again, it seems it could be produced and strengthened through mental health or traumatic physical and emotional events, as mentioned above. I got these symptoms after stretching my neck and taking deep yawns. I felt a sudden scary spasm, a tear of tissue, and kept being fixated on it. Which is impossible for some of us to not do. I went to different doctors and got lots of tests, even an MRI. They found nothing. And the spasms happened a couple of times. But an interesting side note is I knew a friend that got these same symptoms after a yawning/overextension spasm but he never developed the other myriad of crippling symptoms I got from these experiences(which Ill try to not mention to not worry others). He actually told me to not worry that the symptoms eventually stop. I have had many years where its there but i dont feel it, since I'm not fixated on it. I am 30 now and have had this since I was 18. These symptoms are hard and strong but working on yourself and getting therapy will help. If one looks at psychogenic disorders this seems to fit the profile, real physical symptoms that can affect speech, ears, cognition. It can be much to do, as someone else has said, with perception. Maybe we're prone to more sensitivity and more awareness of things. Which can be a folly. But we can keep fighting through different routes.

I suffer through much mental health issues and at the time of this injury I had just learned a partner may have cheated on me, this on top of severe depressive, anxious, reclusive agoraphobic neurotic ways at the time may have pronounced my issues. This happens lots with psychogenic conditions. I would like to recommend the works of an Irish neurologist, Suzanne O'Sullivan, who has done strong research on psychogenic conditions, conditions with roots in the mind that result in real physical affects. The mind and body are connected after all.

These health issues are very confusing and we need all the direction we can get. I am still perplexed and ask myself how can all this happen. But psychogenic explanations give me more answers. Because anatomically the symptoms I had developed did not make sense. There is a real anatomical situation that then produces more issues produced by worry, trauma. Psychogenic issues can be managed through physical and psychological therapy.

Hope these words are received well, and not received as invalidation. To the contrary, I have felt the suffering of these issues too hard and too long.

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@mdulfod55-I wanted to commend your post. I have gently made these suggestions on these threads in a few areas. It has not been well received by some. But what you wrote is real and accurate...

When things like this come up for someone, and one goes to the doctor, it is very important that the doctor ask about current stress/tension levels in their lives and or for the person to be introspective of themselves. This is not a medical professional “job”, so to speak, as they are there to provide you with an answer and or medication.
Doctors know patients go to them for answers. When they don’t “find” something, sometimes this frustrates a patient, rather than having them
address the issues elsewhere, which very well could be an underlying emotional stressor.
This can cause a lot of harm to a patient, whom is simply caught in a state of stress/worry and hyper focused on something not harming them but is just making them more aware of it. When there is not a “fix”, the doctor shopping continues. Causing a cycle of more worry and fixation til, the next appt.

The mind and body are absolutely connected. Emotions lead to physical symptoms and physical symptoms lead to emotions. And you are correct, it’s not to say there are anatomical issues, not causing, sounds symptoms and annoyances. But it’s how you respond to those sensations and understand that, the body can be loud. It works all the time for you 24/7. It is not always quiet. And depending on what you are currently experiencing personally, sometimes the sensations and sounds can be more amplified. Triggering worry, which keeps the loop going.

Don’t underestimate the power of yourself and your thoughts.


@mdulfod55-I wanted to commend your post. I have gently made these suggestions on these threads in a few areas. It has not been well received by some. But what you wrote is real and accurate...

When things like this come up for someone, and one goes to the doctor, it is very important that the doctor ask about current stress/tension levels in their lives and or for the person to be introspective of themselves. This is not a medical professional “job”, so to speak, as they are there to provide you with an answer and or medication.
Doctors know patients go to them for answers. When they don’t “find” something, sometimes this frustrates a patient, rather than having them
address the issues elsewhere, which very well could be an underlying emotional stressor.
This can cause a lot of harm to a patient, whom is simply caught in a state of stress/worry and hyper focused on something not harming them but is just making them more aware of it. When there is not a “fix”, the doctor shopping continues. Causing a cycle of more worry and fixation til, the next appt.

The mind and body are absolutely connected. Emotions lead to physical symptoms and physical symptoms lead to emotions. And you are correct, it’s not to say there are anatomical issues, not causing, sounds symptoms and annoyances. But it’s how you respond to those sensations and understand that, the body can be loud. It works all the time for you 24/7. It is not always quiet. And depending on what you are currently experiencing personally, sometimes the sensations and sounds can be more amplified. Triggering worry, which keeps the loop going.

Don’t underestimate the power of yourself and your thoughts.

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For some people, this is much more than just anxiety. I've heard this a lot of times. By doctors saying that I just worry to much and to ignore it and it'll eventually go away. This is not the case for everyone. You see I tried doing that, I tried changing and it never went away.
I want to agree with the 2 comments before this one. But if this continues and we don't take this problem seriously then there will never be a solution. But there is hope.
I went to the different hospital like I mentioned a few days ago. And finally the doctor I saw took his time to talk to me and understand me. And right away he knew what was wrong with me. He told me about the hyoid bone. That there are a few people that had seen for this and he did surgery on them. He told me that not many doctors know about this problem. It's TRUE. I felt relieved. But still had to check by CT.
I made mistake with my comment a few months ago I said I did a CT, but no, that was actually an x-ray. The doctor told me with the CT the bones are very clear and he will see the problem. Actually he already found my problem before I did the CT, he checked my throat with the little mirror and found like a little bone was sticking out a bit he could see the bump . So he told me to do the CT, if still the problem doesn't show up that I try another one. I have to go back in 3 days because this hospital is so full. I'm living in china, and had to drive 1 hour to see this doctor.
This is for everyone with the same problem as me. Please don't give up and look for a doctor that will want to help you. Like my doctor said not everyone will know about this and take it serious. Find a doctor that will take you serious and don't wait. I waited 10 months, I should've taken it more serious before.
For the people that got this fixed, please help everyone else recommend the doctor you went to and helped you. It's hard finding one. I live in china so I can't recommend this doctor. But for everyone in the US help each other out.
Also, we should bring more awareness to this. So more doctors and people know about this


Mine happened over 3 months ago when I was eating fast and I tried swallowing a large portion of food and when I swallowed it didn’t all do down in one swallow I had to double swallow but could still feel the food hanging in my throat (during the double swallow) and I was able to still breath during this. Right after that I felt like something was still in my throat so I tried to gargle and cough and I even tried to force myself to throw up a little but then I didn’t want to make things worse. So I saw an ent the next day they did a scope said it was fine. Then two days after I had thick phlegm develop in my throat causing my to throat clear constantly and swallow. The next day was when the clicking started. It was more of a double click in my throat like two cartilages rubbing everytime I throat clear and swallow saliva . (Now it’s mostly one click) It doesn’t click when I drink fluids or eat food. I’ve seen 2 ents one said it was silent reflux and was put on omeprazole for almost a month. That didn’t help. So I stopped the meds and the gastro said to do endoscopy. That was normal. Pulmonologist said my lungs sound fine because I was so scared everytime I ate or drink it goes down wrong. It’s affected my eating the first month. I lost weight. Sometimes I noticed I can get away from the clicking if I turn my head a certain way up and to the right. But sometimes it got so bad that the clicking happens no matter how I position my head. I can’t get away from it. Very frustrating. I also feel tightness around my throat. To where it’s sensitive if I wear a shirt too high and it touches my neck it bothers me and makes the tightness sensation worse. or a necklace turns on my next I feel the tightness more. Same for if a doctor touches it I feel the tightness worse. But one ent said I didn’t have to worry about my throat closing on me. Even though my anxiety told me otherwise. Stress makes it worse. I stopped going to doctors because some just say it’s a weird thing that happened and just give it time to go away. But how much longer will it take to go away on its own? Sometimes I feel like maybe it’s something so simple as getting a chiropractic adjustment of my neck to make it go back in place. But then the other part of me says not to because if I can’t have anything touch my throat without tension I don’t want to chance twisting my neck and possible making things worse. Maybe I should try physical therapy to strengthen my neck and something will gently go back into place again. But overall the feeling is that something is “ dislocated” in my throat. It’s also affected my breathing feels like my throat is smaller and also the constant throat clearing everytime I inhale doesn’t heal the throat any quicker either. Can you imagine all this that I am going through was from eating too big of portion too fast. I wasn’t even chocking ( thank God) I feel so embarrassed and so stupid and that all of this could have been avoided. because I caused all of this. I feel if I just took my time and had a second to eat normally ( I have 3 very young kids so i was trying to feed everyone while I was trying to eat myself). I feel like this is so unnecessary and should have never happened in the first place. I am patiently waiting for this to go away on its own. I have a physical next week. Hopping he can guide me in another direction as to what it is and what I should do next. Sorry for the long rant. But nobody believes me and thinks it’s anxiety. But it specifically happened right during when I was eating. So I know something happened but it’s not being picked up on testing. Very frustrating. Thanks for listening. Praying for hope. and for everyone who has similar situation I am praying for us to find a solution or for it to just need some time to get back to normal.

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Thank you for sharing! I’ve had the same symptoms but more on the left side of my throat. I went to a gastroenterologist and several ENT doctors. However the clicking noise hasn’t changed. Also I feel pressure in my left ear and clicking in my throat when swallowing. Have you found a doctor who determined the cause of this irritating throat issue ?


I have experienced extreme health anxiety over various types of diseases (cancer, HIV) and of course just general health anxiety about anything in this body. I remember having the clicking noise back when I had been extremely worried about cancer, in addition to other various physical sensations that have manifested in all parts of my body. I was going to doctors, lung specialists, WEBmd, ALL OF IT.

I have grown tremendously since then, mentally, physically, emotionally and all the other allys. This clicking noise, however, started happening again a few weeks ago. I have been over-using marjuana and nicotine again, leading to more paranoia about health and heightened anxiety. I am 22. I am an extremely gifted and talented athlete, and I am blessed to have this body! Our minds trick us.

The clicking noise is as mentioned above, normal. Our human bodies are weird and magnificent. When we become "hyper focused", we get caught in reactionary loops, such as - swallow, feel/hear click, anxiety, more thoughts, swallow, repeat... - we then look things up, think the worst, and next thing we know we can't focus on ANYTHING else. Throughout our day our focus is always in some way giving attention to the thoughts/sensations, in this case, the feeling of a lump in the throat/cancer/omg whats going on. Faulty beliefs.

If you are feeling ill, certainly seek medical attention. If you feel okay other than this clicking/lump in your throat, I can assure you it is normal and it just an anxiety loop. Reading how so many people go through it is just a simple relief in and of itself. The solution is not overnight, but you will feel major relief rather quickly by following the guidelines below:

1) breathe. deep breathes. feel the relaxation in your body start to build up the more you take some deep breathes.
2) drink cold water, and as youre drinking it, feel the cold sensation in your throat and thank the water for nourishing this body.
3) take hot baths, and i love putting my throat under the warm water.
4) The body knows how to function/heal NATURALLY. There is nothing to fix, or change, or do. Trust and Love that body.
5) Search up health affirmations, light a candle, and immerse yourself in the vibration of love/healing.

Much love to all my fellow warriors!
,stay dusty

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Wow! Thank you! This was definitely needed! Although I want to find out why I’ve been going through (left ear pressure/pain and clicking noises in my throat) your comment and suggestions relaxed my mental! Greatly appreciative!


I have this too and it’s quite annoying! It seems to be on my left side and if I hold my head up and to the right it will not click- I’m really hoping this goes away on its own 🙁

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Same issue but if I hold my neck down towards my chest it doesn’t click. Still searching for a doctor who’s familiar with these symptoms. Also my ear doesn’t pop on my left side but ENT only gave me nasal spray . Not sure if it’s associated with the clicking noise


I too have the same exact issue as everyone else, clicking in the throat when swallowing / feels like the throat is inflamed and something is moving around. I can also verbally make the sound when touching my neck to my chest like a popping sound. I’ve been scoped in the throat and ears multiple times with my ent and no answers. Everything looks normal. Had an x ray done which also comes back normal. Next step is a barium swallow but COVID has pushed that back. From what I’m seeing everyone who has this problem isent getting any answers and if anything it’s only creating more questions for all of us. Trying to stay positive but very disheartening to see no one has had a definitive answer. Where to go from here?

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I have had the clicking going on now since March. Before it all started I had issues swallowing so a Gastroenterologist did a scope and stretched my esophagus three times in a six month span. Shortly after the last one in March I have had the clicking when i swallow. It is driving me crazy. The ENT did a barium swallow and which showed nothing. My Insurance denied me having a CT scan. Now I am working with a speech path and having no luck. Have you found out what is causing your troubles?


I am glad I found this thread. This all sounds very similar to the symptoms that I am having, along with a couple more.

1. The actual throat clicking, sounds as described by many in this thread. The clicking is never painful, it is on the left side, it comes and goes, and is just mostly rather annoying and is anxiety inducing. It mostly happens for me if I am looking straight on and swallow saliva. If i tuck my chin or look either way or back it doesnt happen most of the time.
2. My left ear has been gurgling some with swallowing or burping. On that, the doctor saw some earwax impaction, cleared that, and saw some infection. Treating me with antibiotics for that.
3. Seasonal allergies on top of all of this doesnt help either. I normally get fall allergies pretty good and have been fighting that with a postnasal drip the last few weeks.
4. I also get a weird metallic taste in my mouth from time to time. This could be part of the allergies and postnasal drip, could be GERD, it could also be COVID related. I was vaccinated for COVID in the spring, but not discounting that I could have gotten a very mild case of it and just had lingering effect. This symptom does seem to be getting less pronounced.

As for the cause of the clicking for me, there may be a very real cause of it that is on me but still need to see. I do participate in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and given that one of our literal goals is to choke each other...I may have taken a bad choke to cause this particular issue. We shall see.

I have a followup with my doctor tomorrow who had already said she would refer me to an ENT if the current course of treatment didn't resolve the issue. I will definitely let you all know what I find out!

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