I'm worried about taking statins and side effects

Posted by mfv @mfv, May 27, 2021

Hi, I am 69 and just started taking statins two months ago for cholesterol and I am now noticing dents in my calves and near my knees. I am concerned and worried about taking statins and wondering if anyone has these type of permanent like dents whether taking statins or not. Just don’t know if it is a typical thing that happens with aging or if there is something seriously wrong. I do not have pain but suddenly noticing these dents has me a bit scared! Any feed back would be great!! Thank you!

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My husband took statins for 2 years and we recently found out that proteins were spilling into his bloodstream. His leg muscle cells were dying He lost 25 lbs and became very weak. I thought it was age related..but soon found out it was a rate side effect of statins. His recovery is going to be a struggle as he could barely hold himself up. Im thankful for a great Dr who ran the right tests to discover this. He can never take that drug again. He barely gets through therapy now. But we are hoping over time he can regain his strength. His thinking was affected too. I thought he was getting dementia. But it was the drug

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If you read The Great Cholesterol Myth by Bowden and Sinatra you will find that statins cause depletion of CoQ10 resulting in muscle pain, weakness, fatigue and thinking and memory problems. It sounds like your husband had textbook adverse events associated with the prescribed drugs.


@sharonrider So sorry your husband is experiencing the worst of cholesterol med. I've had a trial and error with statins for over 10 yes Finally found one Crestor that doesn't give me muscle damage .Yes you have to take Coq 10 with it I take 60 mg


Statins can be the lesser of 2 evils. Crestor is the best…


Statins are not likely to prevent progression of heart disease according to Dr. Sinatra in The Great Cholesterol Myth. But they can cause adverse events and maybe your issue is related to the muscle problem you are experiencing. Here is what Dr. Sinatra says "Research shows that (with rare exceptions) any benefit from statin drugs is seen only in middle aged men with documented coronary artery disease."


I had problems with muscle pain on statins. Experimented with different statins and doses until I found one that worked--rosuvastatin--at a low dose (5 mg every other day). I also incorporate American Heart Association lifestyle guidelines, which are essential for heart health.

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I started this medication are you in a half ago now my body hurts more than ever I used to take Pravastatin also made my tinnitus worse


I started this medication are you in a half ago now my body hurts more than ever I used to take Pravastatin also made my tinnitus worse

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I'm sorry that you are experiencing problems with rosuvastatin. There are some newer medications you may want to try out. I have arteries as hard as the LA aqueducts, so statins, which are well-studied, appear to be helping by lowering LDL and by pleiotropic effects


I started this medication are you in a half ago now my body hurts more than ever I used to take Pravastatin also made my tinnitus worse

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I have tinnitus also and am on a statin. Interesting connection.


Pic below. 300 mg. Crestor (and generics) work differently than Lipitor (and generics). Years ago I was on Crestor and did fine for about a year before terrible body aches. I changed to Lipitor generic and was much better. After calcium score scare my cardiologist doubled my intake and I started to be bothered and then I started the COQ10 and have found relief and seem to have a bit more energy. I play 20 hours of court sports a week and walk 45 min each day plus weightlifting and yard work so I put a lot of stress on joints and muscles.

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Does q- 10 really work and when is the best time to take it and how much I Take 5 mg of Crestor in the morning over a year-and-a-half now it is really starting to hurt my body I heard this medicine can get you jittery and probably cause insomnia


@dstuemky Hi I wanted to let you know I've been on Crestor and the Dr recommended Q 10 as the statin depletes it from the body so I've been on this for 10 yes without any side effects starting plus it has added benefits to it including heart ❤ .I've had tinnitus since I was in my 30,s and it is interesting to see if there is a correlation If anyone else knows of this please post it +


I have tinnitus also and am on a statin. Interesting connection.

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I also have tinnitus and on statins for many years. My medical info
comes from what I can find on the web. So glad for Mayo!

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