Autoimmune Fatigue and/or Chronic Fatigue

Posted by Langold @rarelybees2889, Jan 8, 2020

Hi Wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with autoimmune fatigue and/or chronic fatigue? I was diagnosed at Mayo Clinic. I wish there was more research into both of these...

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I have been waiting for results of a covid antibody test
Called dr to see if he had gotten results He had not but i found out i had no b-cells at all which means that even after having 2 moderna shots i have NO protection.
Not sure if it makes sense to get third shot.
I have been getting rituxin infusions for 2 years to calm down my over active immune system.
I didnt know until today that i had no protection from the vaccines. Sounds scary to me.

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I have three autoimmune diseases. I have had 2 shots of the Moderna. Just in case, what have we got to lose if we do not take the third shot (the booster?) Perhaps we have more to lose if we do not take the booster shot. Why not top it off with this last one. We are going around in circles so I will get on the merry go round and ride the pink horse. Who knows what makes sense? This virus has a mind of it's own. Shame on anyone who plays with these viruses and causes an epidemic such as we are experiencing now. God bless us all.


It happens with Fibromyalgia. Also with Lyme Disease. I have one of the two and it is almost unberable to carry on a normal life! So I just change what used to be normal into a new Normal. I build my day around my rest time! If it hits out of the blue I just roll with it. This last week I had a spell and slept about 36 hours out of 48.
Hang in there!

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Also can happen eith sjogrens. Rest when it comes the only thing that’s helped me just rest.


I just thought I’d add a link to this discussion. It’s about the Spoon Theory and how to deal with chronic fatigue. I have found it very helpful. It talks about the importance of conserving energy during the day and how naps can make a big difference.

Does the article speak to you at all?


I just thought I’d add a link to this discussion. It’s about the Spoon Theory and how to deal with chronic fatigue. I have found it very helpful. It talks about the importance of conserving energy during the day and how naps can make a big difference.

Does the article speak to you at all?

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Oh yes naps make a big difference. I tried not to nap so I can sleep at night. Still cannot sleep. So if I do get a nap or two in that is better than no sleep at all.


I just thought I’d add a link to this discussion. It’s about the Spoon Theory and how to deal with chronic fatigue. I have found it very helpful. It talks about the importance of conserving energy during the day and how naps can make a big difference.

Does the article speak to you at all?

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@becsbuddy Oh, yes, it does relate to my issues in the past, and currently! I still think of the got-to list, and have learned to be very forgiving of my energy levels. Throw in bad air quality from the fires now, and my energy can go from pretty good to uh-oh. I still leave plenty of time to get somewhere, so I can rest along the way if needed. Making sure I am hydrated is also a big key.


Perhaps you should ask your doctor to order a 3rd dose due to the underlying conditions?

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I have put a call in to my Doctors office to see. Thank you.


I just thought I’d add a link to this discussion. It’s about the Spoon Theory and how to deal with chronic fatigue. I have found it very helpful. It talks about the importance of conserving energy during the day and how naps can make a big difference.

Does the article speak to you at all?

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I do plan my day and much of my week, front loading activities like exercise, house and yard work, and as much of my professional work as possible earlier in the day, before fatigue and pain advance too much. While I may not complete everything each day, I can feel like I’ve accomplished at least what I could. And, planning certainly helps keep me on task and focused on the essential things.


I have very debilitating ME/CFS and would love definitive answers to help me. I started with CFS 50 yrs ago. I’m home bound.


I have three autoimmune diseases. I have had 2 shots of the Moderna. Just in case, what have we got to lose if we do not take the third shot (the booster?) Perhaps we have more to lose if we do not take the booster shot. Why not top it off with this last one. We are going around in circles so I will get on the merry go round and ride the pink horse. Who knows what makes sense? This virus has a mind of it's own. Shame on anyone who plays with these viruses and causes an epidemic such as we are experiencing now. God bless us all.

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I have autoimmune GI illness as well as asthma. When I thought all was calm I got a very severe asthma attack from a respiratory illness. Never had it so severe. I’m aware that my immune system is flaky to say the least.
I had been given 2 shots when I was hospitalized with asthma. It made me realize that if I had gotten Covid I might not have made it.
I got my 3rd shot yesterday.
Almost on a daily basis can you read about new mutations found and there is no information on if our current vaccines cover them.


I have very debilitating ME/CFS and would love definitive answers to help me. I started with CFS 50 yrs ago. I’m home bound.

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Hello @lacigirl, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. There is another discussion that hopefully get you on your way to finding definitive answers for your questions.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) treatments:

Are you able to share what questions you are trying to get answered?

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