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@sylvia67 My kidney disease is caused by an ultra-rare autoimmune condition. I knew back in 2015 when the diagnosis came in, that eventually I might be on dialysis. My oncologist and nephrologist determined the myeloma is not affecting my kidneys, so far. I am on two different high blood pressure meds to keep the strain off my kidneys, and following a strict renal diet. Plus exercise as much as possible, reduce stress.

And, I start oral chemo for the myeloma, today. We will keep a close eye on the kidney function.

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Replies to "@sylvia67 My kidney disease is caused by an ultra-rare autoimmune condition. I knew back in 2015..."

@sylvia67 At your stage, watch and wait is not good enough, but you don't have to do much to protect yourself. The trick? Since you have the initial certainty of KD, get yourself a Whole Genome Sequencing ( Dante, Sequencing.com, etc. ) and have them go through the data with their computer and software. Then you will be able to watch the changes in whatever impacts the disease comes up with over the next few years, and deal with them as they come along. I just saw a kidney specialist yesterday. I might as well been talking to a stump. MAYO says I am in stage 3-4, but this guy says everything is fine, doing better all the time, and I bleed like a stuck hog from my kidneys and urethra. I have anti-Insulin DNA , urethra blockage DNA, and sever types of Chronic or Acute Kidney DNA. Knowing that, the primary, the cardiologist, and the other specialists and I know what to watch for.